Here’s a quick tour of the community to help get you oriented 🙂
What’s a Bajillion?
The Bajillion is our community currency on the mountain. By participating in the campfire conversations, challenges and Great eCourse Adventure lessons you can earn Bajillion.
What do I do with my Bajillion?
You can spend the Bajillion you earn in our Mountain Shop to purchase all your essential eCourse creation supplies. You can pay for both digital and physical products, services and as time ticks on we’ll have retreats, side adventures, green screen kits, recording gear and all sorts of awesome stuff that you didn’t even know you need.
Store inventory will be increasing in the coming days, weeks and months so save up your bajillion by being active in the community, completing challenges and making progress on your own eCourse.
It’s fun and you’ll earn awesome stuff (not to mention you’ll create an awesome course of your own.)
Play this game with us.
The best part?
We all win.