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Coaching Campfires
1. Q & A Coaching Campfires (webinars) are every Monday at 12pm PST.
2. You can ask your questions ahead of time by going here.
3. Q & A Coaching Session recordings are posted at Coaching Campfires forum.
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TWO 3.5 hour sessions or FOUR 90 minute sessions.
For ALL Coaching Recordings from AFTER September 7, 2016, head on over to the "Coaching Campfire" here!
(click the date for video and session notes)
September 7th, 2016 "While Andy's Away...we GSD!"
1:15 Bradley offers "free frickin'coaching" to anyone on the call!!
4:50 Brad offers advise on getting crystal clear on the specific transformations desired for each mod.
7:15 Elijah says he's been battling tech rebels lately! OMG Elijah has a course launch "death counter" on his site with just 25 days until take off!!The question is : will Elijah's wife let him buy the $2,000.00 Samurai Armor outfit he SO desires for his next course? Deanna has the same launch date!
24:15 Akasha says that she keeps running out of room while recording on her iPhone.....is there a way to create more space on her phone such as an external jump drive? Brad shows us how to get rid of "recently deleted" images and videos which actually still reside on the iPhone taking up space! Trish posts an article with lots of other ideas and Brad chimes in with a few more as well.
Questions get ANSWERED here folks!
28:00 Akasha is next up...She speaks of Boundaries, centering, guardians and how being connected to your core is key! Brad comes up with a great idea for her Library theme.
46:00 Catherine asks for a better way to get her Samsung phone files to sync to her computer. Trish uses Samsung
48:10 It's Catherine's turn! Great insight here on using the "5 year vision" to see if what you are doing today is in or out of alignment with your goals.
Exercise: Ask yourself what word describes what had happened to you to bring you to this mission..rebellion? rehabilitation? Use that word to find your process!
Brad gives Catherine a hefty exercise: he proposes to play her client and asks her to create a weekly program for 30 days including exercises, routines, ceremonies, rituals etc...
1:02:20 Brad shows us his huge whiteboard and teaches Catherine his system for GSD! It's all about figuring out the tasks needed to accomplish your goal, how much time each task will take and committing to a "due date".
Organize your day by blocking out timed sections to include each task. The key is to commit and focus on just 1 thing at a time. His brilliant tip: "Know what you're gong to do tomorrow..TODAY!" And, complete at least 1 major accomplishment everyday!
August 31st, 2016 "Introvert & Extrovert eCourses"
3:50 Shoutout to Deanna who has completed her "Ultimate Customer Letter"!!!
6:40 Deanna mentions the unexpected inner work she has come up against while climbing the Mountain. The guys explain: the inner work was intentional when they created it and that Transformation/Liberation is baked right into the GEA course.
12:15 Brad describes the EPIC script writing day with Andy since redefining their perfect roles!
"The more you refine yourself as a human being and allow yourself to be fully expressed in who you are and what you stand for, the more kick ass your course will be!!"
14:20 Lisa asks how being either an introvert or extrovert can effect those of us creating eCourses.
16:00 How can introverts create a powerful learning experience without being the main on-camera focus? ? Brad offers up tons of ideas!
23:40 Andy describes how awkward he felt in the beginning days and how much easier it has become.
24:25 Brad's boyhood high-pitched voice had others calling him "Mrs. Morris" when he answered the phone! He became so self-conscious of his voice that he couldn't listen to his meditation tracks later in years.
33:33 Lorraine brings up a great point...being on camera in the comfort of your own home can be great for an introvert (as opposed to filming or performing in front of a live audience!)
35:50 Brad acknowledges that just because he's an extrovert doesn't mean he doesn't get nervous.
36:50 Breathing, intention setting and not trying to be someone you are NOT are all very helpful! Great exercise for introverts...take down 10 ideas to deliver your content that don't revolve around you being in front of camera the entire time. You do NOT have to be on camera to create a great course!3
39:13 Andy offers up a great idea: get an intern actor.George Lucas did NOT play Luke Skywalker...play to your strengths! Brad poses the question to Andy..how would he have created GEA without the extrovert Brad to lean on? Andy thinks long and hard...tough question.
48:28 Lorraine says she "goes until the inner pain is greater than she can push thru!" Brad: We are all being pulled to do our greatest work. Andy: what you WANT has got to out-way the resistance!
50:20 Deanna appreciates the GEA community support!!
August 24th, 2016 "Transmedia Storytelling"
2:13 Hello Andy! (and his evil clone....mwaaahahaha!) We could ALL use 2 Andys!!
3:20 Sharyn completes her first webinar and lives to tell!
4:20 SHOUTOUTS Welcome Wendy to the mountain!
5:00 Stefan wrote his "accountability contract" to GEA and shared it! Huge KUDOS!!
7:10 Other completely awesome ways to be held accountable on your vision quest.
9:10 Brad tells an incredible story of his friend's SUPER creative 2 YEAR accountability contract. She plays two roles: herself as "employee" and her boss! Brilliant!
11:50 Andy on how impatient us solo-prenuers can be!***Bottom line GEMS:Commit to the Long-term vision not the Short-term pipe dream!The "overnight successes" happened YEARS after they started!
14:00 The "real" Kimra Luna story....not an overnight success but a lifetime in the making. Very cool insight into the B and A story, how GEA came to be and how their unique form of E Learning developed followed by "What is Trans-media storytelling?" You will find out here!Andy says: Marketing is "storytelling" but, the stories being told have been "played"
23:50 Story time!! (this is where I wish I was the one bouncing on Brad's knee) Brad reads us an exciting, action-packed snippet from their newly drafted "Prequel" for the "Art of eCourse Adventure 2.0" (I'll be calling it AOEA2.0 from now on)An Eye-opening insight into their newest venture "Trans-media storytelling"...the story takes us to the VERY beginning which involves getting US onto their spaceship and preparing us for our mission! Sounds like the beginnings of a CULT guys...haha!(I'm IN...lead the way B and A!)
26:14 What was that?! Did Sauryn get a little too much bouncing?
26:30 The AOEA inappropriate "Porno questioner" REVEALED!! Learn WHY B and A will be sticking closer to the skill sets of each of their charactersin the next AOEA and WHO is behind this decision. From here, these guys get deep into the future GEA 2.0 incarnation and how Brad will become our Captain Kirk and Andy, our Dr. Spock!! Sooooo cool and FUN!! A great lesson on knowing your strengths/weaknesses and being willing to embrace CHANGE in order to make things work more efficiently.
35:00 Catherine feels "relief" upon hearing easier and fun ways to be on video.Brad and Andy give hope to those of us who don't like being in front of the camera. They insist that there are NO rules and infinite creative possibilities for us to deliver a powerful media experience without being on camera! Yay!!!!!
35:40 Introducing Sharyn! Highest of fives as she has delivered her very first WEBINAR, "A Walk in the Park"!! She speaks of the "invisible non-authenticity" and how she USED to believe she had to conquer her non-strengths to make things work. That was BEFORE her 2 on 1 coaching session with B and A!No more "shoulding" on herself! "The power is in our Wyrd" ...LOVE that Sharon!Tons of huge insights from Sharyn on pulling off her 1st webinar experience!(
47:00 Baby Sauryn is cooing...so sweet!
49:25 we get to SEE Sauryn's adorable face!)
50:10 Brad on the Creative Vision Quest...Is the joy and inspiration greater than the resistance? If not, what to do and questions to ask to make it so! Step #1. UNPLUG!!
53:05 Q and A! Haha, our tech master Andy says (and I quote): "there's a couple questions on the thingy"
53:25 Elijah asks about web hosting. Andy says Go Daddy is the McDonalds of web hosting (popular but low in quality!) Traffic Planet Hosting gets a huge smile out of Soren and is #1 with Andy. What is a "Managed WordPress Host"?
59:40 The big B and A PIVOT!! Change is hard and sometimes we wish everything could stay the same. But, our boys must grow and we need to be here to support!We're pioneering and mixing with the pubes (public) on Wednesdays to expand the GEA community. The time has come to save the world from being flushed down the sales funnel! (Andy-ism) What the heck does he mean? Learn all about it here!
1:07:30 Andy: "Really, all we're doing is telling stories" His golden nuggets (crafted from his golden goblet): "Craft a compelling enough story to get someone to take action. And: There is no limit to the ways of telling a story...find the way that works best for you. Brad: Figure out what you're here to tell/teach and what transformation you're here to facilitate.
1:09:50 Final announcements and reminders including how to become a GEA affiliate! Brad unapologetically admits that "thingy" is a technical term he uses often.Andy is out and we are left with a full-sized vision of the bouncing Brad and Sauryn.
August 17th, 2016 "Where will you be in 5 years?"
1:03 Mr. Freist enters the green scene with his fav part of the last 7 days!(did you guys plan those checkered shirts?)Andy with the deets on the 2nd "Art of eCourse Creation Webinar!" including what he had to "do over" 3 times...each taking over 4 hours, the 6 hour editing process plus the time it took for the actual live recording in Wirecast! The final link was sent to Brad at 2 AM!
4:15 Guess which recreational sport gets Brad out of bed at 4:30 am?!
5:40 Andy gives a shoutout to Lisa and her Career Avengers Course's "Wonder Woman" logo and branding!!
10:03 Brad gives Dr. Wayne a fist pump for being Lisa's partner in crime!
10:50 ...B and A promise to jump out of a REAL cake to open their Live Re-"Treat"....that alone, is well worth the price!
11:20 Andy on the importance of investing in proper branding and different options to get you started.
15:15 Brad calls DJ Andy the "king o' resource and research"...."He's a digger, finds it quicker, he's a MidnightClicker"! (we should write a song!)He's the search engine Google would use if they could not find an answer...ahahahaha!! Andy.com!!
16:30 Katherine poses the question "where to go for font help?" B and A spill out tons of ideas for her!
19:33 Brad takes to the recording studio to record his Meditations this week and reflects on the long 5 year journey it took him to get here. He says there is massive power in the practice of just SHOWING UP over and over. Despite our fears and resistance this is what creates efficacy in your work ethic!
23:00 YES. We get a glimpse of Andy's Gold Goblet!!
23:10 Andy expands on how taking "the Longcut" road and "staying the course" has helped them to see opportunities and "luck" that are finally starting to blossom! Time, Luck is really the result of time and hard work: when preparedness meets opportunity! Brad on "Do what you say you're going to do" and what that has to do with self-confidence. Momentum builds from showing up....5 years people!!!
32:25 Brad asks "what are we committed to giving to the next 5 years?"Imagine a GEA reunion on a real mountain in 5 years...what will we have to show for?
34:55 Andy on how you can't even fathom the opportunities and open doors that will show up in 5 years!
36:13 has reclaimed her sense of freedom and excitement towards her ideas and work! Check out her Biz map!
37:30 Andy on the multi-million dollar "Mind Valley" and the founders biz plan map!
39:50 Deanna asks "what resolution should images be for green screen backgrounds?" Find out the answer HERE!
42:25. Brad offers to pay BAJILLIONS to the person who will join them for help on screen!! Crickets and Chickens!!
43:00 Brad meets up with Kathy onscreen to discuss the GEA Toastmasters game plan!
45:49 Poll results.....once or twice/week for Toastmasters?
47:20 Andy on Slack and Flow for a "real time" chatroom experience.
48:57 Deanna asks whether using a script or bullet points works better on camera.The guys offer TONS of awesome input including details of their experience with and without a script. Teleprompter advise.
52:30... Andy's initial resistance to using a script and why he changed his mind. Andy's Tips on how to get SO comfortable with a script that it sounds completely natural! The Improv and King of "winging it" Brad takes 1 hour to "Introvert Andy's" 4 hours 🙂 (what are we talking about here?!)
57:43 Andy fills us in on exactly what it takes to eventually deviate from the script.
59:20 Brads horrible "live performance" experience with scripting and why the "live" experience is so different from being online.
1:00:25 One last question from Katherine on the branding of umbrella companies. The guys offer advise on branding consistency and vibe.
1:02: Time to unveil the "Art of eCourse Creation Adventure Webinar 3.0" ...woo hoo!!Wait for it......Brads goodbye "munchkin style"!!
August 3rd, 2016 "Green Screen Webinar Success & Failures"
3:09 Andy is IN the house!
4:20 GEA "Goings On"...,Rodolfo is setting up his website, Sharon works on her slides.
6:30 Andy: "The only dumb question is no question at all"Brad: "Create time for tech learning time and you will learn tech in no time"
8:10 Shout Outs! What is keeping you from climbing the Mountain? Calliope says FEAR!For the next 20 minutes B and A do the deep dive on FEAR!!!Brad's awesome fear exercise "QUESTION, JOURNAL, BURN and PEE" asks "is this serving me and my higher purpose?Andy chimes in with the #1 thing to do BEFORE Brads exercise: "watch a movie" (but not just any movie..this one is LIFE-CHANGING!)And finally, Andy gets vulnerable and reveals his own fear of being on camera in the beginning days.
19:25 Brad invites Kathy in to share some "toastmasters wisdom" but she can't because she's "in her glasses"
20:15... Andy has us wondering, "is he pant-less?"
21:50 Fist bump to Elijah for his Tutorial DoJo - "Earn your Blackbelt in Photoshop"!
22:45 The "Be Who You're Not Challenge": YAY to Lisa's "Fire breathing Librarian" and Sharyn's "Shadow Self"...they totally ROCKED it!!
25:20... There's a NEW challenge on the Mountain!
26:15 Andy conducts a "Leader Board Poll" "Do we want our All-time or current balances posted?" And the winner is.......
27:45 Andy's brilliant idea for a Rap video "It's all about the bajillians"
29:30 The "behind the scenes juicy drama" of the "Green Screen Webinar"Featuring Andy's 24 hour workday, the 30 minute STALL and the 22 who stuck around!
41:35 Brad talks about the extreme learning curve they still battle daily.
43:41 Q and A :
45:10 Should we have a separate website for our Course and Brand or combine the two?
48:28 AFFILIATE PARTNERS ...the exact steps B and A took to land some great affiliate partners and lessons learned along the way! So valuable!!
1:2:50 Catherine asks how to believe or give space for your true art. The guys work hard to unpack this one and settle on a few gems: the mind doesn't like to commit to things when there is no tangible return, if you find yourself asking "are you CRAZY", you are on the right path and the voice telling you that you can't or shouldn't might not be your own! Andy wraps it up with his brilliant wisdom: The LONGCUT is the SHORTCUT because it's the most direct path!
1:13:00....Kathy's gives us her AWESOME toastmaster takeaways! Brilliant!
1:14:20... This talk of fear sparks an idea in Andy...our own weekly "toastmasters" hangout!!! AWESOME!!
July 27th, 2016 "What Brings your eCourse to Life?"
2:50 Sound glitches fixed, Andy and his mountains comes in strong and clear!
3:30 Brad's computer takes a dive but, never one to give up, he finds his way in! Speaking to the tech challenges of the day he proclaims "just like the Wright Brothers, one of these days WE will FLY!!!
5:53 A few of the GEA members fill us in on their recent "goings on".Brad lets us in on his newly structured and disciplined daily flow for GSD-ing! Time management is crucial!
11:40 Shoutouts...Elijah's Tutorial Dojo and Logo is incredibly creative and Laurie launches her "Practical Potions"!!!
13:43 Andy sips from his giant Gold Goblet and chimes in with his fav daily habit advice but oops...he gets cut off again...a horrible Internet signal today from Hawaii!
16:50...Brad leaves the scene and we're stuck with green-screen!
17:50 Andy returns and enlightens us with his favorite morning ritual to get him motivated and fired up!!
21:00 Brad on creating something that YOU would want!
23:00 The campfire conversation: "What brings your Ecourse to life?" The guys touch on 8 incredible ideas and tools from using music and sound effects to choosing a theme, honoring your personality and vibe, being a real professional and much more!
43:10 Today's Homework assignment 🙂
44:20 Tips for getting and using a green screen
48:30 Today's special guest, Jessica, makes it to Launch Summit with "10 Steps to Drawing Anything"!51:50 Introducing the Enthusiastic and Adorable World-traveling Artist and Ecourse creator, JESSICA! Mexico, Hawaii and Canada all on 1 screen!All the details, from the Gory to the Glory, on Jessica's launching experience! Hear how this trooper went from "losing to launch" when ALL of her edited course videos are lost forever. You'll also hear about her favorite mountain checkpoint, her list size, how creating the right relationships will give your launch a huge boost, the BS of "imposter syndrome", the brilliance of starting before you are ready, her tech nightmares and the exercise that helped her move thru her fears and all the way up to Launch Summit! Jessica's 1/2 day coaching experience with Brad and Andy was priceless.1:13:14 Brads lands his largest licensing deal yet! Jessica's best "paid on investment" marketing tool ends up being free!1:18:00 Andy on how "Slow and steady wins the race" and Brad's advice (more like a rant) on making those connections!1:23:40 "Andy's New Tech Tools".....1. "Stencil" ....the "more intuitive, easy and super quick" Canva alternative. 2. "Flow state" ...a timed writing app that forces you to stay in flow or else! (or "The most dangerous writing app" for non Mac users.) And finally, 3. "Brain.FM" a binaural brainwave music app to get you in your mood of choice!
July 20th, 2016
4:10 While Brad waits patiently (not!) for his CC connection to work, Andy answers a question from Chris regarding Active Campaign. Are the bells and whistles included in AC's more complex pkgs. worth the extra money?
6:25 The differences between Thrive and Beaver Builder.
7:07 A "happy Brad" makes his entrance into Crowdcast! Yay!!
10:29 What is a "sub domain" and how we can use them to improve the functionality and experience for our website visitors.
13:12 Andy with more on Active Campaign (plus a comparison to Convert Kit followed by Brad's pep talk to "Embrace Learning!" by watching the awesome tutorials available to us all!)
21:30 A huge "YAY" for the GEA community....THREE courses launched within 3 weeks! Congratulations to our newest Course Launcher CHRIS!!
23:05 GEA Shout Outs! Excellent Posts to check out this week including the Campfire chat "How to Grow your Community", Brad's "How to create a course people give a shit about!" and Penny's "State of Online Marketing" to "un-jade" your mind with a positive spin on the topic! Brad ends the conversation with ways that we can help each other out as we launch.
28:05 Chris "walks the coal bed" and joins Andy and Brad on the Crowdcast panel! Brad and Andy offer VERY detailed feedback and constructive criticism on Chris's Survey for his next course the "Changing World Project". Super awesome tips for all of us creating Surveys and a sample of what you will get with Andy and Brad's Private Coaching Service!
34:20 Brad on why you need to write with a 5th Grade understanding, Andy on the "power of SIMPLICITY" in everything you do then back to Brad on using "Body Awareness" to guide your writings! An info-packed webinar!!
1:10:45 Andy on the non-negotiable importance of creating dialog and conversations with your audience to guide your process. Phone calls and surveys being just 2 ways to start conversations NOW!!! (I love the passion in these guys!)
1:12:50 Using Market Ridge to distill your message.
1:15:00 An invitation for all of us to "Walk on the Coal Bed" with Brad and Andy for support and feedback!!
1:16:14 After listening to your feedback regarding Teachable (30 day pmt. delay) and Thinkific (pmt. immediately), the guys take it straight to the source and work on negotiating a deal with Teachable for better pmt options! Keep the feedback coming!Andy also reminds us of Teachable's new "Gamification Badge Module" in the works!
1:20:25 A discussion on the advantages of Crowdcast. Andy NAILS a deal for all GEA members....50% OFF CC for the 1st year!!!
1:22:25 We lose Andy when Brad experiments by adding a PP Presentation to the CC mix.....the 1st CC tech glitch!
1:23:30 Brad wraps up alone and informs us of next week's webinar....a demonstration using green screen, music and sound effects in your webinars. It's going to be a mini webinar adventure!!
Andy makes it back for the final 20 seconds!! The joys of living in the jungle with satellite internet!!
July 13th, 2016
1:00 Welcome! (and Brad's "spinning wheel of death" causes him to SPAZ out)
3:54 GEA Shoutouts including the Soft Launch of "School of Dreams"! Yay!
7:47 Brian starts an awesome discussion on Forgiveness.
9:18 Jackie ignites an in-depth discussion on the differences between hosting platforms Thinkific, Teachable, Learn Dash
12:44 The Triumphant moment when Brads conquers the tech gremlins...a MUST see!
16.25 Building Sales and Marketing pages (and "Life after Teachable...how to Level up")
20:21Andy's wise advise on how to avoid getting caught up in technology
23:10 Brad on the advantages of using the awesome resources of the GAE community.
24:14 The ridiculous importance of using your stories
26:29 Webinar Platforms
27:20 Who to market to when your audience is teens but your paying customer is parents.
33:55 Title Overlays (or Lower 3rds) including Andy's info on the awesome new Live-streaming app, Wirecast
39:47 Brad's plea to "get yourself ON CAMERA" and how to do it.
42:40 More from Andy on Wirecast and using music and sound effects to enhance your webinars.
45:26 Get crazy creative with your course!
46:52 Using Character Animation
49:53 Treating your precious course like an Art Project
51:45 Why shoot for a .com
56:45 Which should come first...building your audience, your product or both?
1:03:40 Hilarity ensues from this point out when Andy and Brad lose communication!See how they work it out!
1:04:50 Brad on the utmost importance of building community to develop your course
1:06:49 Homework assignment.
Be prepared to laugh your ass off at Andy in the final moments.
July 6th, 2016
Campfire notes coming soon!!
June 29th, 2016
2:00 Welcome to new members!
6:00 Review of the recent GEA launch
11:00 Pivot - simplify the on boarding process
23:00 The value in trying so many launch strategies
33:00 Email webinar snafu, check out the sales and marketing campfire
35:00 Weekly webinar
46:00 Check out Tim Ferriss Podcast on Marketing - what are you the best at?
54:00 FB ads like a game or campaign
55:00 Stephen Pressfield new book for free - start the great book club adventure
1:01 Launch Summit going live today!
June 22nd, 2016
1:00 Bradley is a Dad!
4:00 Make today your first day in front of the camera
8:30 Seth Godin “You can’t ask customers what the want…"
15:00 Why did you choose GEA?
25:00 What is keeping your customer up at night that you will solve?
36:00 The EOFire model - evergreen course, weekly webinar with an offer
41:00 Lisa in the hotseat! - The fun superhero way to change careers
47:00 3 things you could do to prepare for filming day
49:00 Tuning into your body on camera
53:00 Be in Character all the time!
June 15th, 2016
6:00 The sustainable launch model - an evergreen process?
15:00 Getting into a business rythm
18:00 New pricing model - 3 tiers
22:00 Question - Hashtag use?
26:00 No more free accounts on GEA
37:00 KISS keep it simple stupid - your on boarding process
42:00 GEA webinars- authenticity
48:00 VAT tax? something to consider (not now)
54:00 Quaderno.io - accounting
58:00 Coaching special - 3 sessions
June 8th, 2016
1:00 Just Andy!
2:00 Shoutout of the week- coming soon page by Jessica
5:00 Big changes - survey how people found GEA, troubleshooting signups
14:00 Realization that things were too complicated
18:00 The new landing page
27:00 The webinar and gasification - the course games
36:00 Andy wanted to give up and walk away but instead he pivoted
43:00 Question: Autoresponder set up, writing the emails
47:00 Udemy course -Active Campaign quick start
48:00 Question: using music - Audio Jungle
61:00 Question: iPhone video equiptment
54:00 Periscope or Facebook live?
June 1st, 2016
Notes will be coming soon!
May 25th, 2016
1:00 What we learned this week: Games make everything better, and good things take time
5:00 Challenges to earn Bajillion - introduce yourself by video, craft your first draft, Be who you are not
12:00 WP plugin currency system
21:00 Shoutouts - campfires selling with integrity
24:00 Second round launch
31:00 Making failure fun
43:00 Beta courses - pricing, when to launch
51:00 Fun marketing (non violent marketing?)
May 18th, 2016 "Active Campaign Autoresponders Deep Dive"
Active Campaign Autoresponders Deep Dive
2:00 Bradley’s baby is on the way!
10:00 Shoutout of the week: Catherine Wildfox
18:00 The challenge of selling through inspiration - check out the 3 new videos on the GEA home page
21:00 Start tour of Active Campaign
24:00 Tags to keep organize people
29:00 Sending an email
35:00 Switching from Mail Chimp?
42:00 Setting up an email schedule
58:00 Decision trees, keep your emails short, creative, and on point
1:04 Creatora example walkthrough
1:14 Adding tags
1:16 Tutorial videos: Vimeo.com/activecampaign
1:21 Marketing, sales letter from Saless Canyon checkpoint
1:27 Go be active in the campfires!
May 11th, 2016
3:00 UCSE 5000
7:30 Walk through of new UCSE
13:30 First video addresses the WHAT, 2nd video addresses WHO and WHY, 3rd video registration for camp
24:00 New Campfires, community areas
33:00 Bajillion currency - the store!
42:00 The new Profile
56:00 Creating a community of course creators
58:00 CTA: think about your onboarding process, join a campfire discussion
May 4th, 2016
8:00 The new community creation process
14:00 Feedback for the new profile
19:00 Badge of E course success rate
24:00 Question 0 how much more can you enhance the engagement aspect
31:00 Expanding gamification
37:00 Don’t wait for perfection
43:00 “Learning out loud"
56:00 Question: If -> Then campaigns
60:00 Deep dive webinar topic requests?
1:04:00 Green Screen learning
1:15:00 Convert Kit, Active Campaign - on boarding videos, WP Fusion plugin
April 27, 2016
3:30 Shoutout of the week - Jessica - the unexpected production studio
9:00 Going over the 4 levels of ecourses
11:45 Question - Autoresponders
13:30 Question - having as large monster sized course (in person to online)
20:00 Budgeting totals for an ecourse
29:00 for accountability: give more personal attention in your first courses
35:00 Question: Point of sale technology?
38:00 Question: Voice over audio after recording video?
40:00 Blaire: What can we do in planning stages before filming. Reading aloud in front of the camera - get used to thinking of real people in there
47:00 Tour of the studio
51:00 The 10 hour paragraph
55:00 The new map feature
April 22, 2016
1:30 Shoutout of the week: Sharryn - Fear
5:00 Clarity on the type of course experience you want: "The Four Styles of eCourses"
7:00 Walk in the park style - measured in minutes, generally free
9:30 Day Trek style - measured in hours/days, inexpensive
13:00 Vision Quest - measured in weeks, support, sharing actions in the community
25:00 A Great Ecourse Adventure - measured in months, an epic quest, high community and support
34:00 Common mistakes38:00 Ecourses are all about who you are here to serve
48:00 boosting engagement and course completion percentage
51:00 New Community features
55:00 FB ads for next launch cycle
57:00 Question: Copyright considerations - make sure you get the .com of your title
April 13, 2016
Coaching Campfire Notes (coming soon!)
April 6, 2016
3:00 Breakthrough -Value of work, how we charge for what we do
13:30 Andy’s music retreat - transformative connections
25:00 Results update - EOFire - Who are your top connections in your field?
30:00 Mood boarding tool: AMB-1, syncs with dropbox
33:30 Movement makers podcast “In a sea of sameness, weird wins"
44:00 Moving forward through stuckness46:00 “When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro"
46:30 Questions: Pricing for a short course (6 weeks vs 4 months), also charging what one is worth
March 30, 2016
8:00 Bradley’s Breathing exercise
19:00 Shoutout - Asking for help - course feedback
25:00 Freedom hackers, Widsompreneurs, Screw the 9-5 Facebook forums
32:00 Starting a meet up group
35:00 Andy’s story about friendships - leading into relationship building
50:00 Facebook ads - new Ecourse adventure partnership
55:00 Question - website, email automation, course order?
March 23, 2016
Go to enjoy.
March 16, 2016
2:10 Shoutout of the week: Christy Greenwood
7:00 Embracing the Power of Fuck Yes and Fuck You
19:00: Relationship based marketing
20:30 Question – Sales Robot?
23:00 Question why Camtasia or screen flow over iMovie?
26:00 Catherine Joins the Call
32:00 Blogging as a sales tool – share vulnerably
37:00 “All rules [about blogging] were made up by somebody” – Andy
41:00 Homework – Find 3 blogs you resonate with
51:30 Supportive documents – you don’t have to say everything in your videos
59:00 People are buying you leading them to where they want to go (How you do it – Video, PDF, Audio – is not important)
60:00 Question – VA or outsourcing?
March 9, 2016
4:00 UCSE5000
7:45 Move forward even if you aren’t ready
8:30 Shoutout of the week: Sharon
20:00 Accountability measures
26:45 Question: Can this course pathway be used to create a live course or retreat
32:00 Question: How important is a good manifesto?
39:00 Webinar software
43:00 Question: building separate businesses and shared business: Andy and Bradley’s example
51:00 Ecourse adventure business details
59:00 Question: Video Hosting – Vimeo, Wistia
62:00 Affiliates/JV partners
65:00 Presales
March 2, 2016
3:00 Shoutout from Luma
9:30 Michael Man comes on the call
12:30 Manifesto idea – sales page 2.0
22:30 Question: Journey Mapping
27:40 Question – Sync Video and Audio? Microphone investment?
35:00 Iographer (Link) for iPhone/iPad
38:00 Question: Green screen, screen flow courses
47:00 Question: “Cleaning up” Sounds on Fiver
51:00 Question: Filming soft spoken and loud person in the same shot
54:00 Question: designing an ecourse vs. live interactive course
1:00:00 Best accent ever
February 24, 2016
1:30 Shoutouts of the week: Sharyn
9:45 Stirring the eCourse Pot (in Freedom Hackers group – recommended)
18:00 Stephen Jenkinson Storyteller – show up as your are
22:45 Progress Logs – Journey Maps
30:00 Media Tech
37:15 Question: How much of Great Ecourse Adventure was filmed before launch?
50:00 Script or Ad Lib videos?
59:15 Question: Humor to Serious ratio?
February 17, 2016
3:00 The new sales paradigm for ecourses
9:15 What would your best work look like?
15:00 Caro back on the trail
20:20 Buying a domain (Hover)
23:00 Creatora heights check in
25:00 Penny On the call – Umbrella Brand?
32:00 Question: Ongoing membership site
47:00 Question: Luna – Brainstorming group?
February 11, 2016
1:30 Detour around Validation swamps
3:30 Link to Presale Campfire thread
6:40 Polishing your diamond of an idea
15:45 Inspired by great purpose
17:00 Breakthrough of the week
26:00 Breaking down the steps into micro pieces – do the pre work
34:00 Karin joins the call – Question: an expanding course offering
51:45 If you want to GSD (Get Shit Done) you’ve got to GYST (Get Your Shit Together)
57:00 Question – How long does an Ecourse stay active?
1:01 Question How long to leave an 8 week course open? Probably lifetime access
February 3, 2016 (w/ Michael Mann)
1:15 – Breakthrough of the week
3:50 – Special Guest Michael Man
10:40 – Question – Length of an eCourse project?
16:00 – Question – Ideal Length for a tagline?
20:00 – Question – Lesson outline details?
26:00 – Question – How much research on competitors?
30:00 – Question – Gear and Video Experience
34:15 – Great concepts can work with bad technology
37:00 – Question – Royalty free music
45:00 – Breaking down a big course
50:00 – Getting Ideas out of your head
52:00 – Sharing around the campfire
55:00 – Using Evernote
1:00:02 – Appearance by Catherine and Jeff
January 27, 2016
2:25 – Commitment to your mission – Alchemy Jeff Campfire story
6:20 – How to use the chat feature
8:20 – Deadlines for every stage
9:36 – Weekly planning
11:30 – Question – How to apply transformational approach to course creation. Non results based courses.
13:30 – People need a reason to take a course
16:40 – Define your niche start narrow
20:15 – Similar courses for different audiences
22:00 – Question from Sarah – Setting up a landing page + mailing list?
25:10 – Thrive Leads for collecting emails and landing page
25:50 – Building relationships, customer where do customers hang out (find an active Facebook group)
32:30 – 5 year plan and beta launches
35:30 – Apprenticeship and practice
38:45 – Question – How do you use the green screen?
40:40 – Screenflow and Camtasia – video editing software
41:00 – Camera – Canon, Mic iPhone with Zoom iQ5
43:00 – Other markets – who else is passionate about learning, what problem are you solving?
44:50 – Money, relationships, health/wellness – big $ categories
45:20 – finding a demographic with $, if your people have less money, maybe make smaller courses
49:00 – Green screen tricks
51:20 – Screw face books ads approach to launching, GEA marketing strategy
55:00 – Pre selling your course
56:10 – Story of Bradley’s first customer for meditation course
58:00 – GEA pre sale time line (3 checkpoints ahead of the user)
1:03:00 – Outsourcing graphics question
1:04:20 – question – crowdfunding approach
1:07:00 — Teaser for yearly retreat in Hawaii GEA adventure
January 20, 2016
January 13, 2016