Once you’ve mapped out your course, the rest is “just the work.”

That’s why this month we’re going to give you the supportive space you need to dive deep into mapping out your course curriculum.

To qualify for this challenge, you need to have the following components in place by the end of February:

  • Your course modules outlined
  • Your outline for each individual lesson
  • An outline for what lessons will be video, what will be audio and what will be PDF/workbook
  • Your course theme with a clear understanding of how you’ll express that theme.

Checkpoint 5, “Creatora Heights” will be extremely helpful for this challenge.

NOTE: you do not need to have the lessons scripted or written out in full. You just need to have outlines, so that you know exactly what you need to create.

Here are the rules to the February challenge:

  1. Go to the February Challenge campfire and make a new conversation thread announcing THE NAME OF THE COURSE YOU ARE MAPPING.
  2. Use that thread as your progress log for this challenge.
  3. By the end of the month you must be able to show a clear course outline, showcasing what was listed above in the campfire.

Reward: 1,000 bajillion and the Map-o-tronic 2000, which lets you know exactly where you are in the process and how much work you still have to do.

The Winner will be the person who shows the clearest map for the course they’re inspired to create.

People who have earned this: