All right adventure fans, we’ve got a good one for ya!

You want momentum, right? Well, as far as we’ve ever discovered, the only way to gain momentum is to apply the “Law of ABC,” which means to “Always Be Creating.”

As a way to put your eCourse creative process into a higher gear, we are challenging you to create and post FIVE video lessons in FIVE days.

Now here’s the hitch. You want to create these with the intention that they WILL be used for your course. Meaning, you want the quality to be at that quality.

Here’s the other hitch. We encourage you to not overthink it. The purpose of this challenge is to dive in, get messy and create up a storm so you come out the other side like a wildabest tearing through the forest!

To help you charge up to the mountaintop, we’ll give you this lightweight, waterproof pair of hiking boots, along with 500 Bajillion in spending money!

Create a post in the progress logs campfire and share your 5 videos, 5 days in a row…

Note: If you do five videos in six days, it does NOT count. You must let us know when you’re starting so we can start the clock!

Reward: hiking boots and 500 Bajillion.

People who have earned this: