New Home Forums Media & Technology Why Traffic Planet?

7 replies, 5 voices Last updated by  Dr.Wayne Buckhanan 8 years, 8 months ago
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    Jutta Dobler

    Hi guys

    thanks for this great checkpoint!
    I am working my way through it and decided that i will use Social Learner/Learn Dash. This will also force (inspire 🙂 ) me to make some pre-sales to be able to pay for it all.
    One question: Why do you recommend Traffic Planet as the hosting company? It is a lot more expensive than Go Daddy, Blue Host or Hostgator. Does it provide that much more?

    Thanks, and have a lovely weekend

    Ps: Just watched the latest coaching call replay. Great stuff!


    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    Hi Jutta,

    The reason we recommend Traffic Planet is a few things..

    1. Running an online course is resource intensive.. Cheap (shared) hosting plans are not sufficient in this regard.
    2. This is especially true if you are running Buddypress/bbPress (which is part of Social Learner)
    3. Traffic Planet is a “managed wordpress host” – this means they ONLY do wordpress hosting, and nothing else. Their servers are optimized for wordpress and make your site run VERY fast compared to cheap hosts. A managed host like traffic planet also brings far superior security to keep your site from being hacked (common for wordpress).. and if your site DOES get hacked, they fix it for free.
    4. Its overall going to be easier to manage since everything is WordPress-specific..
    5. Godaddy, bluehost, hostgator, etc are all pretty much owned by the same congolmerate company that doesn’t care about anything other than getting your money. Their support staff generally only knows enough to give you canned responses. Getting support is always a hassle. Traffic Planet has always been responsive and helpful – their support team actually knows what they are doing.
    6. All these “unlimited” hosting plans for $5/mo is an udder lie. They are far from “unlimited”.
    7. $25/mo for rent for your business is pretty dang affordable in the grand scheme of things 😉
    8. You get what you pay for.

    Does that help clarify?


    JoAnn Turner

    In my limited experience with GoDaddy or any of the other “cheap” domain wholesalers or hosts, they have deep discounts upfront, but a ton of hidden costs you don’t know about until you’re committed to the process. I went around buying domains from a few sources a couple of years ago just to see how each setup worked, and the costs ended up about the same once everything was factored in. Where the cost was a bit higher, the hosting service also offered better technical support and other things that made me feel better about going that route.

    The Basic plan on is $29 a month, so $25 a month is right in the same ballpark.


    Jutta Dobler

    Thanks so much @andyfreist and @joannturnip!
    Yes, that clarifies it :-).

    Do you have any experience with SiteGround? They seemed to perform very well in several tests done by WordPress bloggers and they have a server in Europe in addition to one in the States and in Singapore (I am in Germany).

    Wishing you all a beautiful day mountain climbing!



    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    I was considering siteground for us.. Never used them though..

    Their GoGeek plan is a great value and I’d consider it if it wasn’t for Traffic Planet…


    Lisa R

    @jutta – Which hosting service did you go for in the end?

    Like you I’m in Europe and I’m still debating whether to go for a service that has non-EEA based servers as that has implications for data protection, and so I’m not sure who to choose.

    I came across these guys today – –  but I’m finding it hard to tell if it’s a good deal. I’m currently with TSO Host in the UK but their customer support has gone downhill lately and I’m thinking it may be time to switch. Also considering Siteground and Traffic Planet.

    @Andyfriest – I can see that Traffic Planet is offering free SSLs. Is this the big draw it sounds like it could be?  We will need SSLs right? And how do you normally access their support? – I’d need to be sure that the chat support is as good as the phone support as it’s not going to be feasible to call. Do you know if they offer fix help if your site is hacked?

    Ugh. So many questions!




    Lisa R

    Update: spent some time tonight doing some deeper research into Siteground and Traffic Plan. For where I’m at, both literally (being in the UK) and figuratively (some WordPress skills but still need a bit of hand holding) Siteground’s won hands down.

    Local toll-free numbers, London-based servers, plugin support, and general support handholding, hacking protection and fixes, SSL included. Amazing reviews.

    So, I went for that. BOOM.

    Thanks for the tip Jutta!





    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    As far as SSL certificates — as long as your hosting service allows third party, shared certificates (which some do and some don’t), you can get SSL certificates from for the cost of some time and a little tech speak. They have been great for my purposes.

    You have to go through a number of steps to verify various layers of ownership (email, domain, and your identity if you get really serious about it), but they mostly guide you through it.

    I had free certificates from them for several years before deciding to pay to verify my identity for the features that unlocks. I still only paid about as much as a 1-year cert from other vendors and can have unlimited certificates for my own domains for two years at a go.

    (And if that was all foreign to you, it might be worth paying your host to get and install the SSL certificate for you! 🙂 )

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