New Home Forums Course Creation Resources whiteboard / animation / video tools

0 replies, 1 voice Last updated by  Dr.Wayne Buckhanan 8 years, 8 months ago
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  • #23318

    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    Tools of note:

    • – whiteboard “animation” creator. Slightly pricey compared to a few down the list. Includes libraries of images and music that definitely get things rolling. Has a bit of a learning curve to do it well, but totally worth it. Made by a company in the UK with a community of producers building over time.
    • Easy Sketch Pro – whiteboard video creator. Fairly inexpensive, but made by Internet Marketers. I own it and have never used it because I have VideoScribe!
    • Explaindio – video creation tool. Includes whiteboard animation, green screen, and layering videos within videos (which might be cool for YouTube related videos links). Again, made by Internet Marketers and I own it but haven’t used it.
    • VideoMaker FX – video creation tool. Includes whiteboard animation, prebuilt animated/cartoony sequences, some kinetic typography templates. Last I used this one the additional templates I bought were not well named, but have the potential for some cool video results. Created by Internet Marketers. Vaguely like PowToons.
    • EasyVSL – voice-over-words video creator. Created by Internet Marketers for making “video sales letters”, but could be useful for simple text slides while teaching and can splice in other videos into the text slide sequence.
    • Muvizu – “machinima” style animations. Uses a video game style engine to render movies. Automatic lip sync between your characters and your audio. Inexpensive for additional features and models. Not IM driven, may not have very good support.
    • Blender – open source 3D modeling and “animation” software. Way more power than most of the folks here want or need. Is essentially the engineering side of creating the models that go into software like Muvizu or can be used to render full videos from within Blender. See Big Buck Bunny for an example of what can be done.
    • PowToons – web-based cartoon style video creator. Established company with big customers for their SaaS service. Online tool for assembling and rendering cartoon style animations. Free account to test the system, current paid account pricing is reasonable with an annual plan.
    • OpenShot – open source video editor.
    • ShotCut – open source video editor.
    • ToonBoom Harmony – 2D animation software. Commercial grade solution with commensurate price. Automated lip-sync. Requires real drawing (plug for @jescantonelli‘s upcoming drawing course goes here). Integrates with their Storyboard Pro software, which is also a commercial grade solution that is more than most of us need!
    • Anime Studio Pro – 2D animation software. Slightly less expensive than ToonBoom Harmony, similar feature sets. From the company that makes Poser (a well-known 3D modeling software).


    I suspect that one of these days I’ll do a full-blown comparison post with my experiences and clear pros/cons for each. Until then, feel free to ask questions here!

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by  Dr.Wayne Buckhanan. Reason: Added higher end 2D animation tools
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