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December 11, 2015 at 9:12 pm #4414
Nov 2014 – Attending an aquatic exercise class to maintain my suppleness in the cold wet winter. Friend and student Vicky starts coming with me and almost drowns, repeatedly. I start to give her tips and she says, “You should be teaching this course.”
Dec 2014 – Have been attending pool with Vicky and making up our own exercises. She says, “You should write a book.”
Dec 23, 2014 Listen to Bradley online doing a live webinar about eCourses. Have an outline done in 30 minutes. This guys brilliant.
Jan-Jun 2014 Play in the pool, Work my way through some of Bradley’s first eCourse eCourse, Play in the pool, listen to lots of webinars on eCourses and marketing, Play in the pool…
July 1 – Send an email to the President of the International Society for Rider Biomechanics offering them my program as a gift for the coaches attending the annual symposium in Kentucky so they can see if it fits their program and sign up as affiliates. She accepts. There is no program. The symposium starts Oct 15.
Can you spell DEADLINE!
July – Create a spreadsheet of all the exercises and try and figure out what order and how many to present.
-Film for 1 hour at the pool. There are over 70 exercises which will become 134 videos in the final program (which now need to be re-shot).
– Create sales page and poster so ISRB can see what I’ve offered them.
August and September
– Find a new webhost, Learn about autoresponders, zaxaa, vimeo, thank god and Bradley every day that Andy has joined the team.
– Design eCourse website layout, design lessons, edit videos, write some audios, record some audios and add to videos, upload, save transcript files, and so much more…
– oh and work my regular job and spend a week in the mountains with my horse and some great girls.
– Film for 1 hour at the ocean, water’s getting kinda cold.
Sept 21 Get invited to Kentucky to personally present my program and take part in their teacher training. I have 2 of the 7 modules online, mostly.Oct 15-30 In Kentucky, Told lots of people about the program but never had time to work on it.
Nov 1. Program goes live to my pre-sell group
Been working ever since to finish getting all the content online before it came time for people to receive it.I finished my last video upload tonight. All lesson pages are complete. Woo hoo!
* Still have 3 more autoresponders to write.
* 2 more Bonus breath practices to write. Oops!
* Re-do every video so it shows exactly what the audio says is happening (later).However it is done enough to use.
The people using it are having amazing results, so quickly. Vicky and I knew it worked for us last winter and we had a blast but that doesn’t mean everyone else would notice the same things we did.So just last minute housekeeping on the first edition of the Equestrian Aquatics program.
The next steps are:
* Figure out the best way to market it and how to develop a sales funnel for it.
I will be discussing this with some of the people that are currently in the program.
* Rework it to remove the horse/equestrian aspect of it and market it to other areas, starting with Seniors.
*I will come back and update the ACTION Steps as soon as I finish the last bit of housekeeping on the first edition.December 12, 2015 at 7:16 am #4444
Anonymous @Holy crap, Trish! That sure is one way to light fire under yourself and GSD! What an exciting ride that must have been.
December 12, 2015 at 1:57 pm #4489Wowzers! I’m impressed and inspired to see what is possible. I would be SO nervous with my students already coming through the door without the end done…but honestly that’s probably the no-holds barred best way to get things moving! Thanks for sharing your timetable, love reading it in that form!
December 12, 2015 at 3:32 pm #4501Jessica, it’s definitely the best way to keep a creator committed to the process no matter what resistance surfaces. (we know from experience LOL)
December 12, 2015 at 8:47 pm #4522Yes Anne it was exciting. I got to spend two weeks in Kentucky and attend level 1 and 2 Rider biomechanics training while I was there. Lots of interest in the program but no $, hmm
I knew a lot of the people that bought in the pre-launch so I had to get it done. Bradley always says just get it done, get it launched, then make it better. If you try and make it perfect first, you’ll never launch.
I know lots of things I’ll improve and yet people are already loving it and making noticeable improvement. Two different chiropractors telling my clients, what ever you’re doing, it’s working.
Had a brilliant sales funnel epiphany on my drive home tonight from teaching a clinic up island. Have to run some logistical questions by my group that’s finishing up the first 7 weeks and get their input and then I’ll let you in on it.
December 13, 2015 at 8:48 pm #4581@bradleytmorris this is what I’ve come up with so far.
Rework this Niche Statement:
FREE New Years Gift for your Horse to the first 100 Responders
Give Your horse The Gift of a more Balanced, Supple and Effective Rider.
(You don’t have to have a horse to benefit from this gift)
Free First Week of the Equestrian Aquatics program
No obligation.
No Credit Card Required to Sign up
Totally Free, Just share with your friends. FB, Twitter, EmailAuto-responders, 5 emails:
1. Thank you for signing up and sharing. Over the next X days you will receive X emails which contain your Free Gift in an easy to follow format.
***You will have access to your FREE gift for the month on January. Today’s part of the lesson is “Your Balance Evaluation and Tips”
(This is what they used to get free)2. Balance Lesson 1 – Evaluations?, Warm ups and Stretches (The next 3 days are the three lessons I normally send in the first week)
3. Balance Lesson 2 – Exercises
4. Balance Lesson 3 – Evaluations? Take it to the pool and What you might notice
5. The offer – At the end of the first module you will have the opportunity to sign up to receive the other 6 modules.
Either one module every 2 weeks at $20 per week (billed automatically)
OR the complete package of 7 modules delivered weekly for $100 and a savings of $20I am going to read through Jeff Walkers book again and see how to structure it.
I want to present it in the week before New Years so I’ve got passed everyone’s busy time and catch the resolution time.December 15, 2015 at 3:42 pm #4941Hi @trish_hyatt, everything you’ve got looks great. Can you clarify:
1) What you’re asking me for feedback on?
2) What your intention is for the people who register AND for their process in your free offering?
3) Why you’d do $20/bi-weekly, rather than just $100 straight up?
I think the most important thing is to keep it super simple and supportive. As we share in the Mapping 101 video from Mapora Meadows. Give them the essence of the transformation they’ll go through if they do your whole course. Give them al the elements they’re about to go through.
I’m so excited for you!
December 15, 2015 at 4:52 pm #49491) I guess I didn’t need to tag you in that one as it is my Progress log and I don’t have a question. Guess I just like to hear you cheering for me. 🙂
2) My intention for the people that register for the free first module is for them to see the quality of the offering and quickly notice a difference in their body. I only have to convince them to get to the pool once and they’ll notice a difference. They will have access to the Free module for 1 month so if they don’t get to the pool right away in the first week I still have three more weeks to send them emails and video testimonials.
3) I’ve had people say they can’t afford $100 straight up. I think it’s more a matter of they’re worried about whether they’ll follow through and people don’t believe in internet guarantees. The $20 bi-weekly is an affordable $40/month. Yes some will drop out but they are the ones that were not going to give me $100 in the first place. I think more will sign up because it’s a smaller commitment. Bi-weekly will cost them $120 in the long-run instead of $100. Will see how it goes for the new years launch. It doesn’t have to stay that way.December 18, 2015 at 8:04 am #5105Awesome. Always cheering for ya Trish!
My suggestion with price if you wanna go that route is $100 or 3x monthly payments of $40. (a tiny bit of interest to encourage people to pay the full amount)
So my question for you to consider is HOW will you convince/challenge people to get into the pool the first time? Are you able to get those written testimonials… sharing case studies is a big thing.
December 23, 2015 at 7:14 am #5543Holy Cow! This entire conversation has been so inspiring and comforting. Comforting because I can see the guidance and structure that has gone into developing Trish’s course.
December 24, 2015 at 10:47 am #5775@RebeccaLaChance we are here to hold your hand and inspire the creativity out of ya all the way up to the Summit!!December 29, 2015 at 12:09 pm #6319Sitting by the fire working on my most recent Sales Funnel on the white board because somethings just don’t fit on a computer screen. Oh and just look at that straight back. My program even amazes me.
April 25, 2016 at 4:08 pm #21759So my January sales funnel idea did generate two signups out of 90, not the #’s I was hoping for.
Spent two weeks promoting in Texas and lots of interest but there again, no signups.
Still have to figure out how to market the program.
Have seen and heard great results from people in the program so will keep trying.Currently I am reworking the marketing for my real job, teaching horses and riders.
Have had some progress there and will work on increasing the number of students I have and then getting them into the Aquatics program.My next project is to start converting my horse experience in to an online course.
Today the name came to me.
Equestrian A to Z, Learn to read and speak horse.
I registered the domain name
Best thing is I can stay with my original logo format if I like.April 25, 2016 at 4:08 pm #21761Darn it cropped my logo.
April 25, 2016 at 4:39 pm #21764Awesome lessons Trish!
If I had to pick just one piece of advice to give in this scenario it would be this: Get to know your customers on a deep level and understand how they view your topic.
Obviously your course is great, and you have the feedback to prove that – the problem is getting a stranger to understand what you are offering enough to know if its for them or not.
It’s a simple communication issue – and it’s usually caused by assuming we know what people need to hear (or are actually wanting to hear), rather than doing the due diligence to really dive in and truly listen.
The key to signups is inspiring a “HECK YES” response – and the way to get there is to really understand who you’re talking to and presenting it in a way that is in resonance with their place and process.
So perhaps you’d like to book a couple free coaching sessions with past/current students to get to know them a bit better and dig in to why they are there with you.
I bet the result will be nothing short of groundbreaking for your process 😉
The other thing that we are constantly doing is asking ourselves: What would we want? What would we buy? What would make us sign up and say “Heck YES” (except we use other words that aren’t ‘heck’!)
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