New Home Forums Philosophy, Mindset & Preparation What is your ONE Things this week?!

16 replies, 7 voices Last updated by  Bradley Morris 8 years, 1 month ago
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    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Name it, Claim it, Shout it from the mountain top. 

    What is your ONE step you are 100% committed to taking this week no matter what?

    IF you’re not committing to at least one full step per week, then you are not making progress.

    If you wanna share more than ONE step, do it.

    Share below.


    Adalgeir Sigurdsson

    Hello,  I have decide to start again after a short time of distraction.  This week I will come up with an idea of mini course and ask for your opinion guys (I have to practice more of sharing and receiving) and give out a launch date.  I will also fill out the rest of information about my self and reach out for like minded people (or totally different)  Next step will be making a statement, daily success habits and simple action plan.



    Kathy Bass
    @Kathy Bass

    I’ve made a commitment to clear out the other “stuff” for 2 days…starting, now. Seems the only way to GSD sometimes. That and also tapping back into your “Why?” — Here’s mine:  I want to see my eCourse vision finally come to life.

    With that commitment made, my desk is clear so I can and will start filling in the blanks (framework, steps, content).


    Sharyn Warren

    1. Review my webinar recording, edit & post to You Tube.

    2. Send e-mail update to list that I haven’t spoken to in a month.




    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Adalgeir, wonderful to see your re-commitment. I think you are wise to make a mini course.

    Go back to the Mapora Meadows lesson and check out the new “Mapping” lesson we created. It may give you some inspiration   🙂



    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Love that you’re clearing space to make room for this project Kathy. It’s what you gotta do to get to the top of Launch Summit. We’re with you every step of the way!


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Sharyn, great to hear from you.

    Would love an update on where you’re at, what’s happened and what your next inspired steps will be.

    We’re here to bounce ideas around if you want!


    Stefan Morales

    Editing the podcast episodes I’ve recorded.


    Deanna Gibbons

    My father in law is coming to visit Thursday and staying for a week. I can’t do much recording, so here are my “one things” this week:

    My manifesto. I started it, but will add to it, then refine it and finally design it. Then it’s going on my wall.

    My opt in. I’m exploring what type of opt in product to give away. I’ll be doing a podcast (see thing 3) but would like to have a nice offer for teens to join my mailing list. Need to sit down and brainstorm some ideas.

    My third thing this week is to put together a list of questions for the teen entrepreneurs I am interviewing for my podcast.


    Chris Gilmour

    I have three goals for this week:

    1) Continuing to work on my list building by continuing to promote my landing page and survey contest, if you have not checked it out yet see:

    2) Start tracking numbers. Now that I have multiple different things going on, from my first webinar, to my first guest blog post and my first couple of Facebook paid adds, I am going to start tracking the numbers better so I have some data and where I am getting results and where I am wasting time/money and or need to do something different. So I need to make a data base to track some of the trees associated with my marketing and outreach.

    3) Start working on building up my Twitter followers. Anyone ever tried the program Social Quant? I heard the founder talk on a podcast and it sounds pretty sweet. They offer a 14 day free trial I may try. I’ll let you know how it is going –

    Next week I need to get back into course creation mode again!


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Deanna I’m pumped to hear you moving forward with the podcast.

    Curious what Opt-In ideas you have?

    Perhaps a document with a video around like “10 Steps to Turning your Idea into a world-changing Business” or something along those lines. How can it be simple, add value and be appealing to the teens you’re seeking to serve WHILE giving a glimpse into the Mission Possible world you’re creating?


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Deanna I’m pumped to hear you moving forward with the podcast.

    Curious what Opt-In ideas you have?

    Perhaps a document with a video around like “10 Steps to Turning your Idea into a world-changing Business” or something along those lines. How can it be simple, add value and be appealing to the teens you’re seeking to serve WHILE giving a glimpse into the Mission Possible world you’re creating?


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    DEANNA: on that note. It could be their first assignment from the Chief or something like that….

    Give them an experience of the program and taste of the excitement. Then yoru sales process could be more messages from the Chief and some other Agents of Change, calling them into training or something.

    You could make this SO FUN!


    Stefan Morales

    DEANNA: WARNING UNSOLICITED ADVICE! (wink!) to help with question design and interview prep, try to answer a few things right off the bat:

    1) what do you want the listener to walk away with: actionable tips and tricks? a good story to relate to? etc. that will help structure how you approach each conversation. It’s then really up to the interviewee and yourself, in the moment, to determine how the questions and conversation goes. I used to do college radio back in the day, and if I wasn’t able to do a pre-meeting with the guest to suss out their speaking style, then I would need to over-prepare (have lots of questions, lots of advance research, etc.). Sometimes the over-preparation didn’t really matter and the conversation just flowed, other times it was the linchpin.

    2) do you have time/resources for post-production? If no, then you have to pretend that the conversation is live and you are mindful of brevity, the degree of background the listener might have on a certain subject, etc. and ensure you follow-up during the conversation on loose threads like this. It will also mean that some interviews never make it past the cutting room floor (i.e. it just wasn’t an engaging conversation). If you do have time/resources for post-production, I would have a listen to this episode of the Tropical MBA (TMBA) for some ideas about how to spend money/time. More post-production allows you to use more material, but the flipside is that your podcast can start to sound disjointed (as TMBA tends to sometimes). I think an excellent balance of post-production and engaging conversation is On Being, and the best part about On Being is that they always post the pre-production straight conversation along with the edited down version, so you can really see how they put the different pieces together and hear the cadence of the conversation if you really liked a given episode.



    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Some great advice there Stefan.

    I know if it were me Deanna, I’d wanna ask the youngens questions like:

    1. What inspired you to become an entrepreneur.

    2. Why did you pick the business you did?

    3. What have some of your biggest challenges or set-backs been?

    4. How do you find adults treat you when they find out you’re an entrepreneur?

    5. What advice would you have for other young people who want to do something or start a business?

    6. How have your parents supported you with your business and passions?

    7. What’s the best advice you’ve ever  been given?

    8. How do you deal with stress?

    Gosh, there are so many questions I’d wanna ask.  LOL

    Gonna have to listen to your podcast when it goes live.

    Have you been listening to any that you really like to duplicate the elements you think are awesome?

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