New Home Forums Course Creation Resources What is ONE question you'd like to ask us?

2 replies, 2 voices Last updated by  Bradley Morris 8 years, 1 month ago
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    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    What is ONE question you have about eCourse creation, your course, online learning, webinars, gamification or anything else you’d like to know more about in relation to this creative vision quest we’re all on?


    Chris Gilmour


    I’d love to hear how you guys use your scripts when your actually recording. I’ve been putting points up on a white board by the camera but it is hard not to look at it and this shows in the video. How do you apply your scripts when your actually recording?


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Great question. If you didn’t hear/see this one, definitely check it out. Download it to the phone and listen. There are some golden nuggets based on all the ways we’ve tried scripting.

    We answered it in our last eCourse Adventures Live show. 

    But here’s what we do:

    We did the whiteboard thing too for a couple videos. Not a good idea. Gives you shifty eyes.


    We script word for word now, rather than improv style (recommend it BIG TIME).


    1. We put the script in a google doc with a massive font and full screen view.

    2. We put the laptop on a muisc stand right under the lens of the camera.

    3. Someone has to scroll the script while you read it so the font stays at the top of the page.

    I really recommend having someone helping you (or two someones).

    One person running the camera, the other running the script for you.

    That help? Need more clarity?

    What are the scripts you’ve been working on?

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