New Home Forums Sales & Marketing What has value?

10 replies, 3 voices Last updated by  Deb Robson 8 years, 9 months ago
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    Jutta Dobler

    Hi guys

    while answering the question: Do you value what you do? Why? I realized something I never saw before.
    I know I have some problems with truly believing in the value of what I do, although on a logical level I do know it is valuable, and I have lots of client feedback telling me that my work has helped them a lot.

    When I journaled right now I realized that I equate value with sacrifice. My mum used to tell us kids that my dad is working hard all day FOR us, and that we have to respect and value that. He made a lot of money but it seemed to me back then that he had to sacrifice himself to do that.

    I always knew I could never do that, and that I have to do something that has meaning to me apart from it bringing in money. I see now that I never allowed myself to make money. My pay was that I did/do something I love, and my sacrifice is that i earn little money with it. For everything I receive there has to be a sacrifice (might have something to do with being brought up as a catholic ๐Ÿ™‚ ). In one way or another, I have to validate my existence through struggle.

    Gonna work on that screwy belief!

    Happy climbing ๐Ÿ™‚



    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Wow, this is such a powerful realization @jutta and exactly the reason we made that an exercise for the checkpoint. I am guilty of healing a belief much like that — not being able to make a good living if I’m doing work I love and am passionate about. It felt like I was cheating due to the sacrifices my parents made for me.

    In reality though, it’s silly. We all have a choice and just because something we do that comes natural and we enjoy doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be paid well for it.

    Something that helped get me through it was writing an appreciation letter to myself, acknowledging me for all the things I wished others would’ve acknowledged me for. For some reason, it was the cause of a big breakthrough.

    You’ll get it, now that you knwo it’s there ๐Ÿ™‚
    Thanks for the share!!


    Jutta Dobler

    Brad, I love the idea of writing an appreciation letter! Yes, time to leave all these limiting beliefs behind and recognize that we can do great work and have fun doing it. Which makes so much more sense anyway :-).
    Btw, in case I haven’t mentioned it recently, I LOVE the Great eCourse Adventure!


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    OH GOODIE!!! So glad you’re digging the adventure @jutta. I can’t even describe how much fun we have behind the scenes creating this experience for all of you! Let me know how your letter writing ceremony goes. Would love to know!!


    Jutta Dobler

    WOW! Thanks so much for the shout-out :-).

    Will keep you posted on the letter writing front.

    All my green screen equipment arrived yesterday, so am a bit sidetracked now. The living room has been taken over by lamps and a giant green screen and i shot some test videos (in my pj’s) and am now trying to figure out why the audio doesn’t sync with the video once I apply the chroma key effect. Looong journey ahead…
    But at least got started and have made 3 pre-sales so gotta keep going.

    See you on the mountain path


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Wow @jutta, I am so excited for you. I love how you and so many others are going the green screen route. I finally edited my first video last week on the green screen and I gotta say, using Screenflow it was easier than I thought it’d be. Mine was very basic, but I managed to figure it out within a couple hours. Pretty pumped. There are a lot of tutorials on Youtube. You’ll find your way!!!!

    We are also in the planning phase of creating a mini-course on Green Screen Magic.


    Jutta Dobler

    It is going a bit better now :-). Camtasia for Windows costs 300 Euro, don’t have that much left after buying all the other stuff, so have been searching around and am currently working with Lightworks which is less complicated then Adobe After Effects that I had tried before. But am having a whole new appreciation for what you guys have created!

    Slow step-by-step journey up a steep path right now…
    But one of these days the course will be done!


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Thanks @jutta. I’m sitting here with @blairfrancis in the recording studio right now. We’re putting in days of work for the grand finale video and like you, mega respect for the work he’s put into the video experience you’re all having.

    Then on my other side is @andyfreist who’s working on the UCSE 5000 template that ya’ll will be adopting and my mind is blown with the brilliance I get to work with everyday.

    I am pumped for the learning curve you’re going through Jutta. By enduring the growth process, you’ll come through the other end knowing how to do ANYTHING you want. I’m sure there are plenty of tutorials on Youtube to help you on your way. Search and it’s out there.

    @andyfreist, do you know of any other easy editing software that might also be simple?


    Jutta Dobler

    Thank you @bradleytmorris!

    You guys are so inspiring, and I love hearing about your difficulties and your progress. Makes me feel connected, seeing that this e-course building adventure can get a bit lonely at times…

    Made my way through lots and lots of Lightworks tutorials and am now able to produce a good-ish looking greenscreen video. Only problem is that it takes ages cause the computer keeps hanging up.

    Reminded me of my ‘aha’ moment from the beginning of this thread. Looks like part of me still believe it has to be hard to do work i love :-).

    Gotta keep climbing! Looking forward to the campfire later today



    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Thanks so much for sharing Jutta. Means a lot knowing that sharing our journey has such a meaningful impact for others on the mountain. Definitely keep climbing on and give yourself credit for how far you’ve come!


    Deb Robson

    Yes @bradleytmorris to the mini-course on Green Screen Magic!

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