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May 27, 2016 at 4:56 pm #23654
An eCourse is only as good as the community that’s built around it.
I wanted to start a thread for us all to share our FAVOURITE PARTS about the online communities that we’re involved in or have experienced in the past. (Both eCourses and non-eCourse related communities)
We can also learn from the parts we haven’t liked or that didn’t work, so feel free to share those too.
Looking forward to distilling down what it takes to create an incredible community experience in the digital world.
You must be logged in to view attached files.May 27, 2016 at 7:39 pm #23667For myself the most important part is the interaction with the other members of the community. So the campfires you have done are awesome. Being able to private message other user is awesome as well.
The weekly webinars are the icing on the cake to me too. Being able to hear from 2 pros on a weekly basis is GOLD!!
I also love the map that shows where everyone is located. Takes the interaction to another level. Laurie and I are actually going to meet this weekend as we both live in Edmonton. Had it not been for that map we may have not found that out.
I am not sure what else I would add as you guys have done an amazing job. Especially with turn to making into a social media platform to rival fb now too. WOW.
Hope this helped!!May 27, 2016 at 8:16 pm #23670Ooo I thought of something haha An app for our phones!! That would be pretty cool even if we had to pay for it. Would be worth it so we can take the Adventure with us anywhere we go!!
May 28, 2016 at 12:24 pm #23727For me, I love the badges! Reminds me of being in the Brownies when I was little. (If you have no idea what I’m talking about see here!)
I also love the campfires, and you guys have really incentivised that well with the introduction of Bajillions. I’m not that motivated by the idea of earning enough Bajillion to spend on something; it’s more about the fact you’ve introduced a little friendly competition! Man it brings out my competitive streak! Which is also cool because that pushes me to get going faster with my ecourse…
I absolutely agree with @rodolfomenjivar about the App. I was thinking this just the other day as the phone experience isn’t as smooth as on my PC.
The new bulletin board is cool too. Could you attach Bajillion collection to wall posts too? The only uncertainty I have around that at the moment is that I’m not sure when I should be posting in a campfire and when I should be posting on my wall.
I’m learning huge amounts about how to run a strong, supportive community from you guys – thanks Brad and Andy!
May 28, 2016 at 5:13 pm #23734Hi A and B (not in order of course),
You are doing SO many things right – this is by far the most engaged I feel out of the online communities I belong to.
What works:
Your honesty and transparency. You share and evolve so much that it gives us the permission and the motivation to do so too.
You keep experimenting and coming up with amazing new features. It makes me feel that you think about what would make it better for everyone and you’re willing to try stuff
The coaching calls. Anytime I’m a bit disconnected I just watch one and I feel back in the flow again
Being a bajillionaire! That is so much fun! I missed the call that explained it so it was an unexpected and lovely surprise. That also means it is intuitive because I had no idea what it was but it worked.
Your creativity and spirit
The empowering comments and feedback – big pat on the back to Bradley for this. That’s important – if there wasn’t any then it would feel like shouting into space. So I think it’s great to incentivise more interaction in the community because a lot hinges on that.
The challenges. That’s a great idea. I am going to do a video this week. I promise….
The Buddy Hunt. I didn’t want to do this but I’m so glad I did.
Sharing your vision for the future. I’m really excited by it and I can’t wait to see it unfold and to be part of it. I genuinely feel that I’m at the start of something amazing and I feel privileged to be here now.
Potential mine-shafts on the mountain path
The membership sites I belong to are full of great people but the community feel isn’t as strong because there are too many people. It’s hard to keep track or share a journey with someone. I wonder if this could happen as this site expands.
One suggestion is re: the introduction video challenge. It’s great to be able to see who has made them from the pics at the bottom. I went straight to have a look but then found it quite hard to track them down – and there are only a few there. Maybe it could have its own thread? Intro videos? The videos are particularly good for community building because you get a much better sense of who someone is. If newbies (or anyone) could jump straight to an intro vid page it might help people feel like they ‘know’ each other.
May 30, 2016 at 12:26 pm #23803This is amazing feedback so far. Thank you Penny, Lisa and Rodo.
As you all know, we keep seeking out better ways to keep the community experience extremely valuable and engaging for everyone.
For our June 27th group, we are figuring out a way that instead of the “Buddy System” you’ll be divided up into mini tribes of about 8 people where you can have weekly check-ins and your own campfires. We’re hoping this helps to keep the intimacy that you all love.
We’ll also create group challenges (for bajillions) to inspire groups to work together to reach Launch Summit.
Any suggestions on this? We’re open to listening 🙂
May 31, 2016 at 2:37 am #23893In general and for me, ecourse or communities where the group leaders are really present and authentic, sharing their process and insights and challenges. This seems to set the tone and feel for the whole group interaction. A clear shared purpose for coming together, with aims and goals, that still welcomes everybody’s sweet individuality and differences. A really strong call for openness, honesty, support and vulnerability so the threads don’t become e-stroking e-fests of unicorns and glitter and high fives (not that I don’t love high-fiving glittery unicorns!). I want to feel I’m growing and expanding, not just recycling.
For this great ecourse adventure in particular, all the above I guess. Plus I really appreciate Bradley’s huge love and energy and enthusiasm and faith in people which shines through everything he does, and Andy’s incredible clarity and ease with the nuts and bolts of bring us together in virtual reality: this platform really is a work of art and it really works!
Lastly, even tho I am a Tourist, possibly just passing through, I applaud having a Code for the mountain and commit to showing up as often as I can, being true to myself, and aiming for authentic, meaningful and heart-centred interactions on this adventure. Happy trails, everyone!
June 2, 2016 at 8:49 am #24196Such beautiful, clear thoughts here @Susanna. Thanks so much.
I feel like when we create something that’s in complete alignment with our passions and values, we will naturally attract a community who aligns with that and appreciates what we’ve done for them. Building this virtual world has been a major practice in self reflection for us… and the people, experience and course that’s come from that makes us feel so happy.
Whether this adventure on June 27th or the next, we hope you’ll come up the mountain with us one of these days. Your thoughtfulness and positivity will be much appreciated.
Now I’m curious what the eCourse of your dream is?
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