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2 replies, 2 voices Last updated by  Lorraine Watson 8 years, 2 months ago
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    Lorraine Watson

    I was wanting to watch the Aug 3 coaching call replay and only see a “5 days until the next one” screen. When I clicked on the July 27 recording, I get the same “5 days until …” screen. I know I watched the July 27 replay last week so not sure what has happened.

    Any guesses as to what changed?




    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    Hey Lorraine,

    So the way crowdcast works, you can watch previous session recordings by clicking the little circles next to “schedule” in the crowdcast window.

    In our little recording dropdowns menu, im going to actually just put the raw video recordings so its not depending on crowdcasts system.

    Youll still be able to see the questions and chat via the crowdcast window..

    Crowdcast Schedule


    Lorraine Watson

    Ahhhh, got it now. Was not getting it at all before. Thanks @andyfreist.

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