New Home Forums Course Creation Resources Web Hosting Options…..

6 replies, 5 voices Last updated by  Andy Freist 8 years, 11 months ago
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    Chris Gilmour

    Anyone know much about web hosting?

    I’m looking into options right now and trying to decided what to do. I am going to build my site through wordpress and was looking at all the bluehost options. I was trying to figure out whether I can just get a standard shared hosting platform or if I need something more advanced such as the optimized wordpress vps hosting. Also I am in Canada and bluehost is american dollars so it would be great to host with a canadian site. I am looking to host multipe website and courses all compatible with wordpress.

    Any thoughts anyone?



    Penny Claringbull

    I’ve used Bluehost for years, have loads of sites on them (in line with all my half-finished/extinct projects…) and I’ve never had any problems. Their how to’s are clear and on the rare occasions I’ve needed help, I’ve got it. It’s very easy to set up wordpress with them too, just look at their help videos. The only other one I’ve used is Godaddy, which I hated due to their tacky marketing and endless emails.

    You can get good deals with Bluehost because lots of people have affiliate links with them, although I think the price goes up over time regardless if you keep adding sites. Not sure about that.


    Chris Gilmour

    Thanks @pennyclaringbull

    Do you use the “shared hosting” or “Optimized WordPress hosting”?


    Penny Claringbull

    Hi @chrisg’ve got me there – I don’t actually know! I guess I’d better find out 🙂


    Alexis Burnett

    Hey Chris. On our new website we are using Green Geeks for hosting. They seem to be pretty good, although I do niot know much about this kind of thing. Worth looking into though. I believe they are an ‘eco-friendly’ hosting site. @chrisg


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    I believe we are using Hover (right @andyfreist?)


    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    We are using and recommend Traffic Planet Hosting.. We use Hover for our domain names (Brad is obviously not the tech side of this relationship, hehehe)

    Whatever you do, I HIGHLY recommend you do NOT use a “shared” hosting plan for your e-course site. Use a “managed wordpress host”.. Traffic Planet is our #1 choice.

    When it comes to hosting, you get what you pay for 😉

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