Since I started working with horse women who had lost their confidence, I have seen the transformation that happens in their lives outside of horses. If someone has general anxiety of life, that transfers to handling and riding her horse. That anxiety impacts her personal and work life and relationships as well as her relationship with her horse. The same often happens if she has lost her confidence with handling and/or riding her horse. That lack of confidence filters into and affects other parts of her life. The most gratifying part of my work is when I see a client make positive change in another area of her life as she rebuilds her confidence with handling and riding her horse. It’s absolutely amazing and exhilarating!
While me ecourse is designed for and focuses on helping horse women rebuild their confidence with horses and riding, the same techniques can be applied to any area of their lives. They grow; improve relationships; and move forward with their lives.
This is my inspiration for improving my existing ecourse and getting it out to more horse women. And, now there’s a little seed sprouting about creating a ‘sister’ ecourse for women generally to build their confidence in other areas of their lives. Hmmmm ….
Your “sister” ecourse idea reminds me of a woman I met a few years ago who uses horses in her executive coaching program. She actually gets her clients who aren’t horse people working with the horses and uses those experiences as source material for learning about leadership in general.
All of these ideas sound very appealing. I am an animal person but have not had the opportunity to get to know horses more than as passing acquaintances. Both the “sister” course and the work Kate mentions sound lovely.