New Home Forums Course Creation Resources Video editing software

10 replies, 6 voices Last updated by  Lisa R 8 years, 8 months ago
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    Chris Gilmour

    I’m looking into getting some video editing software sooner then later. I am relatively new to video editing although I have made a bunch of simple youtube video’s using Window’s Movie Maker. Anyone have recommendation for good software that makes a decent product but is relatively easy to use and quick to learn?

    I’ll post back if I learn of any elsewhere as I’m sure others are asking these questions as well.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Hey ChrisG, I created my first eCourses on my macbook using iMovie. There are endless free tutorials on Youtube if you wanna learn the basics. Regardless of the software you use, Youtube will have tutorials for ya. It just requires patience and sitting down and practicing ๐Ÿ™‚


    Chris Gilmour

    My thought was that some may be set up to be more advanced for ppl who understand the program really well and want professional film quality and that others may be a little more user friendly to ppl with less everience who need a professional video but one that is not going to be competing for an oscar.



    We use final cut pro, it can be a little complex. I movie is probably all you need for simple edits.


    Lorraine Watson

    I use Sony Movie Studio Platinum on the PC. Looks intimidating after Windows Movie Maker, but most things would. Will give you the professional look without super huge advanced knowledge. Decide to jump in and think about what you want to do. Then google for help. Lots of tutorials out there to help you get the hang of it. Check out Steve Washer / Brainy Video on YouTube. He has tons of ideas on how to make good videos, tips and tricks. I’ve taken training from him so know his advice is solid. (PS: Be sure to check out his video on Handbrake to reduce uploading time on your videos.)


    Chris Gilmour

    @lorrainewatson Thanks Lorraine, that’s great!


    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    I highly recommend everyone starts with Screenflow (Mac) or Camtasia (PC).. They are both extremely user-friendly, and also allow you to record screen captures of your computer (very handy for many ecourses), as well as everything you need to edit your videos..

    If you are already comfortable and sufficient with a specific app, then by all means use that. But if you are just starting out, go with Screenflow or Camtasia ๐Ÿ˜‰


    Chris Gilmour


    Hey Andy & Crew, I have been using iMovie 10 to edit my videos so far but the file size is HUGE on all of them. A 10 min video is close to a gb. If I switch to Screenflow will I be able to create way smaller files sizes while keeping resolution quality?


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    @andyfreist, @michaelmann or @blairfrancis do you guys know the answer to @ChristG ‘s question?


    Chris Gilmour

    @andyfreist, @michaelmann or @blairfrancis

    I am using Screenflow to edit my video’s now, a 10min video is 1080 HD is coming out around 250 – 300mb for file size. Does this seem reasonable or is there a way to get the file size smaller? That still seems large to me. Any thoughts?

    Also so you guys host your own video’s for this course or host them on vimeo/youtube then embed them in the course platform?



    Lisa R

    It may be a little basic for your needs Chris but I just had great fun trying out Wondershare Filmora. It has a great effects and music library. Not sure what the commercial restrictions are, but it was fun for my intro video!

    Also, with regard to your question about file sizes, what video format are you saving it in? I saw just playing around yesterday that different file formats come out at different sizes. My 5 minute wmv file (the default) was nearly 280 MB, whereas a switch to HTML5 came out much smaller. Again, sorry if this is a little basic and something you already thought of! I’m just getting started with video…


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