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Andy Freist 8 years, 9 months ago

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New Home › Forums › Sales & Marketing › UCSE 500 wonderful- but can't open parts.
The whole UCSe500 is wonderful- what a huge project. Thank you so much Andy and Bradley. This was very generous and much to mull over for many weeks. Due to my lack of technical expertise I am having trouble opening some of the documents-The UCSE 500 opened beautifully, all of the others are compressed and won’t open. Is there another way to send them-such as a PDF, or how might I open them- I am on a IMac
Thanks and WOW!!!!
Hi Laurie, are you referring to the UCSE5000 DIY Construction Kit download?
If so, perhaps I’ll need to clarify the manual.
The kit simply consists of the manual PDF, and component/template .zip files.
Those zip files are actually not meant to be opened – they are Thrive Content Builder landing page import files.
So you would choose the import option within the Thrive Content Builder and select one of those .zip files.
Does that make sense?
I am going to update the manual today to make that much more clear ๐
PS – Thanks so much for your kudos! Means a lot!
We had a blast building that robot!
Thanks Andy- so I cannot open them without the Thrive Content Builder? I only have zippy and word press in zippy, so far.
Also, one more technical issue. I seem to be having trouble getting into the site, except with safari and one old link, otherwise I am blocked with my password. I also am unable to follow the links Bradley is sending for the smoke signal and getting into the course.
This is a recent issue-a few days. For instance if I go up to coaching from where I am now. I am unable to get in. I will try once more, as I want to be at the Smoke Signal. Thanks Andy- again, wonderful stuff!
Correct – in order to use the UCSE5000 template, you need Thrive Content Builder, which is a WordPress plugin that costs about $70/yr.. It will work with zippy.
Even if you don’t use Thrive Content Builder, you can still simply apply the UCSE5000 concepts to the technology that you already have.
That said, we use and recommend Thrive ๐
As for the log-in issue: have you tried to reset your password?
Thanks Andy- I’ll think about these things for the future. I bet you could use a little 3 day nap after all of this!
Ha, sounds good. Let me know if you still need help with your login issues ๐
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