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January 11, 2016 at 10:59 am #9390
I am not surprised to discover while going through the Idea Generator Exercise that there is a second, very different course idea lurking close behind the one I came into this Adventure with.
My motivation for creating the Better than an Elevator Speech course is to have a product that replaces my personal time while also continuing to be able to share my expertise around using improv and performance techniques for effective networking. I am no longer interested in spending large portions of my time teaching this material and yet I know it well and there is great demand for it. My motivation for this course is not rooted in my current passions but in my deeper desire to use my gifts to help people develop forms of livelihood that are aligned with their personal values and in my desire to have a livelihood aligned with my personal values.
Lurking in the background is another course idea about Practical How-tos for connecting with your own inner authenticity and inner authority. People talk about the fact that living authentically leads to health and wellness benefits, but there aren’t a lot of resources for intellectuals and skeptics about how to do that and I have lots of tools and skills and compassion to share with that community.
I can sense that part of me is looking forward to building that second course. However, I am aware that I have done less thinking about the content of that course than the first idea and am less sure of the demand for it. And that is why the Elevator Speech course came out as my top 1 with the other substantially behind.
January 11, 2016 at 12:33 pm #9444I love both of those topics you’re sharing @kate_arms! Both are going to be amazing.
My immediate thoughts are this: (Take it with a grain of salt)
Why not leverage what you’re doing by building the first course you’re speaking of first. Perhaps have a module in that particular course on Connecting to your Inner Authenticity to plant the seeds on a future course that will be a deep dive on that topic.
My guess is in creating the course you’re already masterful at, you’ll have a ton of insights and epiphanies surface to help you build the second course afterwards at a much quicker pace.
What do you think?
January 11, 2016 at 1:06 pm #9459My instinct was that creating the first course would make creating the second much faster.
There is lots of material in the networking course that connects people with their authenticity at a deep level. I love the idea of being explicit about it as a teaser for a deep dive course.
January 11, 2016 at 1:08 pm #9461Oh boy do I dislike not being able to edit posts in this forum after I have poster them. The networking material encourages people to touch their authenticity more than they are used to but it isn’t particularly deep.
January 11, 2016 at 7:04 pm #9576HI Kate, you’re not able to edit posts? Thats strange, as you should be able to..
See the attached image, do you see that edit option in your posts?
January 12, 2016 at 3:20 am #9686The edit option is not available on the mobile version, which is what I have been using when hanging out by the campfires. It is available on the full site.
January 14, 2016 at 1:51 pm #10437Hi @kate_arms. LOVE what you are offering.
I’d love to hear more about the “expertise around using improv and performance techniques for effective networking”
and would love to see the “inner authenticity and authority” as part of leadership development and branding.
I and my clients need it. I’ve been working with the idea of “audacious leadership” and need to own it authentically, live it, so that I can see myself as an authority and model it.
Hit me up when if you need client input!
January 15, 2016 at 4:00 pm #10647Being an improv junkie, I am super curious how you’re intending to share these lessons too Kate!
January 15, 2016 at 5:27 pm #10659@karryn The training I offer is very powerful. I look forward to sharing it with you.
@bradleytmorris The big challenge in the course design is going to be designing the practice part of the improv training. I am starting to have some ideas. The course is certainly going to have to end with an offer for more personalized practice supervision. And, I think I can get enough experiential learning delivered in a course to create transformation for the people who work through the material fully. It is a design challenge.
January 15, 2016 at 5:51 pm #10678My question are what are some fun ways you can get people improvising in real life — popping their reality bubbles — being spontaneous — being silly, different, out of their normal character.
Perhaps having a daily Improv Challebge that they have to do and report back to the community with their story.
Just some ideas…
January 18, 2016 at 5:49 am #11689Interesting comments, @bradleytmorris. You are reminding me of some of the misconceptions people have about what improvisation is and that I will need to address them in the course and related marketing materials.
Being silly is not required. It may occur, but people fear that it is required.
The work I do is about connecting people to their own awareness of their own impulses and trusting spontaneity within some specific forms that give networking a frame and make it safe and easy. People will need to drop fear-driven self-sabotage, but the heart of the transformation is about getting them deeper in contact with their natural character.
For many people, the idea that improvisation needs to be silly or wacky is part of what stops people from embracing it.
The fun is important because it is part of what motivates people to try, but part of the technique itself is about finding joy in the ease of connecting with people from deep integrity, and silly is not part of that for everybody, especially in a business context, and is not necessary.
Challenges that they do and report back on in community are a very good idea.
January 18, 2016 at 12:30 pm #11807Great explanation @kate_arms. That will 100% be a red flag for people when they find your course, so glad we could stumble upon that objection here and now.
Your answer was PERFECT. Be sure to copy and paste that, because it will come in handy for sales copy, a blog or marketing materials later down the road. 🙂
January 18, 2016 at 6:56 pm #11974Thanks for the question that made me think through it!
July 25, 2016 at 2:06 pm #28484Hi Kate! It’s been a while since we’ve heard from you around the campfire. Just wanted to see how your journey is going with your course. Is there any support you need or updates you wanna share?!
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