New Home Forums Course Ideas & Outlines The Great and Honorable Inner Fire Treasure Hunt

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    Sharyn Warren

    OK. Beginning again. I’ve completely changed this post AND my course. 3rd time’s the charm. Hopefully. 😉

    The search is ON!

    There are riches to be found.

    Treasures (known as “transformations” in other lofty circles). Not listed in order. At this time “including but never limited to”:

    1. Confidence in nature. In particular and especially confidence and recognition of riches within the rare, uncommon, different nature of spiritually untamed wisdom, meaning and purpose seekers.
    2. Knowing where to look for what you are seeking: the 4 great places of discovery. Hint: the deep you go, the higher in value your discoveries are.
    3. Skill building how to read inner treasure maps: signs, symbols, clues, serendipitous markers, as well as how to spot false leads and misguided information.
    4. Mastery in both reading and creating one’s own treasure map–system and tools for finding what you are looking for, and more importantly, being able to create exactly what you desire.
    5. Expertise in how to distinguish real treasure from “fool’s gold,” i.e., truth from pretty lies, even the ones we tell ourselves.
    6. Knowing Your Tools – tool safety, mastery and sharing: the ones that are invaluable “must have’s”, nice to have, and totally unnecessary waste of time and money
    7. Trading Post: how to know when you have enough, tips for valuing and exchanging your treasure wisely for additional supplies, maps, hiring a guide, taking on a partner, etc.
    8. Safety knowledge and skill:  how to avoid injuries, recognize false, limiting even harmful information, simple first aid, especially when you are searching in unfamiliar places or difficult environments, maintaining balance.
    9. Basic Alchemy – sometimes, well always, it is a good idea to know how to turn lead into gold yourself.
    10. Practical Magic–how to use your treasure to manifest the life that was always meant for you.
    11. Sharing your treasure generously and meaningfully–fulfilling your personal destiny with the riches you have within you.
    12. How to live with great inner personal wealth in a world that is still attracted to impoverished ideas of fear, anger, and negativity.

    I’m still pondering on the structure.  I am considering a 30 Day Treasure Hunt, with instructions each day.

    Tutorial (video & pdf’s), journaling, explores and reporting on observations and discoveries, difficulties and challenges along the way addressed in weekly Q & A. Treasure map–possibly laid out on labyrinth. Provide special tools along the way as go through each location.

    Thinking about bonus options: possibly 1:1 call. Not sure yet.

    It’s a good start.


    Deb Robson

    Sounding huge and interesting, Sharyn.

    I suspect that personal stories (yours and others’) will be really important to ground the potential and actual students’ understanding of what you’re teaching.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Wow Sharyn, this looks so fun. You’ve done a great job refining it from where you were when we had our previous conversation. I suggest getting out your arts and crafts stuff and make a first draft treasure map (kinda like our Adventure Map) and have fun planning out the step by step process you’re taking people on. Including in that map, the exercises and breakthroughs you’re gonna guide them on. Get artsy, creative and have fun with it!!


    Sharyn Warren

    Fun suggestion, @bradleytmorris! I also started looking at printable labyrinths and am sorting out the feasibility of creating a map that follows the twists and turns of a labyrinth leading to a deep heart center. The Devil is STILL in the details, but playing with the dude has become a lot more fun and entertaining. Going toe to toe and eye to eye now instead of getting the throw down. LOL.


    Rodolfo Menjivar

    Sounds really interesting. Cannot wait to see what you come up with!!


    Sharyn Warren

    OK–looking for help with this one. I bought the for the title but am stumped on the tag.

    Name: Inner Fire Treasure Hunt:

    Roughly – an expedition for “differently made,” spiritually untamed Purpose Seekers to recover the priceless buried treasures of Self in order to live into and do the work of their personal bliss.

    Who: spiritually untamed wisdom, meaning and purpose seekers who have felt different their entire lives, and understand that the buried or constricted parts of themselves are somehow related or necessary to fulfill their specialized personal destiny.

    What: self-actualization, i.e., the fulfillment of one’s highest potential through honoring and knowing one’s  Self,  and living entirely from that knowingness.

    How to shorten yet make clear in language that is a  WHOLE LOT MORE FUN/INTERESTING.

    I am open to all suggestions. And I’m willing to be daring–I am pretty sure.


    Jessica Antonelli

    Love your course title and concept Sharyn!

    Inner Fire Treasure Hunt is a real attention grabber. But since it’s a big-idea kind of title it does seem like a really straightforward tagline will help your students know that it is just right for them.

    Just messing around with some of the words you presented, your tagline could be:

    “Recover the priceless buried treasures of Self  to self-actualize personal bliss”

    “fulfill your highest potential through honoring your Self”

    ‘Tame your inner fire to tap into your spiritual power’ kind of comes to mind…well just some ideas. Good luck!


    Sharyn Warren

    Thank so much for your response, Jessica! And for your suggestions. This is very helpful!!!


    Sharyn Warren

    Inner Fire Treasure Hunt: an expedition to recover (discover?)  the hidden (buried? lost?) riches of differently (uncommonly?) spirited purpose seekers.

    Don’t know if this is straight forward enough? And the ( )’s are alternative words.




    Sharyn Warren

    For now, going with….Inner Fire Treasure Hunt: an expedition for spiritually untamed seekers of purpose to discover the riches of their “different” design.


    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    Love where this is headed!

    I encourage you to continue to refine and distill this down to something compact and potent. Less is certainly more.

    I’d love to see something short and potent – for example:

    Inner Fire Treasure Hunt: Discover Your Design

    Its easy to get lost in words. Once you find the name/tagline that is clear and simple, everything will flow from there.

    Your task: come up with a 3-6 word tagline 😉


    Sharyn Warren

    Thanks for your suggestions, @andyfreist!

    More possibilities.

    Inner Fire Treasure Hunt: Your Destiny Is In Your Rare Design

    : Your “Different” Design, Your Destiny

    : Destiny Awaits Your Different Design

    : Your Rich Destiny Is In Your Uncommon Design

    : Discover The Richness of Your Rare Design


    Deb Robson

    @sharynwa, I think Andy’s right on with his observation, and you’re getting far closer.

    I’d be inclined toward something like (subtitle only):

    Find Your Destiny in Your Uncommon Design


    Discover Your Destiny in Your Uncommon Design


    “Find” and “discover” are active verbs that place–and keep–agency with the potential participant. They are forward-moving. They are personal. They are capable. They also make a promise on the part of your course, which I think is a good thing: the course will guide them in doing this thing for which they already have the capacity, but could benefit from tools.

    “Uncommon” rather than “rare” because the latter implies to me outsider-ness. It’s lonelier. I might even prefer “unique” over “uncommon” for similar reasons.



    Sharyn Warren

    Excellent suggestions, Deb. Thank you for the explanation for your choices, as well. I love it that you feel the energy in a word, particularly the important but SUBTLE energies that are so important when we are wanting to express something EXACTLY, PRECISELY. I really appreciate your insights and thoughtfulness!


    Sharyn Warren

    Inner Fire Treasure Hunt: Discover Your Destiny In Your Unique Design

    Am I getting warm?



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