New Home Forums Course Ideas & Outlines Transformation

6 replies, 3 voices Last updated by  Rodolfo Menjivar 9 years ago
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    Rodolfo Menjivar

    Through the Ecourse that I am creating I want to provide people with the tools and knowledge to make changes in all areas of their lives. Mainly being the physical, mental and spiritual. It will be an introductory level course and depending on feedback I receive I will dive into the deep end of each of the areas in future courses.

    After people finish my course the transformation they will go through will lead them to healthier, smarter, and more loving lifestyles. They will feel empowered and full of confidence knowing that change is not only possible, but within reach for them and the ones they love. They will come out of the course knowing that the steps they have taken will allow them and others to see immediate results and in years to come.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    I’m excited to see how you use the power of media to facilitate the physical, mental and spiritual transformations that you’re intending. Have you started to imagine how that might be @rodolfomenjivar


    Rodolfo Menjivar

    Yes I have – I already make Youtube videos and would like to incorporate this style into my Ecourse. I want it to be a 10 day course run over 2 weeks, having the weekends off. My idea is to set it up in the Problem.Reaction.Solution method.
    Day 1 – what is the problem, why do I need to change
    Day 2 – What are our options – what happens if we change or do not change
    Day 3,4 – Physical solutions – show them ways they can become healthier by being active and being aware of what we put into our bodies ex food, water
    Day 5,6 – Mental solutions – focus on changing the mindset – self talk, meditation, affirmations, less t.v, what you surround yourself with etc.
    Day 7,8 – Spiritual solutions – Not quite sure on what kind of content I want here yet..
    Day 9 – I want to show something that incorporates all 3 aspects. Ex. Yoga is physical, mental and spiritual.
    Day 10 – Moving forward,tips to continue on the path and what happens next.

    This is just the first draft I have made so far @bradleytmorris Let me know what you think. Thanks!!


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    The outline looks good @rodolfomenjivar. I’m wondering if your participants will need more than just ten days to have the breakthrough you’re intending for them.

    My question is:

    Could Day 1 & 2 be week one? where you get them to take a look at their life, where they want to change and where they want to go. Basically, a taking inventory and practice in self awareness.


    Day 3,4 – Physical solutions – could be week 2, with daily exercises and challenges to get them into their physical body.


    Day 5,6 – Mental solutions – – could be week 3…


    Day 7,8, 9 – Spiritual solutions – could be week 4…


    Day 10 being a week of integration tools, helping to ground the full process in.

    This honestly wouldn’t be a ton more work. You would just space it out more so they could integrate fully the tools you’re giving them for each pilar you’re listing here.

    What are your thoughts on this approach?

    This would be more a month long course.


    Rodolfo Menjivar

    I like the idea. I was pondering if it was too much for people to assimilate in just 10 days. It’s almost like you can read my mind. Clearly you have been through this process before. I really appreciate all the constructive feedback you have been giving me @bradleytmorris


    Deb Robson

    I’m with Bradley on this, Rodolfo–and with your own suspicions. Definitely stretch this out and give people time to assimilate. Also–folks are busy. The more gradual delivery will be easier to fit into their lives. Benefits all around.


    Rodolfo Menjivar

    Yeah the more I think about stretching it out, the more I like it. Thanks for the feedback @robson

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