Hi folks,
Since you might not have read my intro, I am already offering online entrepreneurial courses for women in permaculture.
What’s permaculture? My current definition is: A system of ecological design for meeting human needs while regenerating the ecosystems in which we are embedded.
The transformations I already offer:
– Supporting women and people of color into leadership in permaculture.
– Researching, compiling, articulating “Best Practices” to support women in this endeavor (with an “intersectional” lens).
– Addressing -isms and oppression in ways that “call people in” instead of alienate.
– Helping folks break out of the “being a professional in permaculture means they have to become a permaculture design consultant or teach permaculture design certificate courses” mindset–that is a terribly constraining business model. In other words, helping folks find new exciting niches that apply permaculture, even if they don’t call it that, and fast-track regenerative solutions.
– Shifting mindsets from “business is a bad word” to “I design Abundance Models that are regenerative for me, my communities, and our planet.”
– Revalorizing the archetypically feminine, caring work that is the core economy, and building Abundance Models around that.
– Teaching entrepreneurship that is not from the neck up, in a process that promotes connection to one’s deeper knowing, to others, and to wholeness.
– Radical self care as a key piece of an Abundance Model.
– Weaving containers of mutual support.
Transformations I want to offer (probably not in the e-course, though if folks have suggestions about how that would work I’m open to it):
– More in-depth explorations of power-with through somatic exercises. How do we embody power that is co-creative?
– Ultimately, retreats and workshops around cultivating audacious leadership to co-create our regenerative future.
– Wicked, holistic, regenerative fun as part of my educational offerings.
Man I’m excited for what you’re up to @karryn. I can’t wait to see the courses you create and how they impact the women’s lives you’ll be sharing them with!