New Home Forums Progress Logs Tracking the Journey………

1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by  Bradley Morris 8 years, 8 months ago
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  • #11602

    Chris Gilmour

    Where I’m at:

    I’ve chosen a course topic but have a lot to do on focusing how I’m going to go about it. I’m thinking a lot about the technical side of this and am looking forward this journey. I registered for another course on web development and have been researching microphones, video editing software, and researching who also is producing courses or materials related to my course topic.

    what I intend to accomplish next:
    Begin to understand the technology I will be working with so that I can use this for inspiration on how I am going to deliver my content and cultural experience.

    he action steps you are going to take:
    Finish the rest of the checkpoints journals, buy a microphone and practice shooting some video, research and pick a video editing program, research building newsletter lists that reach beyond my local network and region, look into starting a blog and newsletter following to begin to build some buzz for my future course and greater plans for this project


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Awesome @chrisg!! Great to see you diving in.

    My suggestion is not to overwhelm yourself with learning all the technologies too soon. Yes, get an email list going. We recommend Active Campaign.

    Yes, definitely get the recording gear and editing software you need.

    Best way to build your list locally is to get into the habit of offering some free, no pressure, high fun+value workshops that build community around your.

    Also, start looking around at the other people in your line of work. Start reaching out to them, setting up phone conversations and make new friends.

    Remember, you’re in it for the long haul, so have fun dreaming in your ULTIMATE eCourse vision. If you could create a course where anything is possible, what would you create. Because you can and we’ll help guide you to the tech you might need to make it happen 🙂

    Happy creating.

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