New Home Forums Tech Support & Bug Squashing Ticket Purchase

4 replies, 2 voices Last updated by  Andy Freist 9 years ago
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    Awi Heidelmann

    hey guys… ehmmm I would like to buy a ticket for the adventure, however there seems to be a bug. When I choose option paypal (under “Purchase A trail pass” from within my loged in account in TGeCA, I get the following error message: “You must enter first name and last name”… but there is no field to do that in the first place. So… there is no way I could buy a ticket. Or is there another way? Better fix that if you want me to join this trip. 😉 thanks.


    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    Hi Awi,

    That is strange! I am looking into this now.

    Have you actually tried to just go through with the registration and ignore the error? Does it let you move forward, or does it not let you register?



    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    It looks like its because you didn’t enter a last name when you signed up, and in our back-end settings it was set to require name fields.. I made it so that the name fields aren’t required, so that should fix it! Let me know if that clears things up on your end 🙂


    Awi Heidelmann

    mahaloooo…. worked like a charm now… I passed the gate! Yippie. Also it looks like 2 people joined through my affiliate recommendation… just so you know!!! 🙂


    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    Yay, awesome, thanks & tally ho!!!


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