New Home Forums Community, Engagement & Gamification The Ultimate Alternate Reality Gamified Transmedia Classroom Toolkit

3 replies, 4 voices Last updated by  Penny Claringbull 8 years, 9 months ago
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    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    Wow. This is seriously awesome.

    Alternate Reality Games

    Up until 30 minutes ago I had no idea this was even a “thing”.

    Apparently we’re not the only ones creating gamified learning experiences 😉

    Down the Rabbit Hole: How To Turn Your Class into an Alternate Reality Game

    “With the help of these resources, you can develop your own gameful class, cook up a transmedia project, design a pervasive game or create your very own ARG (alternate reality game)”

    The Ultimate Alternate Reality Gamified Transmedia Classroom Toolkit

    Reaaaallly looking forward to the conversations that are about to ensue around all of this.

    1, 2, 3, Go!


    Catherine Fox


    “The rabbit hole is the hook that draws your student-players into the magic circle of the game, the gateway that ushers them from the mundane reality of daily classroom life to the unpredictable possibilities of the game” This bit really stood out to me because it’s almost exactly what I said to a client lately — about going down the rabbit hole. Also I’m thinking lots about magic circles and making gateways.

    Although it can be a bit wibbly seeing other people “do” the thing you are working on, actually I see this as tremendously encouraging

    The aspect of creating immersion stands out as Jeff and I are already beginning work on Virtual Reality worlds that encourage transformation of mindset and body experience — immersion is powerful

    Also, the part about linking to the real world via augmented reality is really cool
    “ARGs and pervasive games can break down the classroom walls and make learning an anywhere and anytime experience. The following resources will let you extend gameplay outside your classroom and turn the real world into your game world.”

    total brainstorming randomness to follow –

    I can imagine setting something up on vancouver island or victoria where people ACTUALLY HAVE TO GO OUTSIDE to do lessons and stuff, and follow maps to places where clues and experiences can happen. Imagine having a transformational experience the cruise ship people and tourists could do “transformation victoria” etc…. and then on a bigger scale what if people on the ecourse started creating their own adventure maps that other people could explore too.

    The Countdown Clock part is cool too!!

    …and the Active Alternate Reality Game part now makes me want to run off and do that…. ACtually, my experience of the GEA is like an active alternate reality game, especially as i meet up with others on here, feel like we are encouraging each other to play a new reality together.


    JoAnn Turner

    Awesome ideas! I haven’t played ARGs myself, but I have gotten into a lot of problem-solving puzzle games for the last few years, and love them. And I’ve been involved with the SCA, a medieval re-enactment group, for more than 20 years, which is an alternate reality in its way. It’s also an amazing environment that spurs people to be much more dynamic and creative than they’re likely to be as their regular selves.

    Lots of food for thought here. Even incorporating a little bit of this will enhance the experience for students!


    Penny Claringbull

    Spot on @andyfreist, this really resonates!

    The place where I used to work did night-time nature walks in the wetlands using sensors that let kids ‘hear’ animals (they couldn’t but the sensors did). Plus they mapped temperature and humidity and could see how that changed with altitude (up trees for example) and how it impacted habitats. They could monitor everything from their phone at home.

    I’ve also done work with an approach called ‘Storythread’ that uses roleplay and props to teach students about environmental change along rivers. It goes for at least a term and gets kids doing tasks for a fictional character that involves exploring the history of a water course. It can have a virtual component, just depends how it’s designed.

    And I know a principal who uses World of Warcraft to teach sustainability to the school – they can turn off the aircon in his office if the settings are too cold, among other things. What kid wouldn’t want to play around with the principal’s office?!

    There is stuff like geocaching too, which is a way of linking on and off-line experiences. @catherine_wildfox I love the idea of doing this for cruise ship passengers. And what about food experiences and farmer’s markets…hmm…my mind is spinning on that one, there are so many awesome producers around here….

    And I know what you mean when you see someone doing something close to ‘your’ idea, but I think it’s actually a good thing because it shows that the interest is there.

    Now I want to rush off and do that, dammit. But I am determined to be HMAS Dogged Endurance and finish what I’ve started. But I will definitely keep a closer eye on this stuff and let it bubble away in my mind….

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