New Home Forums Philosophy, Mindset & Preparation The Thrivelihood Journey–Mapping it Out

4 replies, 4 voices Last updated by  Bradley Morris 9 years ago
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    Karryn Olson-Ramanujan

    Hi again,

    I call my programs “Thrivelihoods” –as in “how to thrive in your right livelihood”.

    I have mapped out my offerings several times, and using your format, am doing it again.

    Several things come up:

    I have a ton of content. I have a handle on how to chunk it. But it still often feels confusing!

    Am looking forward to seeing how it distills out with taking your ecourse into the mix.

    Right now, my courses are probably priced higher than my ideal clients can afford. So I’m doing “discovery sessions” and putting a lot of energy into enrollment conversations. I’m not getting the enrollment numbers I need to make this worth my while (and launches take a lot of energy!) The courses themselves are “high touch” and therefore require a lot of my time.

    SO I’m thinking a series of ecourses can deliver the content passively at a lower price point. Would love to hear how others are figuring this biz model stuff out. Here’s my current map

    The River of Awareness
    – I’ve written articles and had them published in permaculture mags and online.
    – I have a website. Will be shifting soon to to streamline branding
    – I have FAcebook, twitter, instagram, etc. Post sporadically.
    – Going to guest blog soon
    – Need to set up a blogging schedule! How are folks fitting that into your schedules?
    A question that comes up is: how much and which content to give away? Can one give too much? How do we know? The trend seems to be to give a ton.

    1st Step (Free Offer)
    – Thrivelihood Speaker Series
    – Abundance Models Handout as opt-in gift — Would love to hear how to get great ebooks done low-cost, low-stress

    2nd Step (Low or Medium $$ + Time) e
    Ecourse (now to figure out which chunks of content!)–no discovery sessions, just sign up. Run a pilot the first time.
    I currently do group programs… would love to hear folks’ experiences re doing group versus evergreen programs.

    3rd Step (High $$$ + Time + Energy)
    Coaching packages or group coaching experiences OR eCourse Level II, or something that’s never been done…
    Private coaching around my offerings

    4th Step (Your Launch Summit + Brand Transformation)

    – More in-depth explorations of power-with through somatic exercises. How do we embody power that is co-creative? Maren
    – Ultimately, retreats and workshops around cultivating audacious leadership to co-create our regenerative future.
    – Wicked, holistic, regenerative fun as part of my educational offerings


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    This is an awesome start @karryn! Lots of clarity and clearly you’re already doing a lot in the realm of content creation and unraveling your full business flow.

    How much and which content to give away? My suggestion is to find the ways you MOST enjoy giving value. If it’s writing, then get masterful with your writing and commit to a number of articles/entries per week that feels doable. If it’s videos, then again, figure out a commitment to continually provide value.

    Can you give too much away? Maybe. It depends on what the upsell from the freebies are. If you don’t have an ask that makes all your free-content making worth-while then you’ve answered your question.

    As for your pricing: The question we asked ourselves was, “Would we have bought our program four years ago if we found it.” The answer was no (that was with our eCourse Creation Blueprint). This is what inspired to create this course.

    The question to ask yourself is: What would you honestly be willing to pay for the services or eCourses your selling? That should probably be your number.

    I think your idea of offering a series of eCourses that deliver a really SPECIFIC outcome at a lower price is a way to go.

    Example: Narrowing your Niche Now eCourse
    The Marketing Maven eCourse
    Launching like a Leprechaun with a Rocket Pack eCourse

    Rather than putting all those into one eCourse, you make them into mini eCourses.

    I know those are horrible names and examples, but you get the point.

    Another reason I think it’s a good idea is that it’ll be less work for you to develop your first one, which means you’ll learn how to do this so your next ones are easier and quicker!

    Did I miss any questions?


    Deb Robson

    Karryn, your concerns and questions parallel mine. I’d love to have evergreen, but I think there are advantages to group/specific time frame.

    Blogging: I *love* doing it, and haven’t for a while because of burnout in other parts of my life (too much travel for in-person teaching, and intense prep for that teaching when I’ve been home). Great resource that helped me start and sustain, and will help me revitalize, blogging: The Weblog Handbook, by Rebecca Blood. It’s old, but other than the resources for platforms, it’s still primo.


    Luma Malone

    Great questions Karryn and helpful replies Bradley 🙂
    Thanks for the blogging resource Deb.
    Reading this post thread is really helping me to disrupt some old looping patterns and spark some new approaches. I’m heading back to my mapping process with new enthusiasm. The benefits of these forums is becoming very tangible. Thanks!!


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Awesome @lumasphera, that is so exciting! Glad this is landing home with you and everyone else here.

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