The things I love the most will be the things I am able to do full force: Learn, read, travel, inspire others, see my nieces, sister and family more often, hike, run, drink more tea, meeting and getting to know people, yoga classes, sitting in coffee shops, wandering the beautiful communities in my city.
It’s weird to think that a year ago I thought I was so busy but I was learning, reading, hiking, running and in the gym for 1.5-2 hours everyday, working, seeing my nieces once a week and I thought I was so busy.
Now, complete time shift, I am striving to find time to make all those things possible again, with working a different job with additional projects, taking online courses, and still in the gym.
Slowly but surely, I will be able to get back to the life I love. Taking this eCourse is apart of it, for sure, I am learning and it will allow me to inspire others in a topic I love.
I have a few trips pencilled in, time to find time to get them planned, booked and make them a reality.
I am a big believer in “things happen for a reason” and “things will happen when the time is right” and that’s what I am going to say about this, when the time is right to take off an go for a hike, I will know it and I will go. When my schedule coincides with my favourite yoga classes, I will go to them. I will take opportunities as they come. Actively making my life what I love to do.
I am going to spend time getting back into the balance that I love. Week by week, I will find time to find that time balance my life needs to do the things I love and the things I need to do.
I have already noticed that I am starting to make more time for the things I love since beginning the eCourse. This week, it’s been drinking more tea – it seems like such a minute task but I went from 4 cups a day to 0 and it’s something I’ve missed greatly.
Woohoo, we have a converted life-lover!! Stoked to hear you’re reclaiming your schedule and integrating the things you love as you please. Drink that tea. Hike that mountain. Why? Because you can 🙂