New Home Forums Course Ideas & Outlines The Pathway of the Tarot

8 replies, 8 voices Last updated by  Darla Antoine 8 years, 11 months ago
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    The Tarot eCourse that I am creating isn’t simply how to read Tarot cards – that part is in there.  The big part is the Philosophy that is not understood and where the transformation and learning happens.

    My outline is this:
    Lesson 1 – Introduction
    – Terminology, Glossary, Symbology, Explination of the Unbound Book of Knowledge that is really a story that outlines a Philosophy of Laws and Lessons in life
    Lesson 2 – Wands
    – Story of Wands explains a philosophy on how we deal with ideas or projects or things we want to                      manifest in our lives
    Lesson 3 – Cups
    – Story of Cups explains a philosophy on how we deal with emotions and values
    Lesson 4 – Swords
    – Story of Swords explains a philosophy on how we deal with problems and conflict                  Lesson 5 – Pentacles
    – Story of Pentacles explains a philosophy on how we deal with Material things
    Lesson 6 – Higher Arcana Part 1
    – The Philosophy of the first half of the Higher Arcana
    Lesson 7 – Higher Arcana Part 2
    – The Philosophy of the second half of the Higher Arcana
    Lesson 8 – Numerology
    – How Numerology and Tarot compliment and enhance understanding.


    Sharyn Warren

    Sounds like an excellent intro course, Cristin, with clearly delivered fundamental groundwork with depth. I have a number of deck, and love working with the archetypal symbology. Have been working with the cards in relation to the kabbala system for several years now, so I really appreciate you pointing your students in the direction of  “divination” as a means for self-knowing and deeper discovery. I think you have a readily available and receptive market. I am excited for you!


    Kate Arms

    Looking good!


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Looking really good. Seems super in depth @cristin_olafsson.

    I’m curious, will you go through all the cards? Or more just the guiding principles of each category of card?

    Also, wondering is your WHO someone who wants to learn how to do Tarot Readings OR someone who is wanting to understand how to do their own readings more deeply?

    Great work!



    Hey Bradley – the answer to all the questions is YES

    There will be details on each card and their place in the journey.  The participants will learn how to read (even if you have never touched the cards) as well as the deeper path along the way.

    It is a unique teaching and extremely transformative.


    Deb Robson

    Sounds very appealing to someone whose favorite Tarot resource is Rachel Pollack’s The Forest of Souls–but yours sounds like something I could come to early in a Tarot investigation, whereas Pollack isn’t an early resource! Bravo for aiming both deep and approachable.



    Sounds amazing! Something I’ve always wanted to learn more about 🙂



    JoAnn Turner

    This sounds great!  I love the focus on the underpinning and philosophy, which is so much greater than just the cards as a fortune-telling device or a party trick!

    Sign me up!


    Darla Antoine

    I think this sounds great! Something I’d like to take. To echo off of bradely– I think the potential is there to make this course solely about the philosophy. That definitely is missing from other courses on tarot that I’ve seen. Sure, I’d learn more about reading the cards by learning the philosophy, naturally. But you could create a separate course on reading the tarot that builds off of this one– the next level up the mountain.

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