New Home Forums Introductions The Mystery of Life

4 replies, 4 voices Last updated by  Waymatea 9 years, 1 month ago
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    My name is: Stephanie

    I teach: Health on the fertility continuum, from preconception to postpartum

    Why I signed up for The Great eCourse Adventure: Because I love outdoor adventures, my vision for a course is based on a vision quest, heroine’s journey concept, so it seemed fitting, and I’ve never seen anything like this. I’m kind of just excited to play the game.

    What kind of e-course I want to create: I want to create two e-courses, actually. The first is a miniature 7-day version of the second, which would ideally end up being a 9 month program on Calling in Your Soul Baby, focusing on optimal fertility, soul baby attraction and the heroine’s journey into motherhood. Ah, but perhaps too ambitious for a newbie to biz like me. We will see.

    What makes me come most alive is: nature, dancing and other joyful movement, being creative, and energy work (getting and receiving)

    I gave birth to an awesome little girl 4 months ago, and I am doing this while in the throes of caring for her. It’s quite the adventure, for sure.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Welcome to the campfire Stephanie. We’re excited for your excitement to play the game and be on this adventure with us.

    I love your vision. The Heroine’s journey into motherhood. A virtual rites of passage. You are speaking our language here. What you share seems totally doable.

    The wonderful thing is, you don’t have to have the course 100% complete in order to have women started. Even if you have your participants beginning and you’ve had the next two months ahead of them created, that’s a lot of buffer for you to lay down the steps ahead before they arrive to them.   😉

    So what I’m trying to say is: it’s totally doable!

    As a witness to the transformational journey women go through from pregnancy to birth, I’d say your eCourse is going to strike a cord with many and be such a valuable gift.

    We’re so happy to have you on the adventure with us and please ask as many questions as you have. We’re here to serve.   🙂

    High fives and Play On!!



    That’s great advice, and I feel like I can totally do the first two months, so yah! Feeling jazzed about that. It’s so great to get feedback right away. I can tell you guys are providing an incredible value with this course, so thanks a bunch!



    I love this, Stephanie! I am so excited you are a part of this course and I can’t wait to see what your course becomes:) I am also attracted to the vision quest element of this course, and planning to bring the into me-course (u can check out my intro Pilgrimage to the Summit if u are interested), so I relate in an eentrepreneurial spirit as well as just loving your vision. This is such a needed course for Women, so thank you in advance for your awesome contribution to society:))



    Hi Stephanie,

    Big congratulations on your very own Soul Baby Girl 🙂 I wish you the best adventure with motherhood and with your sweet endeavours.


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