New Home Forums Introductions The Happy Depressive -So excited to meet y'all!

5 replies, 6 voices Last updated by  Waymatea 9 years ago
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    My name is: Carlene Angela
    I teach: Depressive people how to experiment with being happy.
    Why I signed up for The Great eCourse Adventure: Because I want to do work that matters to me and I’ve always wanted to have an online business. I want to move to a small mountain town and would like to support my life with online-only endeavours:)
    What kind of e-course I want to create: A lifestyle-experimentation course for depressives who want to stop fighting and accept depression so they can create happiness for themselves on a daily basis.
    What makes me come most alive is: Having and facilitating AHA moments; deeply connecting, soul-to-soul; learning and disseminating information.


    Kate Arms

    So curious to see what your course becomes. Exploring ways of playing with depression is an area of deep interest of mine.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    All I can say is MMmmmmm!  I love the possibilities for your course. It’s going to be exciting to help you bring this vision to life. It’ll be a blessing to many people I’m sure.


    Andrea Celestina

    So beautiful. Excited to see the unfolding and be of support.



    Sounds awesome Carlene!


    Welcome and looking forward to being of help in your journey!



    Hi Carlene,

    This sounds awesome!!! I love the work you are doing. All the best creating your e-course to sustain your mountain-living:)


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