3 replies, 3 voices Last updated by  Rodolfo Menjivar 9 years, 1 month ago
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    Rodolfo Menjivar

    Two of the major things I want to do when I have a passive income are travel more and grow my own food on my sustainable acreage.

    So beginning in the new year I will start taking monthly getaways, even if it is only for a day or two, to place I want to visit. There are definitely lots of options being just a few hours drive from the mountains.

    Secondly, I am going to start seeing what kind of plants or fruit/veg I can grow indoors during the winter and start doing that now. I am sure it will be a learning process and this will help me prepare for when I do have a acreage.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Awesome Rodo. Love that vision and inspired action.

    A few years ago I made a similar goal as yours. I set out to go on on a monthly vacation… and even though I was on a tight budget, I did it. Sometimes I’d go camping, other times I’d go on a weekend trip to visit friends. Then I also took some bigger week long personal retreats as well.

    You can do it. No limits life!


    Eunita L

    I celebrate daytrips, small trips, anything that lets us be a tourist in our own backyard. Small trips reinvigorate us! And give us courage to take on larger targets on our travel horizons. Three cheers for travel adventures!

    Watching your own veggies and plants grow inside during winter months is a joy! There is a book called Don’t Throw It Grow it. Deborah Peterson wrote the book and its great! Its about taking what we think of as Veggie kitchen scraps and giving them a chance to start new plants! See about getting a used copy from Amazon. The book is old enough now that some folks are likely selling it for much less than retail. Great book, eye opening, so many plants, so many projects! 5 Stars!

    I also give 5 stars to growing towers. You can grow greens and herbs in windows that get good sunshine. Then when its warm enough outside the towers can then go gaga with happy plants! And yes, venturing into learning about our food and gardening is always a valuable investment! What a great future to step into!


    Its a delight to meet you here Rodolfo! I wish you happy adventuring!


    Rodolfo Menjivar

    Wow thanks for all the advice @bee . I really appreciate it and I will definitely check it all out. Wishing you the best of luck on your E-course!! 🙂

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