New Home Forums Philosophy, Mindset & Preparation THE FUTURE INTO THE NOW

1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by  Bradley Morris 8 years, 11 months ago
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    Larry Taylor

    When I taught the live You! By Design class, the most rewarding part was watching participants open up to their greatness and come alive.

    In creating my eCourse I’m looking to be able to experience that amazing joyful feeling once again, but now while travelling, when I want to, wherever I want. I also want to include friends and/or family on some my journeys.

    Something else I want to do more of when I have the time and money is photography. I have done primarily landscape photography since I was a kid and gone through successions of photographic equipment over the years. But in the last couple of years I realize I have somehow gotten away from my photography, and now set it as something I want to do ‘when I have the free time’.

    Another goal I have set for when I have the income is that I will spend the necessary money to look after my physical health like never before – an exercise coach; a nutrition coach; an organic diet; excellent supplements, etc.

    Last but not least, once my eCourse is bringing me passive income I plan to give back to a charity or organization(s) which aligns with my values.

    Things I will do right now…


    Take and post a photo a day on Instagram


    A short road trip OR a visit local park or on a nature trail

    Explore new nutritious foods in my diet

    Weekly give to at least one of:
    • a street person
    • a thrift store
    • give of my time to a local organization
    • give some encouragement to a person

    I have slotted all of these goals into my weekly planner and it feels really exciting!


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Hey Larry, what a beautiful vision for the life you’re choosing to create. My challenge for you to is to go to your Progress Log a couple times per week and share your PHOTOS and STORIES of how you’re starting to LIVE IT NOW! Nothing’s holding you back (not even time). Organize yourself so taht these yes’s sit at the top of the priority list in your life.

    I’d love to see some of your photos be embedded in your eCourses’ website when it’s all complete 😉

    Live on my friend!

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