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May 9, 2016 at 4:57 pm #22142
Hello Creators!
@andyfreist and I were really tired of email bribes, 3-part video series and email sales tsunamis. The industry feels so over saturated with the same old big, empty promises.
We wanted to create something different. Something fun. A mini journey in a sense.
We wanted to create an experience that allowed new arrivers the opportunity to get to know what we’ve created, why we created it and whether it’s in alignment with their beliefs and desires. We also wanted to provide a shitload of value in exchange for their/your participation.These desires were what inspired the ideas behind our three videos that you probably experienced when joining the Great eCourse Adventure community here.
For a reminder, click this link to watch the three short videos…
We would love your feedback on the three videos and on boarding process as a whole.
How did you feel watching them?
How could we make the process even better?
What inspired you to join the community?
How do you like the value we offer (online community, free checkpoint, smoke signal newsletter)?
We actually provide a template for this exact kind of video series in our 12th Checkpoint, Funnelle Caves. We want to make it the best resource/template possible, so the better the feedback, the more we can refine.Also, if you’ve been through some mind-blowing, unique on boarding processes, share the links or videos below!
Please let us know your honest, candid feedback about these three videos.Thank you!
May 10, 2016 at 9:55 pm #22209HI Bradley,
I saw the three videos. They were very fun and inspiring. I’m definitely going to direct people to them who I think would really be interested in doing this.
The music was great, the back drop scenes were excellent. The colors in the cinematography were crisp and vibrant; I really enjoyed them.
For the first two video’s, though, they did not fit on my screen. I have a 13″ diagonal. The third one with the registration scene fits perfectly. But the first two I had to scroll up and down to see it all and finally just put it on full screen mode. It was distracting. But other than that, well done!
May 11, 2016 at 10:23 am #22243Wonderful feedback Akasha. Thanks so much. Good to know about the video size being too big. @andyfreist and I will shrink it down a bit so it fits on screens of that size ๐
Just you wait til Funnelle Caves too. You’re going to get to create your very own mini adventure like that ๐
May 11, 2016 at 6:38 pm #22285I’m trying to think of useful critique and can’t. I got quite emotional watching this (!) I love the mix of magic AND truth speaking. Loved the “no hypey nonsense” . Love the art and care that’s gone into this.
The part about “97%” fail rate really was useful info for me so great that’s included. The lack of negative selling is great. Feeling inspired and hopeful watching this. Also loved seeing the original promo video : and you really ARE creating a whole new world for ecourses. It’s exciting!
I’m looking forward to welcoming people
May 11, 2016 at 7:30 pm #22288Wow, thanks for the boost of enthusiasm @catherine_wildfox. We feel the same way. Really REALLY excited. The conversations we had went on for days to be able to distill those videos to what you just watched. Really grateful that they landed home so well.
We too are hopeful for the future of online learning and eCourse creation. So grateful that all of you are on the same mountain because it is definitely a WE ARE ALL DOING THIS TOGETHER kinda thing ๐
Great to see you back around the Campfire today!
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