New Home Forums Progress Logs The Dao of sea kayaking progress report

21 replies, 6 voices Last updated by  Bradley Morris 6 years, 8 months ago
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    Paulo Ouellet

    I have not yet settled on a name for my course but I’ve started with lesson 1.
    I hope the name will come to me as I work through the lessons.

    I have a rough outline for the course, and a refined outline for the first few lessons. As I create the first few lessons I think I will learn a lot about how what works and what doesn’t, and will refine the rest of the outline then.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Hey Paulo, I’m digging the “Dao of Sea Kayaking.” Do you know much about the differences of Tao vs Dao and where the two differ. I am used to Tao over Dao, but I do know both are used.

    I guess my main question is, do you think the people you’re wanting to serve will be drawn to that title. I think with that name, you need to come up with a GREAT tagline to explain what that is.

    Wanna play the name game? 

    1. Come up with 10 name ideas.
    2. Come up with 10 tagline ideas.
    3. Share them here and we’ll vote.

    Paulo Ouellet

    Hi Brad

    A friend suggested the Dao association because the course is about being with the flow of nature. I don’t know the difference between Tao and Dao, I thought is was just a different spelling for the same thing. I don’t think that my target market will know what I’m talking about if I use that word in my title. I agree with you that the tagline will need to be very clear if I am to use that. It does fit the theme of “kayaking in a way that feels natural and easy and in harmony with oneself and nature” and I am struggling to find a title and tagline that says it all clearly in a concise way.

    I will continue to play with it and post something when I find 10 that I like enough to use.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    I like the name and I think a lot of people have an idea of what Daoism is.

    The Dao (i prefer Tao cuz it’s what I’m used to) of Kayaking

    Start with this:

    Write down as many key words that have to do with your course, what it’s about and the transformation you’re guiding. That’ll help give you a range of words and language to draw from for your name and tagline.


    Paulo Ouellet

    So Lesson one is ready to record, just waiting for sunny without too much wind at a tme that i can get out. lesson 2 just needs to be refined. And I started doing some work on the website to figure out how I will put it all together and make it look good and clear and simple.

    And the name is coming together. I registered to domain and I’m working on polishing the tagline.

    If I can get a chance to record this week I will have leeson one on the website ready for feedback by next week. Meanwhile I’ll be working on the scripts for lesson 2 and 3.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Way to go Paulo. Exciting that it’s all coming together for you.

    What are you using to build your website? @andyfreist will have plenty of recommendations for you. Definitely ask questions!


    Paulo Ouellet

    I’m using wordpress with wishlist member to protect the pages, and progress ally which communicates with
    Active Campaign. Seems to work. I chose these mostly for the function on a low budget, since I already had some of the software.


    Paulo Ouellet

    Ok progress has been much slower than expected. I blame the weather for some of it. I have the first lesson pretty much done. Will be posting it soon. I took a bit of a detour to create a few pages for lead generation. Inspired by the coursesworthsharing and the UCSE5000. Here it is. I started running facebook ads on it yesterday.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    I love these videos <span class=”bbp-user-nicename”><span class=”handle-sign”>@</span>paulo.</span>

    You’ve done such a good job sharing your gifts, wisdom and experience.

    I think my only creatively constructive feedback would to see how you could improve the overall formatting of the website itself. For example, the “NEXT PAGE” button at the bottom overlaps the social media buttons, so you just need a bit more space there.

    I’d also suggest for your main headlines, to keep them on one line. Right now they go to two. That means, you may need to shorten the headline and say more with your tagline underneath.

    You may also want to create a few point lesson summary under each video.

    Here’s what you learned in this video

    • point one
    • point two
    • point three

    The pop-up email subscribe, it’d be awesome if you made a clearer call to action in the email sign-up on exactly what they get and how it will help them. AND if you can beautify that opt-in form too, that’d be great.

    Overall, I am loving what you’re creating. You’re doing a great job!

    Keep going!



    Paulo Ouellet

    Thanks for the feedback Bradley. I am redoing the videos because I want to add more tips that people can use right now. And add more to my introduction, and mention that I sell kayak videos near the beginning. And I will fix the issues you mentioned when it’s done and I’m ready to put an ad up. Also I may do two versions of it. One with the ad sending people to the first video and force people to optin to watch the others, and the second let them see all three videos free, and make them an offer at the end for more free training. And do the same targeting campaign on both and see which one makes more short term sales.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Can’t wait to see some sea kayaking lessons coming soon. Tis the season to get filming them I guess!



    Paulo Ouellet

    I have not been very good at keeping this up to date. Here is a video I made a few days ago.


    Paulo Ouellet

    I’m just going to add this link to my first lesson just so that it’s here on my progress log.

    I also redid a video for selling the gear I make for kayaking

    and here is a video for a facebook video ad.





    Paulo Ouellet

    I’m having a celebration moment. By November 15 my sales were less than 250 for the month and I was starting to worry about it. And now after a successful black friday promotion, my sales for the month are $5,500. That’s the highest month so far this year, and the second highest ever. Thank you, Bradley, for your help. Sending out a survey was amazing. I have so many ideas I can use to expand my business. Like there is actually interest in a 3-day learning retreat. And more course ideas. I presold a winter paddling course which is something I have never done before. It feels right to have the customer help me create it into what they want.


    Bobbie Jo Van Den Plas

    This is awesome, Paulo!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

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