New Home Forums Introductions Thank you and hello

6 replies, 4 voices Last updated by  andrea Bonsey 9 years, 1 month ago
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    andrea Bonsey

    Thank you Bradley and Andy for creating this space to learn and grow.

    My name is: Andrea

    I am a Psychotherapist living and working in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.  I am originally from the UK.

    I create safe, supportive, non-judgmental space for people to explore change and manage stresses that get in the way of living fully and authentically.

    Why I signed up for The Great eCourse Adventure:  I work one-to-one with my clients, and feel I have reached capacity with time and energy.  I am looking for a way to reach more people, create support that is more accessible for clients, and to develop my business in a way that is sustainable and kind to me too 🙂

    What kind of e-course I want to create:  One of the words I hear consistently with my clients is ‘Overwhelm’ and I would like to create an e-course that provides 21-30 days of supporting clients to stop, be still, and check in with themselves.  I find the busyness people get caught up in creates a belief that there is no time for self, for reflection and pausing.  Supporting people to start small, with 5-10 mins each day to breath, and get over the fear of being still, of learning to listen to and trust their inner authentic self, to create healthy habits of paying attention to their own needs, then creates opportunity for clients (and myself) to develop meaningful and satisfying relationships, work, or other activities.  Hope this is making sense.  Worry that it is too much of a ramble!
    What makes me come most alive is: Travelling, Driving my 1978 Westy, Hiking, and being with close friends and family.




    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Hi @Andrea! 

    Trust me when I say, it’s our absolute pleasure to have created this space for everyone to come together and grow themselves and their businesses. I’m so happy to have you on the journey with us right now.

    I think you’re dreaming into the perfect first course (21-30 days). I’m excited to help you flush out your ideas and turn them into a transformational, supportive process.

    Welcome to the Great eCourse Adventure!!



    Hi Andrea,

    Nice to meet you here 🙂 I wish you the best in leveraging your beautiful offering into an e-course.



    andrea Bonsey

    Thank you, Way… hope you enjoy the journey too 🙂


    andrea Bonsey

    Thank you Bradley… Excited to be here. Working on scheduling time in my dayplanner so I can really get stuck into this course. Loving your videos with Andy… 🙂 Looks like you had fun making them!


    Sharyn Warren

    Andrea, I was a psychotherapist for 40 years until a near death experience (and burn out) caused me to make a course correction and turn in the direction of my true “North Star.” I admire those of you who are still in the trenches, shining a light–a way out of the pain–for others. Wishing you all the best in this wonderful adventure!


    andrea Bonsey

    Thank you, Sharon. I hope your adventures continue 🙂 Loved reading your story.

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