New Home Forums Tech Support & Bug Squashing Still can't upload images

5 replies, 4 voices Last updated by  Penny Claringbull 8 years, 10 months ago
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    Deb Robson

    Andy, for some reason I have yet to be able to upload an image, although I’m working with appropriate sizes and formats of files. I’ve tried in Chrome and in Firefox.


    Penny Claringbull

    I can’t upload any either @robson. I’m trying to upload my moodboards – have you had any luck yet?


    Deb Robson

    @pennyclaringbull, no luck for me yet. I’m kind of stalled as a result–that and I’ve been on the road teaching, but it would have been great to get some feedback on my moodboards and I might have gotten something done while traveling if I’d been able to.


    Jessica Antonelli

    Do y’all have a pinterest account? I love images= crazy pinner, and I was able to take a lot of the pins I already had from my other art class boards to create this one. I love it because each pin leads you to new images and ideas.
    Here’s what I have so far, I’d love feedback if anyone gets a chance on their first impressions! The quotes are half chosen because of the fonts or colors, half chosen because I’ll incorporate them into my classes. The Art Nouveuax look just tickles my pickle, although I’d design my own versions of them for each class I think and draw them out.

    Thanks & good luck! looking forward to seeing more mood boards!


    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    Working on resolving the image upload issue.

    In the meantime, you can simply use an image hosting service such as

    You just upload your image there and it provides you with a link which you paste into your campfire post 🙂

    Thanks for your patience everyone!

    Yay for beta launches!!


    Penny Claringbull

    Thanks @andyfreist – all good, I would never have known about imgur if this had worked!

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