New Home Forums Introductions Spiritual Healing Guidance

3 replies, 3 voices Last updated by  Peggy 9 years, 1 month ago
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    My name is Peggy. I live in Brittany in France.
    I practice healings and give guidance.
    Why I signed up for The Great eCourse Adventure: I am thinking expanding my business and thought it was a great idea to propose online courses to my clients 🙂
    What kind of e-course I want to create: guidance and wellness, self-care advices.
    What makes me come most alive is: I love to create and espacially write.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Your clients are gonna thank you @peggy

    Having an eCourse as an integration tool for all your in person sessions is such a gift to help turn those breakthroughs you provide into life long transformations!

    Thanks so much for being on the mountain with us.


    andrea Bonsey

    Hello Peggy
    I love Brittany, and will be visiting friends there this year.
    Hope you enjoy creating your ecourse.



    Hi Andrea,

    Thank you for your message. THat is true Brittany is a nice place. I love the mystery we have in our culture with Carnac and Brocéliande the Merlin’s forest 🙂

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