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5 replies, 4 voices Last updated by  Bradley Morris 9 years ago
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    I would like to create an eCourse to help people understand what is guidance, how it works and how to channel safely. I would like to create a guideline, a map to explain guidance. The aim is that people can recenter on their path and go right to what they need, be able to know what is not for them, have clear boundaries and at the same moment be open to expand their unique essence 🙂
    I know these tools because I already used them and probably pick in this tool box as needed: meditation, self-research, reading, process work, drawing, painting, art project, journaling, writing, vision board, maps…


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    YES to more people connected to their innate intelligence and intuition @peggy!!

    Looking forward to you getting into some of the deeper mapping processes so you can flush out HOW to best facilitate that wonderful transformation.


    DavidJ Jurasek

    I love this idea and can imagine how powerful and needed it is. How some folks will be so glad to have the clear guidance that you can offer.

    I am wondering – and perhaps this will come later (I imagine it will) how one talks about such matters in a way that connects the journey you offer to some specific matters that folks struggle with and which they wish guidance on, so that people who see your offer really feel compelled to dive in with you – sooner than later.


    Luma Malone

    Sounds like listening to and following intuitive guidance comes naturally to you Peggy and you have really mastered these skills. Lots of people are ready to make the paradigm shift into the Intuition Age and need support to trust these navigating skills that you already know so well. YOu are ready to lead in your own unique way.

    David, you have offered up a good inquiry here about what people struggle with.
    Most people face self doubt, and have internalized programming to give more power to external authorities, rather than their own inner knowingness. We are all oppressively trained to seek answers externally in this world! When we go against our internal guidance, we experience depression, apathy, anxiety, disappointment in relationships, feel misunderstood and unworthy.

    What are some playful, interactive ways you can support and encourage people to trust that they know what they know? Who are the people that are waiting for you right now to show the way?

    I am curious to hear your response Peggy. I work in a similar field and I would be happy to bounce ideas around with you until you find one that hits the ground and gets your course rolling.



    I just saw your comments @bradleytmorris @davidj @Luma 🙂

    I am working on the how right now. The day is beautiful and I feel like going to the beach expanding my ideas on paper.

    For the moment, I am thinking to the content. I totally don’t know what kind of funny and interactive way I can offer this.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Awesome @peggy.

    Don’t worry about ‘funny’ ways. Just create an engaging experience that facilitates the transformation and allows. IF funny is a part of that, great. If it’s not, awesome! You just be You!

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