1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by  Bradley Morris 8 years, 8 months ago
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    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    The theme I most resonate with is space exploration — not *outer* space, but *inner* space!

    I’ve used the idea of “space monkeys” before when I beta tested a particular course and the little guys have stuck with me. It will be fun to have “space camp” as the intro sessions, ground school to get folks started, flight school for the next layer, and then we can have exploration parties headed to various planets and distant galaxies!

    Oh, and this will tie into the whole “fiction writing” component that I have on my “vida loca” list! We’ll see if I do integrate the whole transformation story of one of the characters — that would be fun to spin off as a novel!


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    LOVE IT @waynebuckhanan. Space Camp sounds like fun. I’d definitely do a course that takes me through space (inner or outer)!

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