New Home Forums Course Ideas & Outlines Soul baby quest and new mama goddess: transformations and titles

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    My course transformations: (again,this is for two courses, the first being a free opt-in)
    7-day mini vision quest (calling in your soul baby)

    Transformation: get ready, get set, get sisters. Possible title: “The quest ahead.”
    Day two Transformation: get healthy. Possible title: “Finding fertility.”
    Day three Transformation: connect with your spirit or current baby. Possible title: “Soul connections.” Transformation: connect with your ancestors and/or source and/or higher power. Possible title: “Women, the moon, and magic.”

    Transformation: connect with inner and higher selves and nature. Possible title: “Nature heals.” Transformation: creating the vision. Possible title: “Envisioning.”
    Transformation: bring vision into the world, manifesting. Possible title: “Return to the world.”

    New Mama goddess – not sure where to put titles here, as many of these transformations happen incrementally over a period of 28 days. (The full expression of this will be a 3-4 month course)

    Transformation: Overcoming the six-week wait. Delivered via one video lesson/pdf. What to do in the first six weeks for optimal healing.

    Transformation: Change your food. A 28-day meal plan and shopping list will be given.   A coaching lesson is included to help individualize the meal plans for particular needs and individual situations. I could also add a video lesson on functional nutrition and lifestyle changes in the postpartum period, including instruction on particular needs and situations.

    Transformation: Change your movement and posture. Daily exercise/movement plan is included, with illustration of necessary exercises, could include audio and video led routines. A general guide to posture changes, home improvements and diaphragmatic breathing could be given in pdf and/or video form.

    Transformation: Change your environment. Clear toxins, replace with clean products. One lesson/actionable-step to be given each day so that this can occur incrementally over 28 days and is not too overwhelming.
    Transformation: Become a breastfeeding badass. Given in one video lesson with a pdf handout. Will include how-to instructions, troubleshooting, how to make it a spiritual/meditative experience, how to keep from getting back/shoulder/neck tension.

    Transformation: Create a cloth diapering mecca for a simplified, super easy and value-aligned approach to the necessary evil of butt-wiping. Delivered via one video lesson/pdf. Exactly which diapers and how many to buy for a variety of needs/personalities/situations (may include a what-kind-of-cloth-diaper should you buy quiz), total cost or budget for new, second-hand or combo diapers. How to buy second-hand diapers. Your simple plan for making diaper washing a breeze. A washing cheat sheet to hang in the laundry room. Using sprayers, liners, and other accessories.

    Transformation: Become a sleep savant. Never worry about getting enough sleep or having enough energy again. Given via one video lesson with pdf handout. How to co-sleep in the beginning
    Transformation: Manifest your vision of new motherhood. Worksheet and journaling lessons perhaps delivered incrementally over 28 days or as a bonus workbook.

    Transformation: Connect with the soul and spirit of your baby. Will include a number of mommy-and-me connecting activities, perhaps 4 to be switched out each week. Could be given in an example video, depending on the exercise.

    Transformation: Go from worn-out to blissed-out in your relationship with your partner. Delivered via one video lesson with printable worksheet. Will cover communication needs and changes for new parents, incorporating feminine/masculine dynamics, how to talk about your body’s changes and changes in libido/desires. Could be potentially be outsourced, gotten from another specialist.

    Transformation: Simplify your daily life and tasks. Lessons to be doled out over 28 days incrementally through various mediums. Resources, what to buy, organizing clothes, assigning tasks to support people, etc. Some of which could be outsourced.

    Transformation: Get Support. Find and connect with soul sisters in the Facebook sangha. Will include daily themes, daily posts/activities, Q+A days, guest “speakers,” etc.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    This is all looking so good. You’ve got a lot of clarity and some amazing supportive steps for mama’s. I’m thrilled to see how the vision is growing for you!

    For this exercise:

    Transformation: Change your movement and posture. Daily exercise/movement plan is included, with illustration of necessary exercises, could include audio and video led routines. A general guide to posture changes, home improvements and diaphragmatic breathing could be given in pdf and/or video form.

    I’d definitely recommend some simple demonstration videos and perhaps for the “diaphragmatic breathing,” you could proivide a short guided audio meditation with some visualisations that guide their breath.

    Just a suggestion…


    Deb Robson

    Stephanie @sssheely, this all looks fantastic!

    Keep in mind that I’ve been a writer and editor and mother for decades. Most of my friends are grandmothers; life doesn’t seem to have that in store for me right now, but I have grandmother cred {grin}. My mind caught on a few teeny, tiny points that you may want to consider and make either elaborations or minor adjustments on.

    Breastfeeding: are you going to touch at all on the politics and logistics? I come from a *long* line of breastfeeding women, who did so even when that was entirely out of “fashion,” and remembering my comparatively judgmental grandmother *beaming* when she saw someone nursing a baby in public helped me nurse my daughter whenever/wherever (discreetly, of course) when the time came. Yet there seems to be some weird thing going on now that has mothers draping fabric over their babies’ heads when nursing. That completely eliminates the eye contact that is part of the process. There are other ways to manage nursing out in the world, and I’m wondering if they’ve been mislaid.

    “the necessary evil of butt-wiping”–I’m not sure it’s so much a necessary evil as a profound expression of care-taking, one that ends up being cross-generational when seen across a lifetime. For babies, it keeps them comfortable and prevents rashes and other evils (those are evils) and keeps things smelling sweeter. Yet at the other end of the continuum, more than a few of us find ourselves needing to provide similar caretaking services to other adults, due to illness, age-related handicaps, and other factors. I think that re-imagining the “necessary evil” at the baby stage may go a long way toward improving everyone’s ability to handle it in other relationships, when the time comes.

    “Transformation: Become a sleep savant.”–Ah, sleep! My daughter didn’t sleep more than 90 minutes at a stretch until she was 2.5 years old. Which brings to mind: will there be something here about protecting the baby? Some people could not have handled that schedule–which turned out to have had a neurological component–without succumbing to shaking the baby, or worse. This would all need to be handled with the positive, gentle vision you are shaping, but I think it could be done.

    “Transformation: Simplify your daily life and tasks.” The following link goes to what was a terrific book! We are vegetarians, so it suited us, and the mixes tend to be combinations that can be variable, not suited to preparation of a single character of a meal. There are undoubtedly other options, but this was key to my survival of early parenting.—Natural/dp/0892561459/ref=sr_1_5?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1455307944&sr=1-5&keywords=shandler%2C+nina



    Wow, @robson, thanks for all the great feedback. Your comments served to remind me what an emotionally-charged and even controversial issue a lot of these topics can be. It also reminded me that I want to address or even have a class on relationship to extended family and namely grandparents in this period, as I’ve noticed this can be a really tense period between new parents and grandparents. Bridging the generational gaps. Would love this period to be more about deepening that relationship instead of straining it, which takes effort and intention. And so many don’t even know where to begin to do this.

    I am definitely planning to keep the emotional charge of these topics at the forefront of my mind as I go forward, while I also try to be brave a take a stand for what I believe in. Hopefully this will call in my kindred spirits.

    Great point about breastfeeding in public. I would love to address this topic, too!

    Totally agree about the diaper changing stigma. I actually really love and look forward to changing-table time with my daughter (because I’m a cloth diapering nerd and also I just love to give her love and care). “A profound expression of care-taking” – love this phrase. When I said, “necessary evil of butt-wiping,” I was channeling the voice of the potential client, who may view this task with dread going into it, as I was often led to after hearing so many horror stories, etc. But thanks for bringing my attention to this. I think you get the transformation I’m hoping to offer with this course, so I really appreciate it.

    Yes, protecting the baby! Keeping the baby safe, happy, and healthy. Very important piece. I will definitely use that suggestion for my sleeping lesson. Plus emotionally coping with lack of sleep and other stresses that come up – so important.

    Not sure I want to go so far as to touch on baby foods, though, as that’s a whole can of worms and there are other people who do a great job with courses on this. But I’ll check out your book, thanks. 🙂


    Deb Robson

    Glad to help, @sssheely. It sounds like a terrific course, and I like your bigger ideas (grandparents, and so on).

    The recipe book isn’t about baby food. It’s about putting together “mixes” that can feed the rest of the family easily. The whole idea of shortening prep time without resorting to less-nutritious food was a blessing to me. We had homemade soups and salad dressings and all sorts of things, and it was *easier* than shopping for same in commercial form.



    Oh, great! Yes, I am hoping to have the easiest meal plans possible. I’ll definitely take a look. Thanks.



    Love this, Stephanie! Your vision is coming together so beautifully:) I really value the comments from Deb, regarding different perspectives, but I believe that too much time spent on discussions about differing view points is going to be a turn-off to your real audience. My read is that you are not converting women to be into natural or spiritual practices, you are guiding those who are already leaning that way. This is also generational, I imagine. Just my two cents, look forward to chatting soon:)



    Thanks @Alexis. Yeah, I find I get flustered when it comes to politics, and getting too political could detract from the feminine energy and pleasure I’m trying to bring into this time period. I imagine you are right about my audience already being on board with things like breastfeeding in public, politically speaking. That’s a good point. I hope to just encourage this and offer techniques for dealing with other people’s discomfort and discomforts that each woman may have, as well as alternatives for large-breasted women like myself, who aren’t necessarily comfortable hanging free in conservative environments. In other words, I’m going to bring up and offer support for subjects that happen to be political, from a standpoint of what is most holistic and conscious and best for our children, but not necessarily get political about it, if that makes sense. Just discussing this is really helpful for me. Thanks!

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