New Home Forums Course Ideas & Outlines Soul-baby quest and new-mama goddess: refined vision

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    <div>Preface: Yes, I’m working on two courses at once, but the first is just a 7-day mini course I’m offering for free as an opt-in. I’ve answered each of the refining questions for both courses, so my answer is extra long. Thanks for stopping by!

    1) WHAT is the eCourse all about that you’re inspired to create?</div>

    1. <b>Mini Soul-Baby Vision Quest</b>: A free seven-day mini vision quest to jumpstart fertility and vitality on the road to motherhood, call in your soul-baby, and call out your mama magic.
    2. <b>New-Mama Goddess</b> (working title): 28-days (or one moon cycle) to jumpstart recovery and renewal in the postpartum period, find vitality and confidence in motherhood, and create a magical beginning for your new baby. Harness the power of ancient wisdom, mind-body medicine and functional nutrition for holistic and transformational healing in this challenging transition.  From individualized meal plans to pelvic/abdominal restoration, mommy-and-me bonding to intimate partnering exercises, green parenting to getting enough sleep – it’s all covered.

    <div>2) Out of all the options, WHY are you most excited to create this eCourse? </div>

    1. This is a mini distillation of my big vision, which I hope to manifest in a couple years down the road. It’s a distillation of the course I wish I had when I first felt the stirrings of longing for a child, when I wished I had a deeply transformational roadmap toward becoming the mother I always wanted to be. And creating it now will make me a better mom, bring me closer to the magic and mystery of life, and to my magical daughter. It will provide a juicy and high-value opt-in for creating a mailing list of potential soul-tribe members.
    2. I am excited to weave together thorough and up-to-date research in women’s health with engaged spirituality that honors all aspects of a woman’s life in this heightened time-period. It makes full use of my talents in all areas of healing, from body to soul, that just being a nurse often does not allow me to do. It’s also a selfish project that will provide me with my own roadmap for the new-mama journey.  I anticipate deep healing, synchronicity, fun and magic along the way.

    <div>3) Describe WHO you are creating this eCourse for.</div>

    1. Women thinking about getting pregnant, already pregnant or in the postpartum period who want to raise happy healthy babies and turn the path to motherhood into a soul-purpose journey in which they become the moms they always wanted to be while also finding deep alignment on their life’s path.
    2. Women in the postpartum period who don’t just want to react to situations as they come – remaining stressed-out, sleep-deprived and body-weary. Women who want to approach new-mamahood and birth-recovery with intention, grounded in a vision of the vitality they want to create for their babies and themselves, the knowledge they need to create it, and an enchanted, simple plan for making it happen.

    <div>4) Describe the TRANSFORMATION or benefits they’ll receive by going through your eCourse.</div>

    1. Will develop a soul-baby attraction plan and come out of the quest with an inspiring connection to the spirit of their future or current baby.
    2. Go from a stressed-out, sleep-deprived, and body broken new mom to vitalized, balanced and strong. Experience transformation in body and soul.  Body: shed pounds, rebalance hormones, restore pelvic floor,  reverse abdominal separation and strengthen a weak core. When it comes to breastfeeding, turn “F-this” into “I could do this forever.” Uplevel your “liquid gold” into “liquid diamonds” through functional nutrition. Soul: Transform terrified, worried, and lost into confident, sensual, and inspired. Alchemize your baby’s beginnings from scary and confusing to safe and magical. Stop feeling disconnected and tense with your partner; start getting the support and intimacy you crave.

    <div><b> </b></div>
    <div>5) Using your skills and resources, HOW do you intend to facilitate the ultimate transformation?</div>

    1. Spiritually-based law-of-attraction principles, modern philosophies and ancient wisdom are introduced throughout the seven-day period to guide you toward your soul baby. Utilize a holistic approach, including functional nutrition, the healing power of nature, and the mind-body connection to jumpstart the wholly nourished and strong body a mother needs from conception through a baby’s first years. Join the free Facebook sangha for sister support and inspiration.
    2. Harness the power of ancient wisdom, mind-body medicine and functional nutrition to  find recovery, healing and renewal in the postpartum period. This will include 28 days (one moon cycle) of daily, indivualizable meal plans (including shopping lists) and restorative movement exercises to focus on the areas that need the most attention; a simplified plan for clearing toxins from your daily environment in 28 days  in small, easy-to-implement steps; daily exercises for soul-to-soul connection with baby; 4 weekly video/pdf workshops on the following topics: breastfeeding, cloth diapering, sleep and energy, partner intimacy building; bonus pdfs including “guide to mama healing mantras,” “guide to healing mommy and me with birth and postpartum music,” “the organic, french-style capsule wardrobe for postpartum mamas,” and “calling in your soul baby after birth.” The first 30-minute coaching session is included to get you started off right. Additional coaching can be purchased as desired. A private Facebook group is also included.

    6) If your eCourse was a person, how would you describe its PERSONALITY or VIBES?</div>

    1. This course would be a wise, nurturing, thoughtful and spiritual guide with a sometimes wry sense of humor and a tendency to use modern, pop-culture references. She’s a feminine feminist who wants to be friends, band together against a toxic world and tell stories.
    2. This course would be the same, but with more focus on nurturing.

    Catherine Fox

    I have a best friend half way through her pregnancy that would be perfect for this ecourse! She would love to do something like this. Great vision!


    Chris Gilmour

    I can think f a lot of new Moms that would love something like this as well. Great Start!


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Looking so good and so clear Stephanie @sssheely!

    You have put a lot of magic, time and love into distilling it to this.

    I’m excited to see your next layer of flushing out at Creatora Heights. I think you are ready!

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