New Home Forums Course Ideas & Outlines Somewhat Courageously Re-Refining

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    Sharyn Warren

    Preface: The course I have decided to do is a departure from the place I started. I believe it will be more specific and clear. It will be plenty demanding as I continue to come out of the closet, and expose the principles that have steadfastly served me since before I had even the smallest ability to articulate them. Many, many years of keeping my mouth shut, staying invisible, and playing it safe in the world of “evidenced based reality” have forged sticky bindings of habitual “vague”. So this course will be perfect for nurturing my own transformation and hopefully that of the participants.

    1) WHAT is the eCourse all about that you’re inspired to create?
    How to use the elements symbolically represented by fire, water, air and earth to create anything. Anything from a new song, to a new business that has never been seen before, to a life that is attuned to and aligned with one’s truest nature.

    Incorporating complex concepts drawn from kabbala and tarot, that, when properly woven together, becomes a simple and powerful step-by-step process for getting from “here to anywhere.”  **Note: I am not Jewish, so this is not “kosher kabbalah.” I don’t identify myself as Christian any more either, so “cabala” associated with Christian mysticism isn’t actually accurate either. “Qabala” is the spelling that is typically used in esoteric circles. There are about 40 different spellings that have been used. For now, I am going with the “kabbala” spelling as it is the one my teacher uses, but mostly I think may be a little more recognizable. This may be straining at gnats.

    1. Working with the language of Spirit (ours and the transpersonal): why our brain comes equipped with a communication channel that is entirely symbolic.
    2. Introduction to the 4 worlds of kabbala: the essential elements of how anything is created and the intimate relationship between kabbala and tarot.
    3. What could possibly go wrong, i.e., “what the hell happened here”? And what to do about it.
    4. Working with each of the elements for concrete application and practical benefit in “real life.”
    5. Getting Personal: what this has to do with what Joseph Campbell referred to as “following you bliss.” Introducing the New BLISS Paradigm, “wyrd,” and what is next on the path of illuminating and supporting you personal destiny.

    Bonus Material (or possible introduction to next course): Inner Fire Magic: working with the powerful Fire Magic tools of imagination, words and desire.

    2) Out of all the options, WHY are you most excited to create this eCourse?

    Benefits For Me: (remember I #1 desire is for my own’s soul’s growth) I have been struggling mightily with how to teach “bliss.” Much, much too big right now. Therefore, oppressive. Totally not-blissful.

    So there is relief and energy and clarity that getting freed up from that impossible demand on myself has already provided. Woo-Hoo!

    I finally realized that in teaching something I already know quite a lot about, that:

    1. I will be folding bliss right into the course, and learning first hand what is wanted and needed vs trying to guess—much more blissful.

    2. this will be a stretch for me on so many levels—so no boredom for sure.

    3. I can speak confidently enough about this subject that it can help fuel my courage when it comes time to get through things that are really uncomfortable (Resistance Barrier).

    For My Learners/Seekers: This course will offer safe harbor to explore themselves and be in community with other’s from the same or similar “Spirit Family.” A way to begin easing the loneliness of separation that my “peeps” have to deal with as being “different,” who have rare abilities and insights and are here for  a very specialized purpose that only they can do. This will be a learning environment that is a wonderful collaboration between “worldly” and “other worldly.” And I will be offering new insights and a fresh way of working with material that has endured and been refined over the course of our human journey on this planet. It must be good.  Sounds exciting, doesn’t it!

    This course will also mark the opening of The School of Practical Mystery (or Practical Mystery School—PMS for short!) that has been on my mind for 7 years. WOW—what a start! Better gathering the champagne now.

    3) Describe WHO you are creating this eCourse for.

    My community:

    1. Spiritually untamed and independent seekers of wisdom, meaning and purpose
    2. Who have felt different all of their lives
    3. And tend to have rare and specialized gifts, abilities, insights, understandings
    4. In which honoring Nature, including their own nature, and having great tools for comfort, growth and success is central to their joie de vivre  and fulfillment of their personal destiny.

    Also, anyone else who is genuinely interested and open to the “noetic” path of discovery.

    4) Describe the TRANSFORMATION or benefits they’ll receive by going through your eCourse.

    1. Clear understanding of their personal creative powers, and how to use them to transform, transcend and create as they choose.
    2. Freedom and fulfillment in more profound self-realization.
    3. Excitement about a vision of new possibilities via introduction to the New Bliss Paradigm.

    5) Using your skills and resources, HOW do you intend to facilitate the ultimate transformation?
    Video lessons, pdf, meditation, gamification–Treasure Hunts and Truth or Dare. Observation, reflection, experimentation, journaling. Sharing and support in the community. At least weekly Q & A. May try to figure out how to incorporate working with the labyrinth. Skill-building exercises.

    6) If your eCourse was a person, how would you describe its PERSONALITY or VIBES?
    Deep, a little mysterious, paradoxically great fun and someone you really, really love to spend time with.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    I love that you had your deep exhale, sigh of relief ah-hah moment @SharynWa!!! That is very exciting. It seems like you have a ton of passion and experience with your topic of choice, which is awesome. You must be ecstatic to have stumbled upon your eCourse YES!

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