New Home Forums Introductions Shaker, Maker and Cake Eater

12 replies, 5 voices Last updated by  Deb Robson 9 years, 1 month ago
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    Hi I’m Caro  I like teaching eco health practices, conscious raising around race, gender and sexuality, music and soundbaths and having fun. I used to be a dj and a music producer – hence the Sexyrubbersoul – say used to – I did luck out and have a great gig at Glastonbury music festival this year at one of the big amazing dance areas but it is only a hobby now.

    I have been wanting to set up an ecourse for a while for teaching the spiritual aspect of sound and the theory of music, where I can reach people who maybe can’t attend classes due to illness or disability or geography. I am quite design savvy and love engaging with people in a playful way and I want my course to be interactive with many peoples voices being able to be heard at the same time, as well as having textual and video learning of historical and cultural contexts. I am trained in classical western music, classical North Indian music, have many years personal experience of using sound as a healing modality for some pretty serious illnesses and have a recent degree in Ethnomusicology. My interests are in the healing power of music and women’s cultural traditions of spirituality through sound. I have made a couple of podcasts already (used to have a radio show years ago) though couldn’t publish them due to copyright stuff(!) but have not made videos or webinars yet.

    What makes me come most alive is: gourmet vegan food, with local organically grown fresh produce, sunlight sparkling on water, being outside, birdsong, colours, notes that fill my body with the sheer beauty of their resonance, drum and bass music, being grounded and helpful to those in need, feeding people, co-creating things with people, sharing intimacy with loved ones, singing, witnessing the compassion of the human spirit, connecting with children. Oh an riding my beautiful blue motorbike.


    I’m sure I will edit and revise this story but this is the one for now! Looking forward to trail blazing and scaling that mountain with you all xx


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    I love your vision and am so excited to see what creativity you infuse into your offering. I love the idea of bringing music into the eCourse experience. With technology today, you can do so much!

    Do you have any thoughts yet on what elements you know you want to definitely include?

    Once we get to Architekt Forest January 11th, that’s when you’ll really flush out THE COURSE you’re here to create   🙂

    Thanks so much for being here on the adventure!


    Awi Heidelmann

    Hi Caro,

    your journey literally “sounds” really interesting! I love music and I also sound for healing. Really curious what you end up creating for a ecourse! Good to be blazing the trail together. I love what makes you come alive… could have written it exactly that way…



    Hey Awi, great to hear from you and thanks for the welcome 🙂

    I just checked that you live in Hamburg Deutschland – that is so cool if a bit brrr. I used to gig quite a lot in Germany – on an amazing multimedia sound and art herring trawler in Rostock, as well as Berlin, and the Golden Poodle in Hamburg. Is the amazing veggie restaurant called Baluchistan still in existence? If so you should check it out!

    You sound like a super interesting person with much holistic coherence and your course ideas sound great. Yay for the trail and the adventure. xx




    Awi Heidelmann

    Caro….  Get out – really you were here????! Very cool! Where are you now? Yes, the Baluchistan in the Sternschanze still exists! If that’s the one you mean. Golden poodle club – epic! Any music bits and wholesomes you wanna share or have online? I’m just super curious!

    Let me know if you may wanna buddy-up for the ride here… 🙂



    Hi Caro,

    Wow you are speaking my soul language – knowing the spiritual aspect of music and sound is so dear to me. I wish you all the best in this program.



    Deb Robson

    There are two super vegan restaurants in Reykjavik. . . .

    Music is part of my life that I haven’t had time for in a while. Looking forward to enjoying some vicarious vibes.



    Happy New Year lovely people. I was away in Amsterdam but back now and ready for action.



    Hey Deb, greetings back – two lovely vegan restaurants in Reykjavik – that is so cool. Is that where you live?



    Hi there Way, thank-you for your greetings and wishes lovely soul. Sounds like we have quite a lot in common combining spirituality and sound in service for the beings of this world.
    Blessings and Blissings back
    Caro x



    Hello Awi, Happy New Year lovely. I spent it in Amsterdam with my partner – we stayed at the Conscious Hotel – which I thought was a very fitting and funny way to see 2016 in.
    Hey do you still need a buddie?
    Caro x


    Awi Heidelmann

    Fantastic choice indeed! I danced into the new year all night long with my bestie DJing!!! So happy new yeahhhh!!!
    Absolutely love buddying up witcha!
    And open to a team of buddies as well…
    Blissings yes!!!


    Deb Robson

    Nope, I don’t live in Reykjavik. I was in Iceland last fall for a week and a half studying . . . sheep and wool.

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