As an inspired entrepreneur I have always worked hard to see my dreams come to fruit.
With that in mind I have felt as though giving 110% is the only option for achieving greatness.
Though I have since realized that it is also the recipe for failure as you are destined to burn out.
My objective recently to start with the self care that I deserve as a base for any project I want to do so that I can achieve sustainable action without giving too much of myself and forgetting to receive properly.
To me this means guilt free pleasure and relaxation time even in the middle of the day, as well as lots of walks, saunas, interesting books, downtime with kids and other fun activities that have nothing to do with work. What I have been finding is that my vision on projects often becomes clearer due to the reflection time I am giving myself. Because of it, I end up being more efficient and feeling better about the work I choose to take on. As well as have better communication with my co-workers and family.
Amen brother @yarrow. This is so true and a choice I am making for myself and even this crazy world we’ve built. This is gonna be the Shout-Out of the Week on our Campfire Coaching Call tonight. Soooo important!!! A perfect reflection for Reflection Pond.
I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who is realizing that you can’t serve until you’ve taken care of yourself. I had the realization around the list of things I want to do.
I really noticed it when I not only took back permission to do my random little things that are a “distraction” from career/business/family, but celebrated that I had spent a few minutes working on my CNC mill. It was relaxing time and I didn’t let any “dragon state” build up around being “distracted” — and it was wonderful!