New Home Forums Build My Dream Team Taken: Motivator with lunge whip and she has a horse to keep up with me.

3 replies, 2 voices Last updated by  Trish Hyatt 8 years, 11 months ago
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    Trish Hyatt

    My name is Trish Hyatt

    I Fix relationship/communication problems between people and their horses and help them work together so they are both happy with the process.

    I am finalizing the content and marketing for my Aquatic program that teaches Body Awareness while improving Balance, Suppleness and Core Stability. It is currently aimed at horse people but will be offered to Seniors next.

    What I am looking for in an Adventure Buddy is: I’m not really sure. Because my program HAD to be ready for a symposium launch date it kept me motivated but now it could be easy to get complacent so maybe someone to challenge me.

    If you really knew me, you’d know that although I love working with horses and people I have trouble getting my butt outside unless a client is coming and that although I love being on the computer I have trouble getting my butt off facebook, or the 15 page links I just opened to focus on my work. That said, most of the page links I open are educational.

    More about me and what I do HERE


    Trish Hyatt

    Apparently I don’t hunt, I seek. Guess that’s what happens when it’s dark out.




    Anonymous @

    Well, I don’t actually have a cattle prod, but I am pretty handy with a lunge whip.


    Trish Hyatt

    It could be a duel @AnneGage  I’m pretty handy myself.



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