New Home Forums Monthly Challenges April 2017 Screw It, I’m Gonna Do It! – SuZen Marie

31 replies, 8 voices Last updated by  Andy Freist 7 years, 5 months ago
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    Sara McCann


    I just want to send you lots of love and hugs. x

    I feel quite teary reading your post. Maybe because in a lot of ways I am feeling the same way. I also understand completely what it is to be a ‘yes, i’ll do that, and that and everything’ kind of person. And then and up burned out and unable to do anything!

    A hot minute to read all the updates – yea, that would be lovely! lol  I feel like my head is spinning in a thousand directions trying to keep up with everything and it bothers me that I’m not responding to the forum as I normally would.

    Yes, you WILL do your musitations. I have no doubt about it. As you say, the time just isn’t right now, that’s all. You have a fabulous idea and i know you will do it when you are ready! Softly, softly, catchy monkey as i normally say (in other words, go steady, don’t rush – that’s how you catch a monkey!)

    Lots of love.



    Bobbie Jo Van Den Plas

    Aloha SuZen! Sounds like you need some ‘Serenity now! Hoochie mama!’ (sticking with the Seinfeld theme.) 😉

    So this is what I see from the outside:

    A great sense of humor, and an open heart full of passion and compassion. A learning moment and reflection you so kindly shared (which I can TOTALLY relate to… I tend to have that caffeine buzz signing me up for all kinds of emails filling my inbox I never open. Like A LOT.).

    I don’t see defeat.

    I see HUGE progress in your GSD commitment you may not even realize. You set out to do a Musitation on fear (which you will no doubt create many Musitations! Perhaps even one in regards to how you are feeling with this- everything happens for a reason!) You collected the quotes and passages. You have the talent (such amazing talent!). It’s all within you. I see you’ve accomplished much more than you’re giving yourself credit for.

    Plus, decision, commitment… is the most important first step! Then the energy follows. As for timing, I always think of this quote I heard Wayne Dyer say once, whenever things don’t happen when I want them to:

    Our desires don’t arrive on our schedule. They arrive when they’re supposed to.

    To me, you pass go. 🙂 For commitment. For progress. For bravery. For love. For honesty.

    Be easy on yourself. Celebrate you! I’m grateful for all you’ve shared here, it’s greatly touched me. Thank you. I look forward to your many Musitations to come, when the time is right for them to be shared. Oceans of Love & Big Hugs!



    Laura Koller

    I think we all hit some kind of snag while doing this project – we feel like we have to do it all, we can’t measure up, we can’t get it all done in the limited time we have.  That’s the challenge.  To GSD (Get Something – Anything – Done) instead of sitting around and thinking about what we’re going to do all the time, when we finally make the time and commit it to that passion.  I’m a big believer in Bright Spots, which basically means asking yourself not to figure out everything that’s wrong, but rather “What’s Working?” and build from there.  When you signed up for this challenge, you probably had something huge in your head.  Regardless as to whether you even came close to doing that, I’m sure you’ve moved from your original standpoint.  What if you set a “check-in-the-box” goal that you can meet by next Friday, no matter how tiny or insignificant it seems, and pat yourself on the back for doing something – anything?!?  Heck, just take some of the songs you’ve already written and organize them into a list and call it a day.  Even if that song about FEAR is the only thing on it – well, that has already touched some of us and made a difference to us, and one song is more than none.  Bradley and Andy never told you how big the project had to be, and they never told you that you had to stick to the original plan no matter what.  So just change things up and give yourself a little credit.  And then put it to the side and deal with all the other stuff that’s getting in the way right now.

    You can read more about how to “Get More Done by Expecting Less” – the only blog post at my newly launched website Motivation Superhero which is not at all what I want it to be, but after years of putting it off I’ve finally started and so now instead of starting I get to work at making it better and better each day (which will be pretty easy to start ;-)) and that is far easier than just getting the ball rolling in the first place.  We all have to start somewhere – even the most successful people in the world had to struggle to take that first step once upon a time.  That’s what I tell myself anyway.

    HUGS!  You have my support no matter what you decide to do.



    Lorraine Watson

    I will create the perfect song

    SuZen @martinhill – if I can be a total kill joy here … you’ve actually reached the perfect place to create your perfect song.

    Stupid simple as this sounds, hit record and just sing your stream of consciousness.

    Right here, right now.

    No thinking allowed.



    Then post.

    No editing.

    No listening.

    Just throwing it up here.


    Done. Finito.



    This is what the challenge was meant to be for you.

    Going around in this long circuitous path to having something super simple like this.

    That is perfection at work.


    We’re here for you.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Holy wow Suzen, bet you weren’t expecting the explosion of support and incredible wisdom coming at you here.

    No matter what, you’re loved and supported and no matter what this challenge has not been done in vein.

    Look at the emotion, healing, insight and deepened awareness it’s brought.

    Look at the life lessons you’re mining from it.

    I am with Laura and Lorraine here.

    When the resistance is at its’ highest point, that’s the time to push on through and giv’er.

    I love Lorraines’ idea of just taking your musical talents, mixed with everything you’ve learned about fear in your life, mixed with the magic and power of just doing it in the moment and pressing record and singing.

    This challenge never said anything about creating the perfect song or product. It just said to have the beginning of something new ready for the world to see, even if that world is ONLY the community campfire people.

    Given that music is meant to heal, perhaps singing a song (perfect or not), pressing record, not editing it at all and sharing what the end result of that is could be the perfect medicine.

    Whatever happens next, we’re all stoked for you and cheering you on!


    Laura Koller

    Lorraine, that was so beautiful what you said. What a perfect suggestion and response.

    Bradley, your words about this challenge ring so true.

    What an incredible community!!!


    SuZen Marie

    Ok you guys..the universe is definitely fucking with me. 🙂 (am I allowed to say that here A and B?) It’s been on my mind non-stop to respond to you all (since your BEAUTIFUL messages of support) but I just haven’t been able to. I swore I’d finish writing you all tonight but, as you can see, it’s 1:40 am, I just finished a work project and i just cant keep my eyes open for another second. For the sake of “something”, I’ll just post what I’ve written thus far and continue when I can :-). Thank you ALL so much…you have no idea <3

    Wow. I’m speechless. Thank you Sara, Bobbie Jo, Laura, Lorraine and Bradley.
    My slow response to your heartfelt support, shared wisdom and extreme kindness is not because I’m ungrateful…quite the opposite.

    Wanting to muster the time and the words to craft the type of response you so deserved with the same thoughtfulness that you all brought to me, I knew my response would pale in comparison.

    When I opened your message and read your kind words, the sweetness washed over me and I immediately felt better. You related to my “craziness” which made me feel less alone. Your “Softly, softly, catchy monkey” really hit the spot and will forever be one of my “tools”. (and will probably end up in one of my future musitations!) Thank you Sara, you were my “first respond-er” and you MADE my day. <3

    Bobby Jo,
    I totally remember “Serenity NOW” (haha!)…1 of my fav eps!! Cheered me up right off the bat. Your words were just SO inspiring and uplifting. (and you totally related as well)
    Sometimes it takes people outside of yourself to see and point out, not only your “brilliance” but the brilliance of our dark moments. Your Wayne Dyer quote (love him) “Our desires don’t arrive on our schedule. They arrive when they’re supposed to” was perfect and I’m sure will end up in a musitation. You’re right, something great did come out of this (besides all of you). This situation I have found myself in has inspired me to, not only write an “m” on it, but a full original song for my next “album”. Thanks for the huge “lift” Bobbie Jo <3


    SuZen Marie

    Part 2!!! 🙂

    First off, I went to your site and read your 1st Blog…BRILLIANT!!! I loved it and you certainly “answered my cry for help” as you are so called to do. You are on your way and should be extremely proud of this accomplishment. “shrink your 1st step” and “check-in-the-box” goal definitely resonate with me, take the pressure off and ease my mind.
    I also loved your: GSD (Get Something – Anything – Done)…perfect. Lots of Bright Spots from this challenge: big lessons learned, feeling “the love” from all of you and a new SONG in the works! Thank you so much Laura.

    Thank you for your words of wisdom…you have a real talent in seeing the simple solution in a sea of confusion! I truly do hope to be able to do EXACTLY as you say 1 day “hit record and just sing your stream of consciousness.” but I’m not there yet. “Spontaneous Singing” is a huge challenge for me (performance anxiety up the butt!) and I so admire people who are able to “spontaneous anything” performance-wise. Being super self conscious is just who I am in this lifetime
    “you’ve actually reached the perfect place to create your perfect song.”…wow, were you ever right!! Maybe not in the exact way you had mentioned but, I set out to create a musitation on Fear and came out with something quite different. Thanks are a GEM!!

    And last, but not least, Bradley,
    Where do you find these people…holy shit!!! You are both a magnet for wise, supportive, loving beings! And you sir, are a shining light of LOVE! You are so right, this challenge for me has NOT been done in vein as it gave me massive insight and awareness of what needs to be “fixed” in my life. It wont happen over night but I am armed with a ton of personal knowledge of what I want and what needs to be done to get there. I love what you’d said “when the resistance is at its’ highest point, that’s the time to push on through and giv’er.” What I found here is that the musitation on fear will not come out of me until I deal with this other thing first. I’m no help to anyone if I have no space in my life…if every second is filled with things that are not of my highest priority. I have been trying to enjoy everything when in reality it has prevented me from enjoying ANYTHING! Thanks to both you and Andy for everything….GEA will, most definitely, “make the cut” when I start slashing things out of my life!

    Andy, your comments about my song made me feel great…I LOVE your music and appreciate the massive talent that you are. <3

    I feel grateful to be a part of this wonderful group… your support has filled my heart to the brim.

    You are all extremely busy yet you took the time to write heartfelt, sincere messages to a stranger who was feeling bad.
    I will keep these words and read them often and I will be following each and every one of you…

    With all the love I can muster, your grateful and “forever fan”,
    SuZen Marie

    P.S. Although my Fear Musitation has been put on hold, a whole new song has come to be! This challenge showed me that there was an elephant in the room that had to be dealt with before I can help anyone or comfort them with my musitations. I’ve made big progress on the lyrics to my new song “I’ve got all of the Overs” (and a few of the unders too). Even tho I know it is not worth the 10 Bajillian, I’ll post what I have thus far tomorrow. I look forward to seeing what you all have created!!!!


    SuZen Marie
    Hey everyone💗
    What a journey this challenge has brought my way!  I set out on a mission to write my first Musitation on Fear. Because of the time constraint, (and my complete lack thereof) issues boiled to the surface which led to my “crash and burn”. Thanks to the wonderful GEA-ers who came to my rescue delivering the right wisdom at the right time (thats how the universe works!) giving me the courage to keep moving forward.
    The elephant in my room needed to come out before I’d be in the right space needed to help others. My “<span style=”background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);”>sign me up for anything and everything” has caught up with me and I find myself in a hot mess….unable to do anything! (least of all a challenge to create a “passion project”!!) My next phase of growth will find me cutting/slashing/unsubscribing and for God’s sake, not signing up for anything new! Time to prioritize and make space for what really matters to me and, eventually, my Fear Musitation will find its way out.</span>
    Until then, something else needs “it’s day” and a new song has been born. The First lyrics are below.😊
    Thanks so much Andy and Brad for this opportunity for growth…although the 10 Bajillian was not to be, (this time), I consider this to be a huge success as I will, moving forward,  be in a much better space to create from my soul. 💗💗💗
    “All of the Overs”

    <span style=”color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961); font-family: UICTFontTextStyleBody; font-size: 19px; line-height: normal; -webkit-composition-fill-color: rgba(130, 98, 83, 0.0980392); text-decoration: -webkit-letterpress;”>I’ve got all the Overs….a few of the unders too</span>

    Bright shiny objects promising something new

    I’m Over-taxed, Over worked…in Over my head
    I’m Over-whelmed, I Over eat, <span style=”background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);”>I’m In the Red</span>
    <span style=”background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);”> </span>
    <span style=”background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);”>And now I’m over you</span>
    <span style=”background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);”> </span>
    Over drawn, over dosed and under the wire
    Over booked, under paid, playing with fire
    I’ve Over-stayed I’m over- played and under the gun
    Over slept, overgrown I’m Well Over done
    Over achiever, over the hill and <span style=”background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);”>under the weather too</span>
    Over committed Over indulged, there’s never enough of you
    Lean in, clear out, unsubscribe
    <span style=”background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);”>Breath in, breath out feel the vibe </span>
    Say no, dont go, be the bore
    Find your truth…Have less be more
    <span style=”background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);”>Over the rainbow and under the bridge</span>
    <span style=”background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);”>This is SuZen Marie…..over. and. out.</span>
    <span style=”background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);”> </span>
    <span style=”background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);”>@@Stay tuned for Future hits such as “You’re all up in my inbox” ( so it better be good, better be good)😊</span>


    <span style=”background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);”> </span>

    SuZen Marie
    Hey everyone 🙂
    What a journey this challenge has brought my way!  I set out on a mission to write my first Musitation on Fear. Because of the time constraint, (and my complete lack thereof) issues boiled to the surface which led to my “crash and burn”. Thanks to the wonderful GEA-ers who came to my rescue delivering the right wisdom at the right time (that’s how the universe works!) giving me the courage to keep moving forward.
    The elephant in my room needed to come out before I’d be in the right space needed to help others. My “sign me up for anything and everything” has caught up with me and I find myself in a hot mess….unable to do anything! (least of all a challenge to create a “passion project”!!) My next phase of growth will find me cutting/slashing/unsubscribing and for God’s sake, not signing up for anything new! Time to prioritize and make space for what really matters to me and, eventually, my Fear Musitation will find its way out.
    Until then, something else needs “it’s day” and a new song has been born. The First lyrics are below. 🙂
    Thanks so much Andy and Brad for this opportunity for growth…although the 10 Bajillian was not to be, (this time), I consider this to be a huge success as I will, moving forward,  be in a much better space to create from my soul. <3 <3 <3
    “All of the Overs”
    I’ve got all the Overs….a few of the unders too.
    Bright shiny objects promising something new
    I’m Over-taxed, Over worked…in Over my head
    I’m Over-whelmed, I Over eat, I’m In the Red
    And now I’m over you
    Over drawn, over dosed and under the wire
    Over booked, under paid, playing with fire
    I’ve Over-stayed I’m over- played and under the gun
    Over slept, overgrown I’m Well Over done
    Over achiever, over the hill and under the weather too
    Over committed Over indulged, there’s never enough of you
    Lean in, clear out, unsubscribe
    Breath in, breath out feel the vibe
    Say no, dont go, be the bore
    Find your truth…Have less be more
    Over the rainbow and under the bridge
    This is SuZen Marie…..over. and. out.

    Stay tuned for Future hits such as “You’re all up in my inbox” ( so it better be good, better be good) 🙂


    SuZen Marie

    Hey you guys…please disregard the first posting of my last message. Lots of weird goobly gook text stuff came out(?) Tried to delete but…… (continuing in the crazy theme the universe has been nudging my way!) I edited out the weird stuff in the 2nd message. Could this be Mercury retrograde (or is that over?!)


    Laura Koller

    I love this!  It’s brilliant!  The play on words is incredible.  I could go on and on.  This is truly positively awesome.  All that agony that you just suffered through?  All of that just led to you putting a smile on my face.  Many, many thanks for sharing.

    Hang in there, take the time that you need, and pop back “over” here when you need someone to talk you off the ledge – or when you have the time to talk someone else off that very same ledge.  Everyone struggles.  We all go through hard times.  We are here for you!

    FYI I just published my second blog post today:  Do You Have What It Takes To Be a Motivation Superhero?  Check it out!  (By the way, I’d say that you definitely DO have what it takes.)



    Bobbie Jo Van Den Plas

    SuZen… you have such an amazing heart! Thank you for your beautiful replies to our replies. And your song that came out of this challenge is awesome and inspiring!!!! I need to apply some of it’s wisdom as well. Have less be more. Love that. Love ALL of the lyrics. Thank you for sharing it! Thank you for sharing you!  Looking forward to your ‘You’re all up in my inbox!’ as well. Oceans and Oceans of Love!!! and CONGRATULATIONS!


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    YES! This is the exact kind of breakthrough we were hoping to see with this challenge. Sometimes lighting the fire und under our asses burns away the parts that do not serve any longer. This idea seems to be true in this case

    Love the lyrics to your song Suzen. YAY YOU!!!!!

    PS – we are super stoked about the awesome folks gathering around the mountain these days too.


    Sara McCann

    SuZen, you totally did it!! I LOVE the lyrics! You are so clever with your play on words – I really need to hire you to write some stuff for my hypnosis because that is incredible! I hope you feel really happy, and proud, and awesome and generally, feel like you’re in a much better place now. Because you totally deserve it! Huge well done for overcoming your demons and still getting it all done!

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