New Home Forums Monthly Challenges April 2017 Screw It, I’m Gonna Do It! – SuZen Marie

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    SuZen Marie

    A performing musician of 35 years, music and songwriting, like Andy, is definitely one of my passions.
    I’ve also LOVED anything to do with self-empowerment, acceptance, spiritual growth etc…
    I came up with an idea (maybe 2 years ago by now!) to create what I call “Musitations”
    Part cool song/part meditation/inspiration.

    I’ve dealt with a ton of self doubt, fear and self consciousness throughout my life (to the point of labeling myself with Social Anxiety). This led me to read a ‘bazillian” 🙂 self help/inspirational/empowering type books. I’d read them and LOVE all of the ideas, encouraging/helpful sayings and say, “YES, I will tell myself THAT next time I’m in the throes of fear.” Or I’d see all of these great inspirational quotes and words of wisdom from people on social media and say “Yes, that’s the TRUTH” or “I need to incorporate THAT into my life!” The problem is, I never remember them when I REALLY need to. I’m overcome with fear and it’s like “what was that saying or idea that would really help me in this horrible moment?” and nothing….

    So, my idea is to have the perfect song ready to go when the “moment’ strikes. Whether it’s fear or self doubt or jealousy, I will create the perfect song filled with all of those quotes, encouraging words and ideas that will help me (and others of course!) in that moment. There will be a Musitation for Fear, one for confidence, one for encouragement to “keep going” and on and on and on. The # of tracks I could create is pretty much limitless as there are so many issues we all deal with on a daily basis.

    So, that’s it. Using all of the excuses the guys talk about, I’ve yet to create my first Musitation.
    My commitment to this “Screw it, I’m gonna do it!” challenge is to create my first Musitation. I’ll focus on the subject of FEAR for this 1st one and begin collecting all of the awesome advise and quotes on fear. I bet you guys might even have a few of your own in your “toolbox” that you could contribute!
    I’m really looking forward to doing this with all of you and watching everyone’s process!
    Thanks to the “push’ from Andy and Bradley, it’s TIME…let’s DO THIS!!!!

    P.S. I think, for now, I’ll make Mondays my day (that may change tho!!)


    Bobbie Jo Van Den Plas

    Musitation! I LOVE IT!!! These will be beneficial to so many. Way to put your gifts, talents and passions together! Super excited to hear your first one!! AWESOME!!!


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    WOOHOO!!!!! Oh gosh, we are so excited to hear what you create. And if you turn it into a music video, you’ll get the Magic Mic challenge conquered!!  Crush those fears with love and good tunes SuZen!


    SuZen Marie

    Haha…thanks so much Brad! <3

    Ok, here we go with DAY 1 of my FEAR MUSITATION!
    So I was all over the place today searching out “fear” quotes that might work as lyrics for my 1st musitation on fear. I’m going to be singing most of these lines (although I plan on putting a rap in the middle as well) so, some may work, some may not. If you know of ANY other quotes, sayings or words of encouragement that might help someone “in the throes of fear”  that aren’t listed below, please let me know!  Here are some ideas so far…..

    Do one thing everyday that scares you
    Feel the Fear and do it anyway
    Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear
    If your not feeling afraid, you’re not living big enough
    Success is just outside your comfort zone
    Fear is a part of life. But know that you are bigger than any fear. What matters most is how you move through the fear and allow yourself the be transformed by it.
    More love and less fear.
    Fear is a teacher with a lesson,
    Grow or die
    You are not alone.
    You don’t need to do this by yourself
    Let your true beauty be seen.
    It feels so uncomfortable because our soul is informing us that it’s not the real us – it doesn’t align – it doesn’t fit,
    You will NEVER please all the people all the time. Nor should you try.
    Be unapologetically you.
    YOU are strong
    Remind yourself of the beauty and strength you already have.
    Honor the ups and downs equally as they both serve you in powerful yet different ways.
    Courage is the antidote to fear
    stop trying to be perfect and just embrace the journey and the lessons
    Fear doesn’t have the power to control us if we don’t let it! This isn’t about learning to live without fear, it’s about thriving in spite of it!
    Its in the space between the thoughts that you are safe from fear
    Step into your power
    Everything that is hard is worth it
    This too shall pass
    KEEP GOING. It won’t be easy. You will fall, you will doubt, you will have fear (tons of fear), you will experience many forms of resistance, but if you focus on KEEPING GOING, you’ll build your own piece of magic.
    Start before you’re ready
    The downs are usually where we experience the most change and transformation
    Hang in there and keep going, you are not alone!
    You are enough
    If its not going to matter in 5 years, don’t spend another 5 minutes worrying about it
    There are very few monsters who warrant the fear we have of them
    Fear has a large shadow, but he himself is small.
    Replace fear with gratitude
    Fear: False Evidence Appearing Real.
    Anything I’ve ever done that ultimately was worthwhile… initially scared me to death.
    Everything is figure-outable
    Your worst fears carry your greatest growth
    Your passion burns brighter than your fear
    You are powerful, not because you are scared but because you continue despite your fear
    Fear is the brains way of saying that there is something important for you to overcome
    Let Your Faith Be Bigger Than Your Fear”
    Fear is temporary. Regret is forever.
    Inhale courage…exhale fear
    Our fears reveal what we care about the most
    The scariest paths lead to the most exciting places
    Your fear is full of shit
    If you can’t beat fear, just do it scared.
    Its ok to be scared…being scared means you’re about to do something really, really BRAVE
    When you have 2 good choices, go with the one that scares you the most…that’s the one that’s going to help you grow
    Never trust your fears…they don’t know your strength
    Bravery is not the absence of fear…bravery is feeling the fear and deciding that something else is more important
    What we fear the most is usually what we most need to do
    Great things never came from comfort zones
    Expose Yourself To Your Greatest Fear; After That, Fear Has no power and you are free.
    Fear tricks us into living a boring life
    The best way out of fear is always through it
    Do what scares you until it doesn’t
    Be scared and do it anyway
    Fears are stories we tell ourselves
    Your soul knows the answer
    Regret is scarier than fear
    There is not room in your mind for both Fear and Love…you must decide which one will live there
    Be messy and afraid and complicated and show up anyways
    We grow fearless by walking into our fears.
    The fears we don’t face become our limits


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Brilliant Suzen. This is gonna be cool. I love the song writing process. One of my favourite things to do.

    I’m wondering if you have a story from your own life where you had to overcome a fear. I’m wondering if that story may be Universal to all of the people out there who are being beat down by fear? Perhaps some of the quotes can be used though. Stories are some of the most powerful lyrics.

    Can’t wait to see what you come up with   😀


    SuZen Marie

    Thanks for the feedback Brad…I really appreciate it and totally get what you’re saying.
    What I want to create is different from an original song. I’ve already written probably 10 songs (or more!) about fear. People can listen to my artsy-fartsy originals about fear all day long and that’s awesome but i don’t feel it helps in the way that I’m talking about.

    My Musitation is more of a “tool” (like a meditation). When I’m feeling debilitating fear, I need something more extreme, more distilled or “highly concentrated”
    I’d say my originals would be more like your “daily maintenance” but the Musitations are the “medication” for when, as I say, “I’m in the throes”.
    I love these brilliant quotes that people have come up with (Wayne Dyer, Brian Johnson, you guys (!) etc…,) but can never remember them in the moment.
    I want to take something that’s already brilliant and helpful and make it into something new. If only for myself, I’ve wanted to create these and have them “at my ready” in a handy, nifty little package. And, since I think it will help me, maybe it will help others as well.
    Just for the heck of it I’ve attached an MP3 of one of my originals about fear. It deals with my ongoing battle between Love and Fear(or EGO). The lyrics are below (check out the Bridge lyrics…I think you’ll like)…hope you enjoy!
    Let Me Be


    I won’t be listening to you anymore
    Endless assault of negative thinking
    I’ve had it up to here in chronic fear
    Incessant chatter pushing me to excel

    If it were up to you
    I’d play it safe in a stew
    It’s in the space between the thoughts
    That I am safe from you

    Why don’t you let me be
    There’s only room for one inside of me
    Why don’t you let me be
    I have no need to fight or flight
    Why don’t you let me be
    There’s only room for one inside of me
    (you are the stain on all humanity)
    (You never seem to give up easily)
    Why don’t you let me be
    I have no need to fight or flight

    You try to tell me I’m exceptional
    Separate and better than all of the rest
    But I know God does not choose favorites (his love)
    Eternal love is unconditional

    Why must I fight or flight
    When there is ne’er a wolf in sight
    This venom fear is killing me
    A parasite that I can’t see

    I choose
    Love over Fear
    Peace over War
    Tolerance over Judgement
    Faith over Doubt
    Hope beats Despair
    Acceptance not Denial
    Into the Light
    Out of the Dark
    We must Unite and not Divide
    Have Less Be More


    SuZen Marie

    oops…my mp3 is too large…maybe I’ll get it onto soundcloud and drop the link.


    SuZen Marie

    Here’s the link to one of my originals dealing with fear “Let Me Be”


    Sara McCann

    SuZen, I LOVE this idea! One of the things I tell people in therapy is to pick a song that makes them feel great and make sure they have it on their phone etc to listen to when they need a boost. I tell them to have different songs for different feelings. I think there is so much power in music and listening to it can alter my mood dramatically and it can be such an amazing tool to help people.

    In my screw it, let’s do it challenge I have little booster ideas to help people think differently and picking motivational songs is one of those tips. How great would it be if i could direct people to what you do to find their motivational music!? So exciting! Keep going because i think you have a very amazing idea there.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    What an awesome song SuZen! Also love the idea to create music that acts as affirmations for people to help them overcome specific things and move forward in their lives. Music is a magical tool for getting people into the right mental state.


    Bobbie Jo Van Den Plas

    Oh my goodness SuZen! I LOVE IT!!!! You are so talented!!!!! Wow!!!!

    One other ‘fear’ saying I’ve heard is: Face Everything And Rise

    So excited to hear it! Amazed by your talent!! Beautiful!!


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    “Fear is the most exciting part about being a human.”


    Deanna Gibbons

    I love, love, love the song SuZen!!!!

    I have my music all organized into playlists on my phone based on how I am feeling. Sad playlist, mad playlist, happy playlist, stuck playlist…I’ve got about 10 lists all with different songs. Music has always spoken to me on a deeper level than just words.


    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    Brilliant. Way to let your creativity flow and your soul show.

    Keep it up!


    SuZen Marie

    Hi everyone

    This update wont be as joyful as all of yours but I’m just going to treat it like a band-aid and rip it” “right off” (I think that’s how it goes…Seinfeld)  Anyway, here it goes:

    I’m out. I concede defeat.  I said “screw it, I’m gonna do it” under the influence of a happy caffeine buzz when, in reality, I had no business committing myself to yet another “thing” (an incredible/exciting thing but a thing nonetheless)

    The deal with me is that I want (and try) to do it all. I’m over-extended, over-committed and a bit out of control in the “sign me up” department….to the point where life has gotten messy because of it. As much as I desperately wanted to “pass go” and collect 10,000 bajillion, I’ve been waking up in the mornings feeling super stressed over it (seriously!) and have known for quite awhile that I’d need to bow out of this one.  Sorry to be so dramatic (jeeze!) but it was important to me, I cared about it and I was worried about disappointing Bradley and Andy…sorry guys 🙁

    Anyway, my Musitations WILL come to be when the time is right and I really appreciate the feedback, kind words and support from you Andy, Brad, Deanna, Bobbie Jo and Sara! Good luck to you all and I hope I can find a hot minute to read all of your updates! 🙂


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