New Home Forums Monthly Challenges April 2017 Screw it, I'm doing it Akasha

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    Akasha Madron

    My caveat is that at the first sign that I’m doing this at the expense of me getting my new business off the ground then I’m pulling out of the challenge.  I am leery of this becoming a distraction instead of an inspiration for my other work.

    So what I have wanted to do since 1988, is teach the laws of magic through middle reader “fiction” books.  I have always put these books on my list of resources in my classes but never used them alone to teach. I’ve learned more from them then non-fiction adult books.

    This will be targeting readers, so I’m thinking of  a mini ecourse.   I will do a video intro maybe?  and then the rest a written ecourse.  Each lesson will have a principle/law of magic (not magic tricks) and some excerpts from the book or books .  and will think more about how to make it more experiential.  probably some magical home adventures utilizing  the law for that course.  Kind of like science experiments but with magic.

    Harry Potter will not be in this.  Well maybe as  fluffy dessert reading, cause how can one not mention it?  It just doesn’t have very much substance.  However, I do have all of the British versions of the books instead of the american ones, and I have read them over and over.

    Middle reader books have been my passion all my life.  this is to distinguish from the more romance/vampire focused teen books.

    I’m so excited to do this!

    Thanks for thinking of this!




    Bobbie Jo Van Den Plas

    Hi Akasha! Excited for you to be diving in to a big passion of yours!!! Sounds magical! 🙂 EnJOY creating from the heart!!! WooHoo!


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Wow, this sounds so so exciting. This feels like a really big YESSSS from you. I can’t wait to see what you create as you start to share more details about this project in the coming days.



    Sue-Ann Bubacz


    I love this. It sounds so fun and exciting! Best wishes for lots of inspiration creating this:) {I feel your passion and so I’m sure it will be fun AND inspiring for you, though.}

    I can’t wait to hear and see more…


    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    Akasha, great job setting your boundaries on this project. What would be warning signs that you’d need to stop and assess more carefully where your time needs to go?

    Until then, full steam ahead! 🙂


    Laura Koller

    I love reading children’s literature – often more than the adult stuff.  Have you read any of the books from Kate Egan’s Magic Shop Series?  I’ve enjoyed reading those aloud to my oldest son.  I keep looking for more books in the series!!!

    I’m with Dr. Wayne – great job setting your boundaries.  In the interest of helping you actually reach the finish line – is there a way you can be very specific about your finished project?  Can you shrink it to something that feels easily manageable within the time frame?  As a motivation enthusiast, I’ve learned that:  1) a project that is too big often leads to fear that prevents forward movement, 2) a person is likely to accomplish more when s/he commits to less, and 3) the hardest part is getting started and the best way to do that is to focus only on the next ridiculously small step.  Once you get the ball rolling, that momentum will often carry you farther than you had imagined.  (That’s how things went with my taxes this year.  The first task was to put the CD into my computer, and once I’d done that it just naturally flowed into installing the program and then pulling out the tax folder and working through the guided steps.  I gave myself a month to complete the task, but by the end of that first day I had finished everything except for tracking down a couple of stray forms.  It felt so gratifying.)

    Perhaps you can set what I call a “check-in-the-box” goal.  Basically, this is the minimum level that would count as reaching the goal.  For me, one of my daily “check-in-the-box” goals is showing up to work.  If I show up late, it still counts.  If I don’t get anything done after I get there, it still counts.  As far as I’m concerned, if I can manage to get out of bed every morning, get my 4 boys out the door to school (even if they’re late), and walk in my office door – then I’ve met the minimum goal and all the rest is icing on the cake.  It may sound like I’m selling myself short, but in fact when I set the bar low it takes away all the pressure and anxiety to go above and beyond, and that makes it so much easier to plow on ahead.

    So given everything else on your plate, perhaps you’d like to commit to creating 8 final ecourse lessons.  Or 4 crappy first drafts.  Or even just one lesson with a video intro and an outline for the rest.  My guess is that if you can finish that first basic step, the next steps will fall into place so much more easily – and since you’ve removed the pressure of having to perform at a high level then you will feel compelled to use the forward momentum to keep going.

    FYI – my goal is to launch my platform – a website/blog.  My check-in-the-box will be launching the site and publishing my very first blog post.  I would love to publish additional blog posts (or even just crappy first drafts) but if I can reach that check-in-the-box goal then I will consider this challenge to be a success.

    Good luck!


    Laura Koller

    Um, hi.  After writing that post, I realized it was totally relevant to my platform and the above entry qualifies as my “first crappy draft” for my first blog post.  Thanks for sharing your resistance about this challenge, because your vulnerability inspired me to help you and that, in turn, ended up helping me.  Just think – you shared something about yourself and made a difference in the world today.  Check!


    Akasha Madron

    Hi Everyone,

    Thank you for all of the supportive emails, they will be very helpful when I do this in the future.  I will definitely be utilizing your suggestions Laura.

    I am formally withdrawing from this challenge rather belatedly.  I had a very vivid dream that my baby miscarried.  Not a real one but the metaphor of my business.  This was the morning of the first Friday we were to start.  I was being told very blatantly that I needed to get my business and other ecourse more developed first and focus all of my energy on it.

    If this challenge gets repeated I will certainly do it when I’m on more solid ground.  I had already planned most of it out to manifest in an easy way and was very excited to create this magic course.

    However, before I could write a post earlier this month, I kinda fell down a ravine and was unable to.  I will write more in depth about it on my progress report.

    So lots of cheers and good luck to all of you doing this challenge!


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Way to listen Akasha @mysticsparkling

    Really happy for you to stay committed to the target of getting your primary course and business off the ground.

    This course will be here waiting for you when the timing is better 😉

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