New Home Forums Monthly Challenges April 2017 Screw it, I'm Doin' It!

28 replies, 9 voices Last updated by  Andy Freist 7 years, 5 months ago
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    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    I’ve been a musician since about the age of 3-4, when i started taking piano lessons. Since then I have developed a deep love and passion for music. I am a music collector, multi-instrumentalist (piano, guitar, drums, and various curiosities), a DJ, music producer and event promoter. For a number of reasons (*cough*excuses*cough*) I never seriously committed to following music as a career path. It has been more or less a weekend hobby. Over the last couple years, I’ve been getting an urge to get more serious about it.

    Last year I teamed up with a friend who is a successful electronic music producer (all he does is music, has a large following and tours the world). We decided to create a 10-day workshop/retreat for music producers in Hawaii, merging our love of music creation and metaphysics. Its been one year since our first one, and we have now hosted 3 retreats, all of which have been a success. This work is calling for more of my love and attention, specifically around getting it into the digital space. So this challenge is a perfect opportunity for that.

    Here’s our current website:

    What I will complete over the next month:

    • Set up a simple site to start writing/sharing about Audio Alchemy (currently the website only features info about the retreat).
    • Set up mailing list and begin a weekly or monthly newsletter.
    • Create awesome opt-in freebie: A getting started guide with resources such as templates, presets and effect racks.

    Alright here we go. Screw it, I’m gonna do it!


    Sue-Ann Bubacz


    Quick thought…do you guys offer or maybe want to create audio loops you can share out for audio background for online work? This may draw some traffic to your site and be a helping (not sale) opportunity to get things kicking up more…

    I love the combo of music and metaphysical world collide !!



    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    Hi Sue-Ann,

    That’s a great idea. I think there is a big opportunity with creating extremely high quality stock audio and licensing for business purposes. I’m going to bring this up with my biz partner 🙂

    As a matter of fact, i got a message from him yesterday that he checked his bank account balance and found a surprise $25,000 (WHOA!) from royalties on work he did 7 years ago. I’m not sure exactly what the work was, but it was some type of audio licensing. Perhaps this is a sign 😉


    Sue-Ann Bubacz




    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    So so excited about this dude. You’re born for this project.

    On the question of offering stock music, I am also in conversations with

    Something’s gonna happen!


    Bobbie Jo Van Den Plas

    That’s AWESOME Andy! Congrats!!!! Since age 3-4?!? WOW!!

    As for the stock audio: I buy music online for my guided meditations. Has been a game-changer for me.

    Question for you, you say you are going to set up a simple site… does that mean one other than audioalchemyretreat? Is there a benefit to having different sites? (Love the site by the way!!!)

    Happy music making!!!


    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    Yes, I want to get a different site up.

    The problem with is the word “retreat”. It’s great for promoting the retreat, but doesn’t really make sense outside of that context. is taken, so im trying to figure out what to do. Perhaps something like… Figuring this out will be part of my 4 week challenge 🙂


    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    Andy, is the ecourse version still going to expect people to have a solid foundation to build upon, or will you start people from “scratch”? (80s DJ pun unintended, but appreciated! 😉 )

    And it looks like is available for sale:

    Only $1800… I wonder if they’d take bajillion instead…


    Bobbie Jo Van Den Plas

    Only $1800… I wonder if they’d take bajillion instead…

    HA!!! I love this Dr.Wayne! I second the offering of bajillion!! 😉


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Hell ya we’ll take Bajillion Dr. Wayne and Bobbie Jo!

    For the small price of 200,000 bajillion, this retreat can be yours’!!


    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide


    Alright, so my Audio Alchemy work day got moved to Sunday this week as I had some things come up on Friday that needed to be dealt with.

    I am now on the tail end of a 10ish hour work day today, and feeling pretty accomplished.

    What I got done today:

    • Researched and set up a team chat platform for easy collaboration with my biz partner and others. We used Fleep, which so far is freakin awesome.
    • Spent a couple hours brainstorming domain ideas.. Still haven’t settled yet. We are thinking we want it to be a “coincidentia oppossitorum”, which is a union of opposites. Terence Mckenna used this method to name all his books. Examples: True Hallucinations, Food of the Gods, The Invisible Landscape, The Sound of Silence. The reason this appeals is because the alchemists goal is to stand between polarities. I really wish was available.. I see that Dr. Wayne found that it may be for sale? strange since the company seems to be active.. Will do further research.
    • Created a basic sitemap. Still more work to do there.
    • Started a new song which is going to be collaboration with an old friend from Seattle. Made a rough sketch this afternoon and sent to him. He will record guitar parts and send back which i will then bring into the song. It’s a very rough draft, but its off to a decent start. You can take a listen here.

    Alright thats a wrap for the day. More coming soon 🙂


    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    Rock on, Andy!

    (And, I just used my favorite domain info site: and it suggested it might be for sale…who would have guessed…)


    Deanna Gibbons

    Great job Andy! You got a lot accomplished in 10 hours. Keep it coming!


    Sara McCann

    Great first day Andy! Love the song already so yes, I would agree, you’re off to a very decent start!

    I also love the idea of having a website name that is a union of opposites. I can’t stop my mind trying to think of some now…if i come up with any that sound right for you i’ll let you know 😉


    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    Thanks everyone! Feels good to be digging in to all of this 🙂

    I sent an email to the company that holds the TM for Audio Alchemy, explaining the situation and humbly asking if we can find a win-win agreement so we can both use the name without any negative effect for either party. I have a good feeling about it, but we shall see what their response is.

    Dr. Wayne – I opened the convo by asking if they are still in business, which they replied with “yes we sure are, whats up?”. So i’m assuming the domain for sale is some type of fluke. I let them know about that in my follow up letter.

    Lastly, my friend Tory took a first swing at recording a guitar part for the tune I’m working on. For a first draft, its turning out amazing. Really stoked to re-create and re-record it all with higher quality sounds, tighten up the instrumentation and clean up the mix.

    Here’s the updated track with the new guitar part:

    My Audio Alchemy biz partner called it “audio aloha”.

    Enjoy 🙂

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