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February 25, 2016 at 10:01 am #18438
1. I’ve created a simple “test” video on my iPad mini to check for background, sound, lighting. And to jump back into the talking head video ocean again. Here’s the link:
This was made without make up, hair done, or teeth whitened. :-0 Or script. And I see I need to get my tripod higher so I am not looking down at the camera. All of that said…..
I would really appreciate feedback about backdrop, in particular. And sound. And lighting.
2. I will be making 2 styles of talking head video. One as myself, Head Mistress at The School of Practical Mystery. The other as The Young Crone, Brigid. Brigid lives in a cottage in the woods. She is often found at her door, waiting for and welcoming the Traveler, or at her hearth, tending the fire, telling stories and dispensing profound and highly sought after advice. She’s young by Crone standards, a mere child of 65, but she knows some shit. Would be folly to dismiss her.
3. The general “vibe” of my course will be “Mystical Lite.” A little mysterious–therefore a little more dark, shadowy, misty (thank you buddy JoAnn!). But NOT in any way spooky, scary, or halloween-ish. Mystery. Things that are know-able but that tend to be sheltered in the less visible world. Information, knowledge, understanding, wisdom that is earned by seeking. Blending fun and serious, profound with playful. I have a membership to both Video and Audio blocks and think I have some music to go along with Brigid.
4. After looking at my TEST video, I think I should go with brighter lighting for myself and continue to figure out a little more shadowy look for Brigid, who will most likely be dressed in various versions of black, maybe with some red and white (traditional colors assigned to the triple goddess). I have a blue, green, black and a white backdrop and have used the blue one quite a lot. It is nice, makes a good background if I want to add text or pictures or a chromakeyed background, but is rather stark as a simple background in my opinion.
P.S. If I use the background in the video, I will have to stay fairly close to the camera, as it is only a 5×7 throw and the edges show if I move the camera further away.I would love feedback/suggestions re:
a. the suitability of that background for myself. I’m still looking for one for Brigid.
b. I can get the lighting for myself brighter and more even. Wondering about the best look and position of lights for Brigid.
c. Sound was without a mic, as I have not been successful in finding a mic that actually works. Even with an adapter. Is the sound OK or should I keep trying to find an external mic?
d. Anything else you think of.Thanks!!!!!
February 25, 2016 at 2:14 pm #18462I like this backdrop a lot!
I think you might want to be farther in front of it. And I’d like to see something else framing you, just to create the impression that you’re in a space, not just sitting in front of a backdrop. It could be something simple, like weathered wood on either side, some branches, some vases with branches. I’m a big fan of bare branches as a very simple (and often even free) way of transforming a space! They can be painted or not, you can string lights in them or strips of fabric or all kinds of interesting things to add texture. You can also buy some nice twisty branches in the home decor department at WalMart or lots of craft places. They’d create a feeling of a “grove,” which is appropriate for a school of practical mystery.
Branches are just the first thing that comes to my mind as a very simple way to create the sense of space and depth without a lot of cost or effort.
I know you hadn’t dressed for this, but as a suggestion I’d go with a top that’s all a dark colour. Your jacket was perfect. If you go with any of the colours in the backdrop, that would be ideal, and you have lots of great colours to choose from!
The lighting should definitely be more full and even. Having it only on one side isn’t flattering, to you or to your lovely backdrop!
If you sit farther forward, then you can be more fully lit without casting a lot more light on the backdrop, which is bright enough right now, I think.
The sound does need to be clearer. There’s no problem with it, it just sounded like your voice dropped at points.
It’s a great start!
February 25, 2016 at 2:16 pm #18464I’m wondering if you could put this backdrop over, say, the black backdrop, then if you add something in front of it on either side, like branches or whatever, even though the edges of the throw will show, you’re still adding to that sense of it being a larger and mysterious space.
February 26, 2016 at 5:39 pm #18548Awesome start @sharynwa
– I liked the back drop, I also support @joannturnip idea of having something else in their like some branches or a bouquet of flowers in a cool vase. Personally i recommended getting them right from the forest over buying them from walmart, just to add to the mystical element and authenticity of it.
– I do feel you were a touch close, if there is any way you can zoom out or move the camera back even a touch I think it would be more comfortable for your audience.
– I can’t wait to see you dressed up in costume with a script, you seem like a natural in front of the camera!
– As for lighting, there were shadows on your face that moved as you turned your head, I found this a little distracting. I think you are on the right track with making it a bit brighter though and maybe try to make the lighting more even and consistent across the whole area.
– I definitely think you should keep looking for audio equipment. I could hear a fuzz the whole time. I have been doing a bunch of research into audio lately and am realizing what a HUGE difference real good audio makes in how a video is received. I just purchased a Zoom H1 external audio recorder that I have heard a lot of ppl recommend. As well as a Giant Squid Lavilear Lapel Microphone $52. I just did my first test recording with them today and plan on editing tonight. I’ll let you know if I am happy with them in the next cpl of days. Andy also made some suggestions for mics and other gear in another post in Camp Medias. check out these links if your interested in the mic I got and hearing some sound comparisons:
– Giant Squid –
– Mic Comparisons –
– Purchase Giant Squid –
– Zoom H1 Recorder –
Hope this helps, and thanks for being the pioneer in Camp Medias!
February 26, 2016 at 5:54 pm #18553Yay!!!!!
So great!
I don’t have time at the moment for a thorough reply, though one thing I can quickly point out is this: I am noticing a bit of background noise, kinda like a “hissing”.. I’d recommend you keep hunting for a microphone – it will make a HUGE difference in the production quality and professionalism..
So you are looking for an ipad compatible mic correct?
February 27, 2016 at 9:15 am #18595Thank you all for the EXCELLENT feedback! I am SO APPRECIATIVE. Am in the process of gathering a few more prop elements and will be playing with various lighting options.
To @chrisg and @andyfreist – yes, I am looking for a mic that will work on my iPad mini and iPhone 6. I’ve tried several small lavilear mics, but not none really work. If I can find one that is wireless, that would be ideal.
Thanks again!!!!!
February 27, 2016 at 11:49 am #18598Great job @sharynwa, our first media creator going up the mountain. I echo everything that’s been said here. For a good mic, perhaps consider this:
We use the Zoom iQ5 for my iPhone5 and it does the trick.
I think now I want to turn the question back to you.
If you were your WHO arriving here, how would you respond.
Rewatch the video and answer the following. Rate each on a scale of 1-10:
– Background
– Sound
– Lighting
– Congruency with your themeHow can you improve where you’re going with this?
Is there any creative ideas that you haven’t thought of that would raise you to a 10/10?I think what’s most important is that you create something that YOU feel really really good about. ๐
Great work Sharyn!!
February 27, 2016 at 4:48 pm #18614Hey Brad, just checked out the link to that mic. It looks like it is designed to be used as a directional mic being pointed out of the end of the phone. Does that mean it’s not set up to record video out of the phone and audio at the same time? Or can you configure it differently?
I’m looking for a good mic that would mount on the iOgrapher.
Do you know if this one you recommended could be used with this set up?
February 27, 2016 at 7:06 pm #18621I am REALLY liking everything that iographer offers – I dont have any personal experience, but it just feels like quality to me.. Check this out: – they have all the connections needed to connect this to iphone.. Chris linked to their site above as well ๐
February 28, 2016 at 8:07 am #18640Overall pretty good for a test video.
Lighting – you appear to have a window / light source to the side of you. Can you move your set up so that you face the window and the ipad is between you and the window? That should help a lot with providing better lighting overall. If you can’t move, and you add lighting, try to block off whatever that side light source is.
Agree with raising the tripod. A common flattering position is having the camera positioned slightly higher so is angled down instead of up.
February 29, 2016 at 8:18 am #18673@lorrainewatson, thank you. Yes I do have a window–had light blocking curtains up, but obviously that’s not working so well! Will do what I can to get backdrop turned and work with re-positioning lighting. Having to deal with an unusually shaped ceiling, but belief you are absolutely correct in getting my camera re-positioned if at all possible. Thanks again for taking a look.
February 29, 2016 at 1:20 pm #18719I just watched it again @sharynwa and wanna say: You’re really great on camera! You’re going to be really enjoyable for your students to learn from.
I’d also like to see the camera a little further away. It will create more of a scene for people. The backdrop is great, but as JoAnn said, how can you turn the backdrop into more of an interesting set?
I’m excited for you!
February 29, 2016 at 1:24 pm #18723Hi Sharyn,
Just saw your coaching question submission – we will talk about this on the call Wednesday. And for now, I just want to point out that those iographer kits chris and I linked to above will allow you to record the audio AND video all at the same time.
That said, even if you went the route of recording the audio on one device and video on another, its actually quite simple to merge them together. Its just two steps instead of one. So don’t let that discourage you – you would be able to get the hang of it no problem and you have a team on your side ๐
Check out the iographer kits – – As they offer an all-in-one solution which allows you to record everything from a single iphone/ipad and even mount it to a tripod/etc..
March 1, 2016 at 12:29 pm #18767Thanks, @andyfreist. I have been looking at the iographer kits again and now just trying to settle on the mic. I posted this to the coaching section, so will wait until after the call tomorrow to place an order, just to be sure I am heading down “the middle way,” meaning not unnecessarily expensive given all of the other costs coming up and not so cheap as to not get the job done. Gradually realizing how important voice/audio quality is for my purposes, and that I can’t afford to short-change this aspect.
March 3, 2016 at 1:36 pm #18919Get this:
And make sure you read the description to get the right cord to hook it up to your iphone/ipad ๐
Here’s a direct link to the cord:
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