Oops thanks Jennifer~ here is the quiz I just havent got the follow up responses ready. I’m needing to figure out how to have an automated response system still.
Alright friendly mountain folk I ended up detouring to a whole other side of this mountain and on my great quest of sharing my ideas with the many willing forest creatures along the path I finally made it back to the trail! Ready to take all I’ve been developing and turn it into some cyber magic!
Welcome back <span class=”handle-sign”>@</span>deepsouljourney
I have been on the mountain since it was born out of the massive tectonic plate shifts of the Earth. I launched one course almost immediately but my second bigger project It has been a work in progress for over a year and a half now with many divergent trips to the backside of the Mountain. Glad you made back to the crew to keep ascending. I’m looking forward to hearing your next steps and supporting each others climb.
Yup @chrisg I never left the mountain even if I’ve been not engaged outwardly for the last 9 months! I’ve been taking my class to the roads and teaching on a tour so have lots to work with now.