<span style=”line-height: 1.8;”>Pretty much anything they didn’t teach you in school. ex. consciousness, meaning of life, entrepreneurship, politics, ancient history, etc etc</span>
Why I signed up for The Great eCourse Adventure:
I signed up for the Great E Course because I do not want to work for someone else for the rest of my life. I want to create a lifestyle where i can work from anywhere I am and make my own hours. I believe that we are able to create our own realities and that is what I am here to do.
What kind of e-course I want to create:
I want to create an educational E course. Where after people take it they will have a better understanding of how the world around them works and also a better understanding of themselves.
What makes me come most alive is:
What makes me most alive is when i get to share what I have learned with other people. I love to have intellectual conversations with people and learn and teach. There is always more to learn and I love to share that with others to help them in their journeys.
I look forward to being on this awesome adventure with all of you and cannot wait to see what else awaits us on this mountain. Happy climbing people 🙂
I love it Rodo. We’ve got plenty in common my friend. No doubt this is going to be an place for inspiration, clarity and solutions to help you create the freedom you speak of.
I’m sure you’ll love the creative vision quest that lies ahead. Stay rooted in you, open to the inspiration and have fun each and every step ahead.
It’s going to be excited to see what direction you choose to take your eCourse the higher we climb!